Xuemiao opened the door for two seconds at first, but immediately realized that it shouldn't be!

How could Mo Yi miss this good opportunity to make fun of himself? This is neither scientific nor magical.

No need to ask Yuan Fang, there must be something fishy in it!

So, Xue Miao looked at Mo Yi suspiciously for several seconds, but still couldn't see anything wrong.

Facing Xuemiao's gaze, Mo Yi felt a little nervous, but still kept a sincere smile on his face and asked:

"Is there anything else, Yukino?"

The doubts in Xue Miao's heart were not reduced by Mo Yi's flawless response, but when she heard Mo Yi ask her if there was anything else, her heart became confused again.

Because she did have something to ask Mo Yi, a very personal and shameful matter.

Facing Mo Yi's question, Xue Miao forgot the words she had thought up at the door of the room. She was impatient but didn't know how to move her mouth.

Finally, Xue Miao found the best excuse and said:

"I still have a lot of questions about the improved enhanced magic you taught me before, so I want to ask you again."

The first magic to teach them is strengthening magic, because both of them like to use strengthening magic to strengthen their strength. The magic that can enhance their strength within a few days must be strengthening magic.

If it is other types of magic, or magic from another world, it will take too long to learn.

Therefore, I gave them my improved strengthening magic.

However, now is not the time to talk about such unimportant matters.

Xuemiao, you are really a good student, no wonder your grades are so good.

It's just that Teacher Mo doesn't want to play with you anymore. There is another girl waiting for me to teach her the membrane technique.

"Uh (⊙o⊙)..., that's it."

Mo Yi clicked and said:

"No problem, but it's a bit late now. How about I answer your questions tomorrow?"

"Going to bed too late is not good for girls' skin."

Hum hum, what I said makes sense, Xuemiao should be able to understand the elegant meaning of the string.

Mo Yi's words made sense, but Xue Miao just felt something was wrong.

It is impossible for Mo Yi to be so understanding, and in just one week, she returned to the other person's daily practice of cultivating immortals and went to bed very late. Now it is only a little more than the other person, which is still very early.

As for caring about her skin problems, Xue Miao was very happy after hearing this, but she also knew that Mo Yi could not be so good, or that he had not reached such a point yet.

All in all, the other party is driving me away.

Of course, the more important thing is that she really has something important to tell Mo Yi. It is not a matter of study, but an issue that Mo Yi said at noon today, that the size can be changed using the membrane method.

Ahem, Xue Miao didn't want to change his body, he just wanted to create his own magic, probably a magic that can control the increase or decrease of fat in the other person's body with his eyes, so he asked about Mo Yi's film method.

The membrane method that Mo Yi said could change the body shape should be a great inspiration to her, so she asked Mo Yi this question.

Having said that, Xue Miao also knew that Mo Yi would not understand her good intentions and would probably take the opportunity to laugh at her.

But in order to learn the membrane technique and enhance her own strength, Xue Miao has decided to endure Mo Yi's ridicule.

Unexpectedly, I still couldn't say anything when it came to it.

"No, today's problem should be completed today."

Xue Miao quickly refused and said righteously:

"Are you really rushing out to do bad things that I don't know about?"

Mo Yi: "..."

Xuemiao, how could you be so witty?

This is not the Xuemiao I know. You should be easy to fool!

"You think too much, Yukino-chan."

I was a little panicked, but Mo Yi, who had been through countless Shura fields and survived, how could he show timidity in such a small scene and said calmly:

"Since you are so impatient, let's hurry up and explain."

——The dividing line between master Yakumo’s membrane technique learning time————

"Yukino, do you have any more questions?"

Mo Yi looked at the alarm clock on the table. Another hour had passed. He became more and more anxious and asked seriously.

"I see."

Xue Miao originally had no problem, but after listening to Mo Yi's explanation, she understood the magic knowledge Mo Yi explained more thoroughly, and then she became really addicted.

In my heart, I admire the other party more and more. He actually uses his knowledge of another world to transform magic that belongs to this world, and its effect and practicality are far better than the enhanced magic Xue Miao originally learned.

Studying is a boring thing, but the hour just now made her feel that time passed very quickly, and she even wished that it could continue forever.

However, it was indeed a bit late, and she also knew that Mo Yi might still be busy with work and could not give him any more fun.

Looking at Mo Yi's face and feeling the other person's eyes staring at her, Xue Miao mustered up the courage again and asked in a nonchalant tone:

"Didn't you say before that there is magic that can change the body shape, such as body fat-"

Xue Miao did not dare to make eye contact with Mo Yi, and endured the strange feeling in her heart and said:

"Can you teach me?"

It turns out that this is your real purpose. Mo Yi is wondering why Xue Miao's previous words and actions are so strange.

Mo Yi looked at Xue Miao with embarrassment, then glanced down consciously, and a voice of understanding naturally came out in his heart——

I suddenly understand you very well, Xuemiao. Let me save your life!

"What are you looking at, you pervert!"

Xue Miao, who had been paying attention to Mo Yi's reaction, could of course see Mo Yi's eyes at this moment. When he suddenly looked at her, she felt shy in her heart, but when she found that there was pity and understanding in his eyes, she instantly became angry from shame. He shouted angrily:

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just going to develop a magic that uses my gaze to control other people's physical condition, so I want to learn this type of magic from you."

"I'm so cute and perfect, I don't need such magical help!"

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