Mo Yi suddenly trembled and found that his life seemed a little worse again.

Sister-chan, who thought she would be able to complete her transformation in a few years, has undergone a shocking change today, and we don’t know what will happen in the coming days.

Now add Xue Miao, if sister-chan succeeds, she will definitely live a bleak and happy life. It is estimated that if she doesn't lock him up, he won't have the strength to escape.

Because the Nakiri family is too big, after being abused by Erina in various ways like a monster girl, she would never have the strength to escape.

Thinking of such a cute scene, Mo Yi shuddered again, and warned himself in his heart that he must be careful. You have the hopes of many people at the same time. If you fail, Yakumo's friends will have no books to read. , they will definitely die if they are mentally poisoned.

Therefore, he must not lose to his cute little sister-chan.

"Forget it, I still want to go back to the rooftop to meet Teacher Shizi for a while. She might have already lost her temper."

After Mo Yi said something self-deprecatingly, he turned around and went back.

————The dividing line of the rooftop————

As soon as he walked out of the rooftop door, Mo Yi saw Kasumigaoka Shiyu standing, holding a book and reading with her back to him.

Sunshine, blue sky, white clouds, breeze, and girls seem to be intertwined into a peaceful painting of time.

Teacher Zhen Shizi, who had been waiting for a long time, turned around when he heard the footsteps, with a half-smiling expression, looked into Mo Yi's eyes, and asked:

"Am I beautiful, my front desk gentleman?"

Chapter 156: Of course you are the most beautiful

Faced with Kasumigaoka Shiyu's question, the honest young gentleman Mo naturally answered truthfully:

"Of course the back table-chan is beautiful, Fuyuki school belle, she deserves the title!"

"Then I will accept your compliment without any courtesy, Mo Yijun."

Teacher Zhen Shizi said meaningfully:

"Aren't you going to refute me? I will take it seriously."

Mo Yi naturally knew that the other party was referring to the title of 'my front desk gentleman'. Usually Mo Yi would choose to complain about her, but he just made her wait for him here for so long, so naturally he wanted to make her think that it was a successful routine. Have fun yourself.

Although classmate Shi Yu kept smiling like a flower at this moment, Mo Yi didn't really think that the other party was no longer angry. It was his fault in the first place, so why not make the other party happy?

However, the other party usually would not say it out loud, and would only laugh triumphantly, but today he abnormally said it plainly, which shows that the back table-chan is still a little moody.

Mo Yi, who was still pretending to be confused, smiled and said:

"Of course what I said is true. You are beautiful, Shiyu."

Teacher Dirty Shizi: "..."

Don't think that if you say something nice, I'll let you go.

I know you are not that easy to give in. Teacher Zhen Shizi hated you secretly, but the smile on her face was still bright and beautiful.

In this regard, Teacher Zhen Shizi is completely different from Xue Miao. Xue Miao pretends to be unhappy when she is happy, while Kasumigaoka Shiyu pretends to be happy when she is unhappy.

"Then Mo Yi-kun, do you think I am more beautiful, or Yukinoshita-san?"

Teacher Zhen Shizi asked maliciously:

"Don't fool me with Dumei's words. What I'm talking about is your personal vision and standards, so there are no different answers."

Mo Yi: "..."

The question came so quickly, so he knew that Teacher Zhen Shizi would not let him go so easily, and blocked the perfect answer that countless male compatriots had sacrificed their lives for in advance - all are beautiful, different beauties, each has its own merits.

Under such circumstances, do I have any other choice, Mr. Shizizi?

"Of course Shiyu-chan is more beautiful..."

Mo Yi looked at Teacher Zhen Shizi seriously and said with a serious gaze as if he were worshiping:

"At this moment and here, the most beautiful thing in my heart is you."

That's right, because at this moment, I only have you in my eyes, so there is no problem with this answer. Even if you accidentally told Xue Miao about this, I can prove my innocence with reasonable evidence.

"What a cunning front desk gentleman——"

Teacher Dirty Shizi glanced at Mo Yi angrily. Back Desk Jiang, who was well aware of Mo Yi's tricks, instantly heard the other person's true intentions from the seemingly complimentary words behind him.

After getting to know each other for more than a year, she naturally knew that Mo Yi didn't like to lie, or that he had never lied when getting along with her. In the past, when faced with such situations, the other party's approach was often to choose to say something ambiguous, or Saying part of it and not saying part achieves the same effect as lying.

"However, since you are not attracted by the snow girl and have your soul sucked dry, I won't argue with you anymore."

Teacher Zhenshizi, the snow girl you talk about seems to be the snow girl in Onmyoji. Is this really a good metaphor for Snow Meow?

Her hands-on ability is really better than yours, and she will beat you to tears.

"What are you looking at? Come sit here."

Kasumigaoka Shiu sat on the public chair, patted the place next to her gently, and said with a smile:

"We don't have much time, so we have to hurry up."

"If we finish it early, we can also play games on our mobile phones. I recently downloaded a masturbation game called "Thunder" from Yakumo House. It's really fun."

I, Mo Yi, will not believe what Teacher Zhen Shizi said. She clearly downloaded it while Mo Yi was chasing Xuemiao.

Teacher Shizizi, do you really want to play a plane game that kills people?

Actually, I have a more interesting airplane game here.


Forget it, you can't be led astray by Teacher Shizizi. If this guy finds out, he will definitely make fun of you, you are a cunning little fox.

After Mo Yi put his whims and thoughts into the trash can, he sat next to the other party unceremoniously without showing any shyness.

"I really miss it——"

Teacher Zhen Shizi moved gently a few times, then leaned against the other party again, and said quietly:

"I really miss my former front desk gentleman. If I had done this before, you would have definitely moved aside and taught me a lesson seriously."

"For example, Kasumigaoka-san, I am not a casual person. Please keep your distance."

"I really thought you were that kind of humble gentleman at first. It wasn't until you taught me a lot of taboo knowledge that I realized that the second half of the sentence "I'm not a casual person" is the key point. If you are casual, you are not a human being."

"My moral integrity is gone forever."

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