Erina looked at the blushing Illya proudly, leaned over again, and whispered in Illya's ear:

"Illya, Onii-chan belongs to me and Erina alone."

"It''s not——"

Illya got goosebumps from Erina blowing in her ear, and what the other person said, Illya instantly knew that the other person was referring to the kiss on her face when Mo Yi said goodbye today.

"Onii-chan, also Illya's Onii-chan!"

Faced with Erina's threat, Illya bravely spoke out her thoughts.

"Hmph, Illya, you seem to have forgotten something."

Hearing Illya's rebuttal, she was naturally upset. If someone dared to refute her like this when she was still a goddess, a lightning bolt as thick as a bucket would have struck her.

Erina once again hugged Illya, who was even taller than her, with both hands, lowered her head, and continued her work of recycling.

"Weak person, you have no right to refuse!"

"Yamidie, that was given to me by Onii-chan."

"No, the strong can have everything. Now, even you are mine!"


Yukinoshita Yukinya was a little confused and stood curiously at the door of Illya's room, unintentionally listening to the lines that were terrible in various senses.

From their conversations, Xue Miao discovered the increasingly terrifying truth. It turned out that Mo Yi's sister, in addition to liking Ilia, really liked Mo Yi, and now she seemed to have the idea of ​​​​making love for both men and women.

But snap!

I thought that Mo Yi was already the weirdest and most adorable person I had ever met, but I didn't expect that his sister was much more adorable than him.

Mo Yi is able to maintain the normal way of thinking of today's normal people in the family that educated Erina without becoming a philosopher, which is already remarkable.

"I can't afford to offend you. I can't afford to offend you--"

Xue Miao stared at Illya's door as if staring into the abyss. In the end, she didn't open the door to see what was happening inside.

Being impulsive will only catch up with him. In order to maintain his purity, Xuemiao finally gave up and turned around and walked to the living room to wait for breakfast time.

————The dividing line of another theater——————

After getting out of the subway, Mo Yi found that it was still early and he could still have breakfast.

Looking around, I saw a bakery called "Sanae Bakery".

"I don't have much food storage anymore, so it would be good to try the bread from other stores."

Mo Yi muttered, then strode into the bakery, and then, under the disbelieving gaze of a young orange-haired proprietress, she brought all the bread in the bakery to the checkout counter.

At first, Mo Yi refused. Those breads available in other bakeries, such as pineapple bread and Baumkuchen, were fine. However, in a special and inconspicuous corner, Mo Yi saw some interesting shapes. Just looking at the bread made Mo Yi feel chilled, and he was suddenly stunned.

When the proprietress who called herself Furukawa Sanae saw Mo Yi noticing the bread she had created, she immediately walked over to Mo Yi enthusiastically and introduced them.

From the inspiration for her creation, to the materials, to the heat, the emotions that have been incorporated into the bread, etc., she told Mo Yi carefully.

However, Mo Yi became even more confused after hearing this. According to her, after simulating it in her mind, she should be able to make bread that tastes good. Why did it look like this when it came into her hands? What about murderous dishes that can lower the SAN value?


When Mo Yi was about to refuse, the warm smile on Furukawa Sanae's face instantly turned into a look about to cry. No, it should be said that the tears had already fallen.

How about this? I'm just saying, don't ask for these breads.

"Brother, you are the first customer in these years who is willing to observe the bread I make for so long."

Furukawa Sanae seemed to remember something very sad, and she murmured with a bit of expectation in her grief;

“I thought I could sell the bread I made for the first time.”

"As expected, I'm just a useless mother and have no talent for making bread."

Mo Yi: "..."

No, you are very talented, but you clicked on the wrong skill points.

Your bread talent should be used in the dark cooking world or the killer world. You can definitely kill people invisibly. Even if the forensic examination is carried out, it is impossible to find any traces of poisoning on the deceased.

Moreover, aunt, you already have a daughter, why don’t you stop me, a high school student, from crying whenever I want?

If your husband finds out and thinks I have done something, it will be very difficult for me to do anything.

"Here, boss lady, pack these for me, too."

Mo Yi helplessly pointed at the weird-shaped bread.

Anyway, this master is rich, and although I can’t eat these breads myself, I can give them to others!

If anyone dares to offend me in the future, I will stuff them with a piece of Sanae bread.

Chapter 177: Great Demon Satania

"Auntie Sanae, good morning!"

When Mo Yi was checking out at the counter and putting the bread into snakeskin bags, a energetic girl's voice came from the door of the bakery.

A red-haired girl wearing a bat style walked in carelessly and greeted the proprietress:

"I want a pineapple bun."

"Good morning, Satania."

When Sanae Furukawa saw Satania walking in, he showed a gentle and kind smile and said:

"Sorry, all the bread today has been sold."

"Aunt Sanae, what I want is pineapple bread, not all the bread. All the bread is sold out. What does it have to do with my pineapple bread?"

The good devil Satania, who asked questions when he didn’t understand, tilted his head and asked:

"Auntie, did you make something wrong?"

Mo Yi: "..."

I just met an angel last week, so quickly met the enemies of angels - the demon clan?

Moreover, the opponent's bloodline gave Mo Yi a very familiar feeling. If nothing unexpected happened, the opponent should come from the Mo Yi Continent that he ruled in his previous life.

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