Damn it!

Fortunately, I thought you had changed your gender before. It seems I was still too naive. Why is Master Yakumo not Yakumo?

Most of the melon-eating people here eat the ice cream with their eyes and have some delusions, but you, Mo Yi, actually want to put it directly into the bowl and eat it. It's so evil.

Xue Miao looked at Scathach coldly, although she was indeed very attractive, the most attractive woman she had ever spoken of.

However, it cannot hide the fact that the other party is a thousand-year-old woman.

And what's going on recently?

There are cow spirits running rampant everywhere, it seems that the world is filthy again.

But bang, it’s so snappy.

In order to save this guy Mo Yi, I have to give him a good education and cure his heart that is about to be twisted by the cow spirit after I go back, so that he can understand again that bigger is not better, but moderate size is the best.

Regarding the gaze of a little girl like Yukinoshita Yukinoshita, even if she maintains her usual cold expression, it is still impossible to deceive Scathach's eyes that can see through people's hearts.

Regarding Snow Cat's subtle hostility, Scathach couldn't help but feel amused——

What an interesting girl!

She is obviously a dirty magician, but she is far simpler and more pure than ordinary girls.

How could she get together with Mo Yi, a guy who even I can't see through?

In other words, it was this unusual simplicity that allowed him to get along with Mo Yi.

Chapter 162: I will feel uncomfortable if you doubt me

"I'm very interested in Mo Yijun's job offer."

Naturally, Scathach refused Mo Yi's invitation. After all, Mo Yi had the possibility of making her wish come true.

"After this Holy Grail War is over, I will visit Mo Yijun again. I hope you won't dislike it."

"Just leave some time for me to understand Mo Yijun's work content and remuneration issues."

Of course, the more important reason is that Scathach's current body is just that of a servant, and it is meaningless even if he is killed.

It is not a simple matter for the real body to enter the real world from the Kingdom of Shadows. She needs to make a lot of preparations and arrange the future affairs of the Kingdom of Shadows.

"Then I look forward to your joining, Miss Scathach."

Mo Yi looked serious and had a somewhat joyful tone, which completely fit the image of a talent-hungry CEO, if he did not represent the House of Yakumo.

"Then don't disturb Mo Yijun and Miss Yukinoshita Yukino's happy time together."

Scathach, who was in a happy mood, made a rare joke, then stood up and left:

"Looking forward to our next meeting, Mo Yijun."


Snow Cat under the Snow looked at Mo Yi looking at Scathach's back with a thoughtful expression, and muttered unhappily:

"Mo Yi, the other party is an enemy now, not an employee of Yakumo House who is subject to your unspoken rules."

Mo Yi: "..."

Ms. Xue Miao, what you said makes me feel like I can make unspoken rules for the employees of Yakumo House.

Do you know that I am very aggrieved? Not to mention that I am not such a hungry guy, but also that my sister-chan has thought of this possibility for a long time and has already arranged to go offline at Yakumo House. I dare to do such a good thing ?

Although the angry Yukinoshita Yukino is much cuter and more interesting than the cold Yukinoshita Yukino before, Mo Yi also knows that he can't make the other party angry at this time, and the snow cat will naturally return to normal in a few minutes.

So, he ignored Xuemiao, opened the information Scathach gave him, and quickly figured out the changes that had occurred in the Black Fang camp.

First of all, the black camp has no plans to attack the red camp in Fuyuki City. Instead, it is preparing a super large magic spell, a super large ceremony that can cover the entire Fuyuki City.

In addition, more and more forces from the Magician Association are stationed in District 11, and they seem to be planning something.

According to Scathach's inference, Black's Master did not succeed in the Holy Grail War through normal means, but conspired with the Magicians Association to plan something, not necessarily the Holy Grail.

After reading the information, Mo Yi looked at the scene outside the window thoughtfully. He was not afraid of the other party, but felt that the other party's next actions might affect a large number of citizens in Fuyuki City.

It's not that he can't take the initiative to knock him down, but that after leaving Fuyuki City, he won't be able to rely on the Fuyuki Great Barrier built over many years when facing a powerful opponent.

Naturally, you need to use your own power. If you provoke an opponent of the same level, it will inevitably cause greater trouble. For example, the aftermath of the battle is enough to sink District 11.

Mo Yi was able to occupy Fuyuki City openly and without any interference from powerful opponents. In addition to his own strength, he also had two major inhibitory forces secretly assisting him. For an existence like Mo Yi that could endanger the safety of the world, he could be comforted in a small place. , it is not a bad thing to let Mo Yi farm in Fuyuki City.

"It's really a headache."

After reading the information, Mo Yi handed it to Xuemiao and muttered.

"Yukino, let's go back."

A few minutes later, Mo Yi smiled at Xue Miao, who had a heavy face and was thinking deeply:

"It's useless to think too much. Go back and discuss with them before thinking about countermeasures."


After hearing this, Xue Miao looked up and saw Mo Yi with a careless smile on his face, and his heavy heart relaxed a lot.

However, you can't let him know your thoughts, otherwise he will laugh at you proudly.

————The dividing line on the way back————

"Mo Yi, how did you make Scathach change his mind before-"

On the way, Xue Miao asked the question that she had been thinking about for a long time but had not figured out:

"She knew which card was the ghost card from the beginning, so why did she make a mistake in the end?"

Along the way, I watched Xue Miao lowering her head and thinking about something. I thought she was thinking about the intelligence problem brought by Scathach, but she didn't expect that she was thinking about this matter.

Since the other party was interested, Mo Yi explained his general strategy.

First of all, you must always maintain an air of confidence in winning, and focus on your heart.

Take advantage of the sage's worrying personality to force the other party to use the ability to predict the future, and then use that ability to let the other party see the picture you have woven.

"What are you so proud of——"

Seeing Mo Yi's proud look, Xuemiao couldn't help but complain:

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