In order to stop Erina's evil behavior, Illya almost pressed her whole body against Erina, seizing the time to suck her while pulling her away with force.

"However, there is a second rich reserve source here——"

Erina turned her attention from the quilt to Illya's body. She suddenly grabbed and pulled the unprepared Illya away like a pillow. Then she pressed her down on the bed and laid on Illya's body as before. Rub it here and there, absorbing the scent Mo Yi left on it.

"Hmph——, Onii-chan is mine, and so is his scent."

Erina ignored the struggling Illya, smiled evilly, and said:

"Illya, just stay here obediently and let me collect the things that belong to Onii-chan!"

Illya: "..."

Illya was shocked by Erina's words at this moment.

She knew from yesterday that Erina had undergone an amazing transformation. She never expected that the degree of change would be so great, that she would become so heartbroken and crazy, even the scent of Onii-chan left on her body!

Hurry up and bring back Erina, the arrogant queen from before and my lifelong enemy, Soul Dan!

To use Onii-chan's words to describe it, this woman has finally gone crazy, or in other words, finally revealed her true face.

However, even though Illya is now an adult, she still cannot resist the vicious hands of Erina, who is far more powerful than her.

Illya finally understood that Onii-chan had warned her not to anger Erina. She was a woman that even he was afraid of.

I used to think that Onii-chan was deliberately scaring me in order to prevent herself and Erina from fighting.

On this day, Illya shed tears of humiliation under the body of the reincarnated goddess Erina.

"Well—, I'd better leave first."

Yukinoshita Yukinya was frightened by the sudden rise of God.

The world is really in decline!

However, in Yakumo House, don’t those water friends all say that lilies are the most beautiful flowers in time?

Not to mention, I would rather destroy ten temples than tear down one marriage.

Yukinoshita Xue Miao felt that it would be better for her to leave here first.

"You go on, I won't tell anyone else, just take the first step."

After that, he anxiously walked out of the room and closed the door.


Illya turned her head with difficulty to look at Xue Miao who was closing the door and leaving and said:

"Yukino-chan, come and save me!"

Xue Miao could naturally hear Illya's cry for help, but according to the information she learned from Yakumo House, this was called saying no, but her body was still very honest.

Illya's hidden meaning is actually saying, thank you, you can go away, Yukino-chan.

Fortunately, I have studied in depth at Yakumo House in the past few days, otherwise I really wouldn’t be able to understand Illya’s code words.

"Hey hey hey-"

Erina controlled Illya in her arms and said with a proud smile:

"No one can save you now, even if you scream until your throat is broken, it's useless, Illya!"

Chapter 176: Sanae Bakery

"Do not do this--"

Facing Erina, who is crazy and abandons her moral integrity, Illya can only helplessly bear the opponent's unscrupulous attack.

"Erina, I stopped you, would you please let me go?"

"not good--"

Erina moved her hands up and down, and said with a smile:

"Illya, you also smell like Oni-chan. It seems that you were held to sleep by him last night."

Erina recovered Mo Yi's scent from Illya's body and also analyzed that there was no so-called heather smell on her body. It seemed that she really just slept together and had no further behavior.

Hum hum——

After discovering the truth, Erina's unhappy mood improved slightly. However, death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be escaped.

"Illya, I'm not polite about Onii-chan's things."

After saying that, Erina kissed Illya's forehead, the spot where Mo Yi had kissed today.


Facing Erina who started driving whenever she disagreed with her, Illya had no power to resist. Her whole body was like a cooked hairy crab, red.

You know, Illya has only been kissed by her mother Irisviel and Mo Yi in the past nineteen years.

Even if it's Mo Yi, she still feels shy.

Erina's attack at this moment naturally caught her off guard.

"This is all mine—"

After Erina licked it with her tongue a few times, she let go of Iri, who had no power to resist.

Illya was slumped on the quilt, lying there with eyes blank, shouting in her heart:

Onii-chan, it turns out you didn’t lie to me. Erina is really scary!

Come back quickly and save me!

I'm going to be impure, woo woo (┭┮﹏┭┮)——

Erina looked at Illya with interest, stuck out her tongue, and touched the corner of Yanhong's mouth, as if she was reminiscing about something.

At the same time, it was an unexpected surprise for Illya to look like she gave up treatment. She originally just wanted to recover Mo Yi's scent, but she seemed to have done it inadvertently. She had not done anything to withdraw from it for several years.

Hum hum, it makes you proud, makes you cute, makes you dare to compete with me for Mo Yi.

Now that Mo Yi is away, I will ask Illya what are you going to do to fight with me, my goddess.

"There's still another place that needs to be recycled."

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