"Isn't this cheating?"

After hearing this, Xue Miao also felt that the other party was quite powerful.

If we talk about cheating, it was Scathach who used his abilities to cheat first, and the rest was just a psychological game.

"Simply put, you are a great liar. You have even deceived mythical figures like Scathach."

Xuemiao suddenly thought that Mo Yi could even deceive Scathach, so how easy would it be to deceive herself? She didn't know how many times she had deceived him before.

So, is the man in front of him the real him? Or, the Mo Yi he knows is just an illusion created by the other party to deceive Scathach.

Thinking of this, Xue Miao couldn't help but hesitate in her heart, fearing that everything in front of her was just an illusion, a scam created by the other party because it was interesting. When the other party got tired of playing this game, he would become a completely unfamiliar Mo Yi. .

"Mo Yi, are you also a scam now?"

Xuemiao suddenly stopped, looked at Mo Yi who turned around and looked at him with concern and confusion, and asked in a slightly heavy tone:

"If so, can you please stop this game, because we will take it seriously."

Mo Yi: "..."

When did Xue Miao suffer from persecution delusion, or did the literary young woman's illness worsen, and she began to feel sad again.

Mo Yi, who was about to complain about the other party's overthinking, saw for the first time the emotions of vulnerability and fear in the other party's firm eyes.

Under the moonlight, Yukinoshita Yukino's thin figure looked even more fragile and beautiful, which made Mo Yi come to this conclusion inexplicably:

She is very lonely, just like the snow at night, falling alone, and when morning comes, it melts alone.

At this moment, Yukinoshita Yukino is very serious.

"Yukishita Yukino, I tell you very seriously——"

Mo Yi's shadow under the street lamp was intertwined with the shadow of the other party. He looked at the other party seriously, and his tone was calm, but it made Xue Miao feel that this was the most serious time the other party had spoken to him.

"Everything you see is real. I am real at this moment, and you are real at this moment."

"Don't doubt me on this issue in the future, because if you doubt me like this, I will be angry and sad."

Chapter 163: Medea


Looking at Mo Yi under the street lamp, Xue Xia Xue Miao's heart suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Did the other party also have such a mood at this time?

However, looking at the intertwined reflections at the feet of the two of them, I originally felt that I was very far away from each other, but now I have become very close, so close that I have never been close before, as if I could reach out my right hand and touch it.

However, she still couldn't help but reach out her right hand and touch the other person like a shadow on the ground. Even after uttering the most feeble "I'm sorry" that she had ever felt, she could no longer utter any other words. One word.

She worked hard and wanted to do something, but she just couldn't do it.

"Since you have admitted your mistake, Yukino-chan, I will forgive you."

Mo Yi returned to his old smile again, with that careless look that Xue Miao hated the most, and said:

"Then let's go back, they are still waiting for us to eat."

Xue Miao breathed out a sigh of relief. She felt much more fulfilled than before, but she felt that she had missed a good opportunity. She looked at Mo Yi and said:


————The dividing line after meals————

"Shirou, it's so late, where are you going for a stroll?"

When Shirou Emiya heard Mo Yi's shout, he turned around and saw Mo Yi sitting in the entrance hall, looking at him with a half-smiling expression, and said awkwardly:

"Get ready to go to Liudong Temple to find Issei."

"Is it?"

Mo Yi looked at the embarrassed Hero Wei Gong in a funny way and joked:

"Aren't you looking for a blue-haired beauty?"


When Shirou Emiya heard Mo Yi's words, he was stunned. He wanted to cover it up with an awkward smile, but he couldn't even lift his lips. He didn't know what to do for a moment.

Mo Yi patted the floor next to him and said:

"Come and sit."

"You knew already?"

Hero Wei Gong had no choice but to lower his head and walk to Mo Yi's side. He touched his face with his right index finger and explained:

"Caster was afraid that there would be misunderstandings with you, so I didn't tell you."

"Actually, she is not a bad person and has not done anything bad."

"I know what you said. If she had done anything bad, I would have sent her back to the Hall of Valor long ago."

Mo Yi waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Let's talk about what happened to you these days."

"I remember that you went out almost every night this week."


When Hero Wei Gong discovered that Mo Yi had discovered what he thought no one had discovered, he inevitably felt ashamed and embarrassed, but he had no choice but to confess in front of Mo Yi.

Although they are about the same age, their status in Emiya's family is very different.

After so many years of lessons, he could only give in, and then began to detail the experiences of these days.

A week ago, on his way to Liudong Temple to find his classmate Liudong Issei, he met a blue-haired woman who fainted on the road.

The shredded rake of this world is not dead, but it still has a huge impact on Shirou Emiya. Although it has not reached the original twisted point of becoming a messenger of justice no matter what, the concept of helping others has not changed. How much has changed.

Facing the beauty who fainted on the ground, Hero Emiya naturally picked her up and sprinted at a speed of one hundred meters.

Next, after some understanding, Shirou Emiya realized that the other party was a heroic spirit who had lost his master after Medea's explanation.

Even though Medea threatened him with all kinds of words, she still couldn't resist the righteous partner, so she accepted Shirou Emiya's help and became his servant.

However, Medea only believed in Shirou Emiya, which did not mean she believed in others.

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