This hateful guy, Mo Yi was clearly with her before, but now he is trying to be cute. I, Erina, am not a fish-lipped Oni-chan. I will be tricked by you, an old woman who is three years older than me. of!

"I kind of know where he went."

After Xue Miao heard this, she knew that the other party had set off alone to Otomo Noban Academy.

Even though I had already advanced so much, I still let this guy Mo Yi escape.

"Won't you invite me to come in and sit down?"

Erina was very unhappy. Her perfect plan failed on the first day. It was a complete failure.

However, what is more important now is to go inside and find the answers you want to know in Illya.

In this life, I will be very angry if my own daughter cheats on me. If even the old woman in front of me can get ahead of me, then how can I, Erina, gain a foothold in the group and lead the group in the future?


Erina's abnormal behavior made Illya instantly alert. As her biggest imaginary enemy Erina, Illya has always been aiming to fight.

Presumably, the other party had the same idea as him.

Even if we don’t know why Erina came to sit in her room, the simplest way to deal with the enemy is, we won’t do anything the other party wants to do, that’s right!

Therefore, Illya flatly refused:

"Sorry, Erina."

"I just woke up. My body smells like sweat and I haven't washed myself up yet."

"Why don't you go to the living room first, and we can have breakfast together later."

After that, I was ready to close the door and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Erina snorted in her heart, knowing that you, a vixen, would not give in so easily. However, no one can stop what I, Erina, want to do.

If I want to exist, Heaven cannot exist; if I desire nothing, Heaven cannot exist!

"It does not matter, I do not mind."

Erina walked in first before Illya showed up, and then went straight to the place where Mo Yi smelled the most, Illya's big bed.

Xue Miao was confused by the sudden unfolding of the gods, but since Illya was his good friend, Xue Miao naturally couldn't sit idly by and just followed Ilia in.

Chapter 175: Lily is the most beautiful flower in the world


Illya was a little overwhelmed by Erina's rogue attack.

Erina, you have changed. In the past, you would not act helpless. In the past, you had always acted like a strong and elegant young lady in front of me.

But Illya has to admit that Erina is even more difficult and irritable than before. The educated gangster asks you if you are afraid. This is the current situation.

Erina is shameless. Except for Mo Yi, nothing in this world can restrain her. But as soon as Mo Yi appears in front of her, she can be defeated by the other party's cunning means.

But bang, it’s so scary, Erina is no longer afraid!

Erina sat directly on Illya's bed, then sniffed, and the fresh scent of grass and trees belonging to Mo Yi came to her face.

I, Mo Yi, must have stayed here last night, and I just left not long ago.

Being held in the other person's arms, listening to the other person's breathing, and smelling the other person's scent, this supreme treatment should obviously be exclusive to you.

But the last time this happened was ten years ago.

Now, to be snatched away by this guy Illya is so jealous!

Thinking this way, Erina gradually became addicted to Mo Yi's scent while detecting clues. Finally, she lay directly on the spot where Mo Yi slept last night, then hugged the quilt that Mo Yi had covered last night and muttered:

"This is all mine, ugh——"

Snow Meow: "..."

Xue Miao looked at Erina's strange behavior after coming in with confusion, and thought to herself, could it be that Mo Yi's sister Erina really likes Illya?

I have seen this kind of plot in Yakumo House. After some men or women enter the private space of the person they like, they will behave strangely, such as holding the other person's quilt and sniffing the other person's quilt. Rolling on the bed, the most serious thing is to do some pleasant things with the other person's personal clothes.

Oh my God!

Xue Miao felt that she had accidentally discovered a big secret——

Erina likes Illya, and Illya likes Mo Yi.

In order to snatch Illya away from Mo Yi, Erina used an evil and despicable plan to attack Mo Yi.

If Illya chooses to stay away from Mo Yi, then both Illya and Mo Yi will become Erina's property.

If Illya cannot accept it and leaves Mo Yi, then Erina's opportunity will come, and Illya will naturally belong to Erina.


Yukinoshita Yukinya took a deep breath and looked at Erina rolling around on Illya's bed hugging the quilt with horrified eyes. She didn't expect that a mere female pervert could be so terrifying and have such a scheming plan.

If this child is not eliminated, it will become a big problem in the future!

However, it seems that this doesn't care about his own affairs. Anyway, his goal has always been Mo Yi. For such things, he just needs to look at them with understanding eyes.

Seeing Erina like this, Illya naturally figured out what was going on.

The other party has discovered that Onii-chan stayed at his place last night.

The most important thing is that the other party's current behavior is a thief's behavior!

I haven't enjoyed the smell of Onii-chan enough yet. The other party's rude behavior will soon absorb and evaporate the smell of Onii-chan. Moreover, the other party's rolling movements will also paint the scent of Onii-chan on the bed. Rina's smell polluted even covered it.

"Erina, stop it!"

Illya couldn't care less about being cute anymore, and stepped forward to pull Erina away. She couldn't let the other party continue like this, and said:

"This belongs to me, you will lose it quickly if you do this!"

"certainly not--"

How could Erina, who was deeply in pleasure, listen to Illya's words? No matter how hard Illya pulled her, she could not pull her away.

After half a minute of entanglement, Erina's eyebrows suddenly jumped up and she muttered:

"The smell is getting lighter."

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