Therefore, after knowing the existence of Mo Yi and others, he did not choose to come out of the alliance.

after all. After the camp war, the duel still needs to continue until the last person wins the Holy Grail War.

If she was exposed, Emiya Shirou's own safety would be greatly threatened, so she still chose to hide in Ryudou Temple.

From this point of view, she was not wrong. This was all to protect herself and her Master.

This is the reason why Mo Yi compiled the information he got from Emiya Shirou.

After talking about Perfect Dia, Shirou Emiya still looked at Mo Yi with an embarrassed look on his face.

Although Mo Yi only stayed at Emiya's house in name, Hero Wei Gong had already regarded Mo Yi as his eldest brother. Since Kiritsugu was rarely at home, Mo Yi was the one who made the decisions at home.

Therefore, he was very nervous at the moment. He was afraid that if the other party made the decision to deal with Medea, then he would be in a dilemma of whether to help Medea, who has special feelings, or to defy his worship. Big brother.

However, his own magic ability was also guided by Mo Yi. Hero Wei Gong knew how powerful the other party was, and there was nothing he couldn't do as long as he wanted to.

In all these years, I have never seen anything that makes it difficult to get the other person.

Except for the other party's sister Erina, a girl who even Emiya Shirou found difficult to get along with, no one could stop him.

"Don't worry--"

Mo Yi looked at Shirou Emiya in a funny way. From his troubled expression and the details of his tone when he told the story before, one could guess:

Their relationship is not as simple as a master and a servant. In other words, they have an affair, or they may be developing towards one.

The other party has long been a family member in Mo Yi's heart, so naturally he won't do anything to beat the couple.

As for the problem of Medea being a Servant, it can be easily solved by letting Illya use the third method to materialize her soul and give it a body.

If the other party wants to, Mo Yi can also help the other party adjust their age and turn C's mother into C's son.

Although the royal sister is good, the loli is also very good. After all, the royal sister can only become a beautiful woman, while the loli otome can choose different evolution routes.

However, if you talk to the other person about this issue now, it will affect your majestic and perfect image in the other person's mind.

Mo Yi thought to himself, after the Holy Grail War is resolved and the heroic spirits consider whether to stay or leave, they should discuss this rigorous scientific issue with each other.

"You also heard our previous discussion in the living room."

Mo Yi continued:

"In the next few days, the Holy Grail War will become intense. It seems that the other side will not use normal fighting methods. It is very likely that they will directly attack the location of the Holy Grail, and the Great Holy Grail is under Ryudou Temple."

"Although Medea is a magician from the Gods and built a huge magic base at Liudong Temple, she is still too powerless under the attack of many heroic spirits and the Magician Association."

"For your safety, I leave it to you to persuade her to give up Liudong Temple and move in together."

Mo Yi patted Hero Wei Gong's shoulder with his right hand and said:

"Besides, always being sneaky is not an option. After the Holy Grail War is over, we will eventually bring her here to meet us."

Chapter 164: Illya as a sister


Hearing Mo Yi's meaningful words, Hero Wei Gong couldn't help but cough in embarrassment.

Although Hero Wei Gong is a man who wants to be a partner of justice, he also has the ideas that a boy should have, not to mention that Mo Yi sometimes asks him to help him deal with some work problems.

Under his dull and ignorant appearance, he has long developed the steely ambition of an experienced driver, so he can naturally hear Mo Yi's hidden meaning.

"Mo Yi, Medea and I don't have that kind of relationship."

Hero Wei Gong still felt that he could still use some treatment, so he quickly explained:

"We just have a simple relationship between Master and Servant, and we don't mess with the relationship between men and women."

This kid, do you think your acting skills can deceive the master's golden eyes and fiery eyes that can achieve the uncoded in the mind with the naked eye alone?

I saw right through your young and turbulent heart.

"I understand this. We don't have it now, but we can have it in the future. We have to look at the problem from a development perspective."

Mo Yi looked at the other person who was nervous, as if he was caught by his parents because of his puppy love, and joked:

"Furthermore, as long as you declare your love, become a couple, or get married, it is naturally not a random relationship between a man and a woman, but a legal act."

"Shirou, don't be cowardly. I'm behind you. If you don't have money for the date, you can ask me. Forget it, I'll go back and transfer some money to you later to use as love funds."

Emiya Shirou: "..."

His previous worries were indeed unnecessary. Shirou Emiya, who was embarrassed by Mo Yi's teasing, felt much relieved. He quickly figured it out. Mo Yi said before that after the Holy Grail War, didn't he mean that he had a way to make the servants Stay in this world?


A good boy who just asked questions when he didn’t understand, Hero Emiya asked in a low voice:

"Mo Yi, do you have a way to keep the heroic spirit in this world?"

"no problem."

Mo Yi stretched out his thumb and said with a smile:

"I can also help them get a human body, adjust their age, change their appearance, etc. It's all done properly, and it's still like getting pregnant."

"So, brave young man, go and create a miracle!"


Hero Wei Gong was once again overwhelmed by Mo Yi's flirtatious words, and had to cough to cover up the embarrassment in his heart and the fantasy that appeared at that moment.

"Mo Yi, then I'll set off. If I get there too late, Medea will be worried and even come out to look for me."

"Go ahead -"

Mo Yi, who was suddenly fed a bitch, complained:

"When doing things, remember not to use strengthening magic. You must understand the principles of breaking it off and stopping it when it is appropriate. Although I can cure it, the pain is dozens of times that of a woman giving birth."

Hero Emiya, who understood immediately, was once again freed from Master Yakumo's dirty words, quickly stood up and ran away with his hands waved.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Seeing the figure of Hero Emiya running away in an instant, he complained:

"Are young people today just impatient and so impatient?"

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