"Is it?"

With Scathach's eyesight, he could naturally see that Mo Yi was not bluffing, unless the other party's control of emotions was so perfect that he could deceive his own eyes that had stared into the abyss.

Although this is just a small game, Scathach, who is used to winning, will not take it lightly. This is both a test for Mo Yi and a challenge from Mo Yi.

After being defeated by the seemingly ordinary boy in front of him, Cu Chulainn, his most proud disciple, was unable to fight back, and even his precious phantom was taken away.

Scathach naturally wants to help Cu Chulainn regain his position, but the most important reason is that if the opponent is really that strong, he should be able to realize his dream——

Kill her in a duel!

Chapter 161: Thanks to Sister Jiang for her many years of training

Scathach's deep burgundy eyes looked closely into Mo Yi's eyes, revealing an unprecedented seriousness, but he still could not find the slightest flaw in Mo Yi's expression.

To put it simply, Mo Yi's face was always so confident, as if he was about to win.

"Could it be that the other party has already taken action?"

Even the confident Scathach rarely doubted his own judgment. The card on his right was not a ghost card.

"It seems that Scathach has begun to doubt his own judgment."

Mo Yi thought:

"I have been fighting wits and courage with my sister for so many years. In order to avoid my sister seeing through my inner thoughts at a glance, the training I have put in over the years is no joke."

"Even Scathach can only obey my acting skills at the level of an acting emperor!"

"Come on, use your ability to predict the future quickly. When staring into the abyss, don't forget that the abyss is also staring at you, Shi-chan."

"Is it really that strong? Can't you even see any traces of it?"

Scathach's expression became more and more serious, and he exuded a cold aura. He placed his right hand on the playing card on Mo Yi's left hand, and the ability called 'Wisdom from the Magic Mirror' was activated instantly——

"It's actually a ghost card!"

In the foreseeable future, the card I drew turned out to be a ghost card?

Has the other party taken action without his knowing it?

So, Scathach let go of the card and placed it on the ghost card on the right, which she had memorized with her naked eyes, and also observed Mo Yi's expression.

However, Mo Yi still maintained a confident smile, with an expression that looked like every card was a ghost.

Regarding the changes on the field, Xuemiao has been observing through the reflection of the glass window. At first, he thought that Scathach would directly draw the ordinary playing card on the left, but he did not expect that the opponent actually hesitated at the moment of victory?

Although she didn't know what happened, she also guessed that Mo Yi used unknown means to confuse Scathach's judgment.

When Scathach put his hand on the ghost card, Mo Yi knew that this game was going to be won.

If you are an ordinary person, you should use your acting skills at this time to make your pupils fluctuate for a moment, pretending that this playing card is a real card.

Of course, such an expression cannot avoid Scathach's sharp gaze.

If the opponent is an ordinary smart person, such as Miss Yukinoshita, this move will definitely deceive the opponent.

But for a sage like Scathach, it would only make her suspicious and become the biggest flaw, so Mo Yi could deceive Scathach as long as he kept his confident smile.

After the last attempt failed again, Scathach was in a dilemma.

Do you believe in your initial observations or the wisdom gained over thousands of years?

After a few seconds of thinking, Scathach's right hand on the ghost card twitched hard.

Scathach was stunned when he saw the ghost card on his right hand, and then smiled. It was not the smile before, but a bright smile from the heart.

The indifferent temperament on his body was instantly diluted, and he truly showed his charm.

Even Xue Miao, who is also of the opposite sex, was attracted by the charm displayed by the other party for a moment. After the movie came back, he looked at Mo Yi with his peripheral vision and found that the other party did not show fascination or even scorn like the male gays among the melon-eating crowd. Brother's appearance, I was finally satisfied for once.

It seems that the other party is not hopeless.

However, how did Xue Miao know that before he could react, Mo Yi's eyes had already imprinted Scathach's current appearance. After returning home, he could draw various styles of Scathach in one minute just by thinking about it. .

"I lost--"

It's not a failure for Scathach to draw the ghost card. Now he just handed over the initiative to Mo Yi, and there is still a chance for a comeback.

However, the proud Scathach directly put the playing cards in his hand on the table and admitted defeat:

"I remember Mo Yijun said before that what you see with your eyes may not be true. I didn't expect that I was still deceived by my own eyes."

"The ghost cards have always been there, but I lost to the hesitation in my heart and past experience. Mo Yijun really taught me an impressive lesson."

Scathach looked at Mo Yi with a bright smile like an epiphyllum, and thought to himself——

I finally waited.

He has power that far exceeds that of his proud disciples, and wisdom that is enough to defeat him - someone who can kill me.

"Mo Yijun——"

Scathach took out a piece of paper from his body and put it on the table, pushed it in front of Mo Yi and said:

"That's what I call intelligence."


As the polite and graceful final boss, Mo Yi naturally thanked the other party before receiving the other party's paper. Then he thought of something important and said:

"Miss Scathach, I wonder if you are interested in my job offer?"

"I invite you with great sincerity to become the spokesperson of Yakumo House. The workload is small, the benefits are good, and the salary is high."

"Anyway, conditions and remuneration can be negotiated."

Snow Meow: "..."

She didn't know what Yakumo House was before, so she didn't think of it. Now when she heard Mo Yi mention it, she couldn't help but feel unhappy.

The spokesperson's job is just to wear clothes that match the product to attend press conferences, performances, or take photos.

What is Yakumo's House? Don't you, Mo Yi, have any secrets in your heart?

Your Moyi's intention in inviting Scathach to join the Yakumo House is simply Sima Zhao's intention, and everyone knows it.

Definitely taking advantage of the opportunity of work, unspoken rules for Scathach.

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