Of course, Xuemiao is so kind and will not use others as objects to practice magic. When the time comes, he can only practice and experience it with his own body, which is very reasonable.

Mo Yi: "..."

Xuemiao, don’t I know who you are?

Every cat has the dream to become a cow spirit, and I can understand that.

"no problem--"

If it were normal, Mo Yi would never let go of such a good opportunity to tease Xuemiao, but not tonight, so he showed an understanding look and said:

"I will compile the information in the next few days and give it to you. If you don't understand anything then, you can come to me at any time."

Chapter 168: Illya wants to change


After Xue Miao heard Mo Yi's promise, she didn't care why Mo Yi answered so simply and said quickly:

"Then I'll leave first. Good night."

"Sure enough, this is Xue Miao's true purpose."

Mo Yi saw Xue Miao running away quickly with bright red cheeks, and complained with a smile:

"You say you don't want it, but your body is very honest, Xuemiao."

We will leave the matter of Xue Miao for later. After Mo Yi saw Xue Miao leaving, he closed the door and locked it.

Absorbing the experience from the last time, Mo Yi decided not to sneak from the door this time, but from the window.

————The dividing line belonging to Illya————

"Dear Onii-chan, why aren't you here? Are you too busy with work? Should I take a look at his room?"

"No, I should believe Onii-chan. He will come back as soon as he says he will."

Lying on the pink-scented bed, Illya tossed and turned, looked at the alarm clock on the table, and muttered:

"It's already past two o'clock in the night, Onii-chan, Illya is really going to be angry."

"Bang bang——"

There was a knocking sound from the window next to the bed. Illya quickly looked around and saw Mo Yi looking at her with a smile from outside the wall.


"Onii-chan, you are so bad."

Illya bowed and opened the window, blushing and said:

"Why did you come in through the door?"


Mo Yi wanted to say that I wanted to give you a surprise, but when he saw Illya walking out of the quilt, Mo Yi was stunned.

I didn't notice it at first, but when her body with beautiful lines was completely exposed from the quilt, I couldn't help but notice it.

"Illya, how did you transform into a girl?"

You know, Illya can do this, but in the past, she would only transform herself into an adult to increase her momentum in order to teach herself a lesson.

Feeling Mo Yi looking at her, Illya lowered her head shyly and said:

"Come in quickly, Onii-chan."

"It will be troublesome if people misunderstand and see you outside."

After hearing Illya's words. In Mo Yi's mind, he couldn't help but imagine that someone shouted "There's a thief" outside, and then all the friends in Emiya's house appeared instantly, surrounding him in Illya's room.

It's really scary to think about it this way.

It would be better to wait a while before appreciating the girlish form of Illya, since the night is still long anyway.

Mo Yi looked at Ilia in pink pajamas with admiration and asked:

"Onii-chan, why don't you remember you wearing these pajamas?"

"This is a new one."

Feeling Onii-chan's admiring gaze, Illya endured her shyness and stretched her chest out, showing off her own charm.

The reason why Illya did not go to the game club event yesterday afternoon was to buy these new clothes from her teenage years.

And this pajamas was chosen based on Mo Yi's favorite colors and patterns after shopping with Kato Megumi for more than an hour.

Although Illya didn't tell the specific reason, Mo Yi could still guess what happened in the past few days.

Probably because of her sister-chan, Illya also felt that she should make some changes. In this era of competition for jobs, if you don't make progress, you will lose.

"It looks very good. The new clothes are very good-looking, and Ilia is even more beautiful."

Mo Yi looked at Ilia and smiled:

"I'm sorry, Ilia, have you waited for a long time?"

"Onii-chan, no, I fell asleep just now and was woken up by Onii-chan knocking on the window."

Hearing Mo Yi's praise, Illya's eyes narrowed with joy, like two crescent moons, indescribably cute and cute.

Of course, Illya definitely didn't sleep. She was rolling around on the bed, waiting for Mo Yi.

In order to prevent Mo Yi from blaming himself, he told a white lie, well, it was the same as what Mo Yi said, no problem.

Mo Yi took a look at the messy quilts, dolls and other items on Ilia's bed, and knew that the other party was lying.

However, neither of them said anything.

"Illya, it's very late."

Mo Yi touched her messy hair and said:

"rest early--"

"What story do you want to hear tonight?"

After saying that, Mo Yi picked up Ilia, put her back on the bed, covered her with a quilt, and sat next to her, preparing for a long-awaited storytelling session.

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