Teacher Shizizi, I can't accept your blame. It's obvious that you were curious about my works and begged me to show them to you. After reading them, you went to Yakumo's house to travel by yourself. I didn't force you. How is this my fault?

Moreover, when you were still a lonely literary girl Kasumi Shiko, you would not approach me without saying anything like you do now, and the distance was too close.

At this time, I finally discovered that Xue Miao was right, you are indeed a cow spirit.

"Classmate Shiyu, what about the serious things we agreed on?"

Mo Yi ignored the other party's teasing and seemed not to notice the other party's current behavior and said:

"Besides, I didn't take the initiative to teach you those things. I even advised you that a good boy should not come into contact with a bad boy like me. You didn't listen and you bumped into me."


Kasumigaoka Shiyu said with a bad smile:

"Isn't this Master Yakumo's hard-to-get trap? I used to be too naive and thought you were a good person, Mo Yi-kun. Once I understood, I could never look back."

"Now others regard Master Shiko as Master Yakumo's accomplice. Poor me, I have no way out."

"Hmph——, you only said these sarcastic words after knowing that I had no way to escape from your sinful hands. You really are a very evil Mo Yijun."

Mo Yi: "..."

If you were not talking about me, I would almost believe it.

I don't think anyone who behaves uprightly and stands uprightly, but has ever done something unkind, how come in your mouth he becomes a scumbag who forces good girls into prostitution and seduces ignorant girls?

"Forget it, I, a miserable person, have already accepted my fate."

Teacher Zhen Shizi continued to use her acting skills as a junior, with tears in her eyes, she suppressed the sadness in her heart, showed a pale smile, and said:

"I am no longer pure. I just ask Mo Yijun not to abandon me and let me lose my last place of peace of mind."

"Can you satisfy my humble request, Mo Yijun?"

Can we talk properly, Shiyu-san?

If others hear it, they will really misunderstand it, and then your legion of guardian knights will attack me with righteous indignation.

You know, I haven't been a big brother for many years, so don't force me to take action.

Chapter 157: What, it’s easy to get sick

"It's already dark?"

Mo Yi looked up at the sky outside the window and muttered:

"But it's finally done."

Looking at the game plan on the table, Mo Yi put it away with satisfaction and prepared to go home alone.

"Are you done?"

As soon as Mo Yi stepped out of the school gate, he was stopped by a familiar crisp voice behind him.

Mo Yi turned around and saw that it was Xue Miao carrying a schoolbag.

Although I have long been accustomed to going home alone, it is always a happy thing to be waited for by someone, and the person waiting for me is someone I care about.

Seeing Xue Miao turning her face sideways and looking at him with a disgusting test, Mo Yi couldn't help but curl up a smile on his lips.

"Is it because of the matters in the service department that you are so late?"

I wanted to say, are you waiting for me? Or are you not angry anymore?

But this seems to be a good deal, and with Xue Miao's personality, she might get into trouble again.

"Hmph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)——"

Xue Miao looked at the rare gentle smile on Mo Yi's face, and the anger in her heart towards Mo Yi also decreased a lot, but of course she would not show it, and still said in a condescending and cold tone:

"Waiting for you specially."

Mo Yi: "..."

Why did Xue Miao become so proactive? How should I respond to her?

"Lest you have your soul sucked away by the opposite sex on the way, and then attack innocent women."

Well, Mo Yi hadn't figured out how to express his gratitude, but Xue Miao's words directly shattered Mo Yi's fantasy.

Sure enough, I was still too naive. How could Snow Cat, a vengeful cat, not be angry?

Speaking of the reason why Xue Miao was angry, apart from what happened this morning, the more important thing was the stunt inspection after school.

After school, Mo Yi naturally went to the game club, but halfway there he encountered Xue Miao blocking his way.

Then, he was pulled into a corner by Xue Miao with quick eyes and hands, and then she sniffed him for a while like a cat, then unexpectedly bit him on the shoulder, and ran away.

I thought that the other party was just joking at noon, but I didn't expect that he would actually check the smell of his body.

Although he was a gentleman, he still couldn't stop Shizizi's enthusiasm, and the other person's scent was inevitably stuck on his body. Unexpectedly, Xue Miao also asked about the smell brought about by such a slight contact.

Xue Miao did not come to future club activities. According to Ying Lili, Xue Miao came before her arrival and said that there was something going on in the service department today and she would not participate in the game club today.

"Yukino-chan, I think your misunderstanding of me is getting more and more serious. Why have I become a pervert who attacks women on the way?"

Mo Yi complained helplessly:

"As long as you are willing to spend money, you can't find any kind of girl. Anyway, I am so poor that all I have left is money."


Xue Miao cursed coldly and walked past Mo Yi, but the speed was very slow, and the hidden meaning was obvious - hurry up and keep up.

"With me here, you can never do such immoral things."

Mo Yi smiled silently, followed, and joked:

"Why is it immoral? Others have to work hard, and I have to pay for it to meet their own needs."


Xuemiao naturally knew what Mo Yi was talking about. As far as she knew, this kind of thing was not uncommon among high school students. However, Mo Yi said it so confidently. She still felt ashamed and didn't know how to criticize the other person. Vulgar words.

Facing Xue Miao's poisonous tongue attack, Mo Yi, who had long been immune to it, simply ignored it and followed up with the opponent a little faster, walking side by side in silence.

Until Xue Miao, whose face was a little red, asked with hesitation and a trembling voice:

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