"Onii-chan, come in too."

With a cheerful smile, Illya moved away as usual, opened the quilt and said:

"Onii-chan is going to make a pillow doll tonight."

Illya was a little proactive tonight, but I just like it.

Normally, Ilya wouldn't be so proactive. It was because of her shamelessness that she would blush and acquiesce, even though she wanted to do it.

However, even if she is alone with her in her room, she will never use her girlish form to get along with herself. Unless she makes her angry, she will become like this, teach herself a lesson, and then push herself out. .

When Ilia reached this point, Mo Yi naturally stopped being pretentious and lay down naturally.

I wanted to hold each other and coax each other to sleep like before.

But I suddenly remembered that Illya is no longer the cute lolita she was before. If she hugged her like before, would it lead to the selection of options in the beautiful girl game?

Moreover, based on past experience, Ilya in this state cannot be treated like before, otherwise she will be pushed out of the room in disgust.

Because Mo Yi had also tried to get along with the girlish Illya on such a night, and the lessons he had learned would make him cry.

When Mo Yi was hesitant about what to do next, Ilia took the initiative to stretch out her hands, hugged Mo Yi, then leaned her body against Mo Yi, feeling the other person's temperature, and said:

"Onii-chan, I want to continue listening to your stories about your previous life tonight, is that okay?"

Feeling Illya's soft warmth, Mo Yi also stretched out his hands to hug her gently, and patted her back gently like coaxing a child to sleep.

It seems that Illya wants to know more about herself.

In fact, there was nothing about him that he couldn't talk about, but Illya didn't mention it, and he didn't take the initiative to talk to the other party.

This was not mentioned for many years, probably because Illya was afraid of change.

Deep understanding means change.

Ilia, who had had unfortunate experiences when she was a child, has been caring for this relationship carefully after meeting Mo Yi. From the beginning of admiration for brother and sister, to the current love of wanting to be each other's bride.

I want to protect it forever!

Therefore, Illya is afraid of change. Change may be good or bad. She just imagines loss, and she cannot accept it.

Therefore, over the years, she has always maintained the appearance of a loli who has not grown up, and has never taken the initiative to learn more about Mo Yi's past.

Until today, her sister-chan's act of declaring war on her made her feel in danger again.

Illya finally started to try to change, looking forward to further decisions.

Chapter 169: Onii-chan, you are so bad!

"So you are so powerful, Onii-chan——"

After listening to Mo Yi's experience in his previous life, Illya said with admiration:

"Illya really wants to see Onii-chan at that time."

Feeling Ilia's passionate and adoring gaze, Mo Yi suddenly felt a sense of joy in his heart.

Ever since he was reincarnated, it had been a long time since he had felt this kind of worship to the extreme. When a man saw him, he wanted to kneel down and be his younger brother, and when a woman looked at him, she was treated like a top-notch Ao Tianliu.

When I was the Demon God, I had long been numb to this kind of gaze, and was even a little bored.

Because people all over the world know how powerful and handsome I am, but they don’t understand the sadness and connotation hidden in my eyes.

After reincarnation, the human beings in this world are more egoistic and not as simple as the people in other worlds. After enjoying the benefits brought by this master, few people will be grateful, and they will even curse themselves while enjoying the benefits. .

Sure enough, the better the living conditions are in an era, the less grateful people will be.

In other words, the new generation simply does not understand that the living environment they are born with is the result of the hard work of the previous generation.

Just like me, Master Yakumo, when I, Mo Yi, come to this world, can I watch the works of the pornographic world at this time?

It's full of rough lines, doesn't make sense at all, and is a boring work that makes you snap when you see it.

It wasn't until the birth of Yakumo House that humans in this world truly woke up and understood what the most real art and beauty is.

If the sky does not rain down on me, the world of Huangman will be like an eternal night!

"Since Illya wants to see how I looked before, wait until tomorrow. I will get out the old equipment vest and put it on for you to see, Illya."

It felt so good to be looked at with adoring eyes by the person he cared about. Mo Yi was in a good mood and gently rubbed the other person's forehead with his forehead and said:

"Well, if you like clothes from another world, Illya, I will go back and get some clothes of this type for you, and then we can take a photo together."

"Illya must be very beautiful!"

"Onii-chan is making me happy again."

The girlish Ilya's face was a little less cute, a little more pretty, even charming, and said:

"But. Illya believes in you, Onii-chan."

"I'm not trying to coax Illya. Ilya is very beautiful now. She is the most beautiful in my heart."

Mo Yi stretched out his right hand and gently pinched the other person's little nose, and said with a smile:

"If it's Illya, she looks good no matter what she wears!"


Illya's heart was filled with tears from Mo Yi's sweet words, not to mention that she was still in the other person's warm embrace, smelling the familiar body odor of Mo Yi.

Illya felt that her body and mind were about to melt away, and she said with a cute and rosy smile on her face:

"If Onii-chan likes it, I can stay like this forever."

Mo Yi: "..."

Now, Mo Yi felt embarrassed.

Illya is very good now, full of girlish charm, full of beautiful lines, and even her voice has become much crisper. The most important thing is that Illya like this seems to be able to have sex without having to worry about being caught. Started in three years.

But thinking that Illya with a loli body shape will never be seen again, wouldn't it be in vain that I have worked hard for ten years to collect postures that can only be used by lolita?

"I like it, I like it all, no matter what Illya looked like before, I like it."

Mo Yi said wittily:

"Moreover, Illya suddenly grew up so big. How should I explain it when meeting familiar people, such as in school?"

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