Chapter 178: Enjoy the pleasure with me

"Ahaha ( ̄□ ̄||)..."

Hearing Sanae Furukawa's kind tone, Satania instantly stiffened.

On one side is Aunt Sanae who always takes care of him, and on the other is his future pope. Which one is better for him to choose?

"Aunt Sanae, what are you talking about? I'm not hungry at all."

Satania tries to get away with being cute.

However, a kind person becomes even more terrifying when he turns evil!

Satania's current behavior is preventing Sanae Furukawa from realizing her long-cherished wish for the new year. How can she still tolerate it?

So, Koga Sanae took out a piece of pineapple bread that she specially left for her husband from the drawer on the counter, and stuffed it into Satania's mouth without any hindrance before she could react.

Satania's tongue inevitably touched the pineapple bread, and then a taste that was beyond the sense of taste and could be felt and described went straight to the brain and quickly spread throughout the body.

Finally, his vision went dark and he fainted.

————The dividing line after food poisoning————

"Are you awake?"

Satania gradually recovered from the call of a strange boy, but her body's consciousness had not yet had time to recover.

"Drink some water."

Mo Yi put a bottle of mineral water to Satania's mouth, and Satania took a few sips heartily.

"It tastes good——"

Satania felt that the water in Mo Yi's hand was particularly sweet. It was the best water she had ever drunk in her life. After taking a few sips, her whole body felt like it had been moisturized several times. She felt so comfortable that all the cells in her body were Awakening begins to boil, and magic naturally begins to flow within the body.

"My Pope, I still want it."

After seeing the other party wake up, Mo Yi wanted to take away the bottle of mineral water in his hand that had a little bit of his own magic power in it.

Unexpectedly, the other party seemed to be addicted to drinking. He hugged Mo Yi's right hand tightly, and then like a little kitten, he sucked the juice from the bottle of mineral water.

Mo Yi: "..."

This devilish girl with deep chuunibyou didn't know what settings were added to me in her mind. When did I become the other party's pope?

Moreover, if you finish drinking your own special magic water, why would you stick out your tongue and lick it, squeezing out every drop of water?

I suddenly had a bold idea, and inspiration is about to emerge. The heroine of the next work will be decided by you.

Didn't your parents teach you not to drink from strangers, especially from strange boys?

Is this really a demon, not a big girl walking out of the mountains?

"Thank you."

After drinking the water, Satania finally woke up and remembered what happened before. Looking at the current scene, she probably knew that the other party helped her.


Mo Yi waved his hands indifferently.

Satania asked curiously: "Why am I here?"

The other party finally realized that it seemed that it was just a severe acquired condition, not a congenital defect in the brain.

Since the other party asked, Mo Yi roughly told what happened.

Satania fell to the ground immediately after being stuffed with a piece of bread.

Mo Yi originally wanted to leave directly, since Furukawa Sanae would take care of him anyway, but at this time, the other party received a call and left anxiously.

Mo Yi could tell from the other person's expression that the other person was worried from the bottom of his heart, so he offered to take care of Satania himself.

Although the other party was a bit stupid and stupid, he had a good heart, and in order to stop himself, he bought those Sanae bread that fell down after eating, which was why he ended up in such a miserable end.

What also surprised Mo Yi was that Furukawa Sanae really trusted herself, a boy she met for the first time, to take care of Satania.

Regarding this, Mo Yi could only admire her. She was indeed a woman who could make bread with the SAN value effect, and her brain circuit was also very strange.

So, Mo Yi took Satania to the park bench next to the bakery and fed him a bottle of water with the membrane method, and the other person woke up naturally.

"That's it. Thank you very much."

Satania hammered her hand in sudden realization, looked at Mo Yi gratefully, and introduced herself:

"I am Kurumozawa Satania McWill, Otogino's version of a second-year student, and I will become a great devil in the future."

Mo Yi: "..."

With your way of introduction, it's a good thing you met me who knows the basics, otherwise people would definitely treat you as a deep-seated chuunibyou patient!

"Mo Yi, a sophomore at Fuyuki High School, a hero driven by interest."


After regaining his energy, Satania suddenly stood up, covered his chin with his hand, made an extremely cool and handsome gesture, and laughed:

"Mo Yi, I have taken a liking to you, do you want to get along with me?"

"Wa hahaha--"

This time, I got sick again.

Moreover, her shameful movements and laughter instantly attracted the attention of people walking in the park.

In Mo Yi's peripheral vision, he saw a male primary school student holding a little girl-looking primary school student, squinting at Satania who was still laughing with contempt, and then muttered:

"Today's young people are already so big and still so middle-aged."

"No wonder the economy of District 11 is declining instead of growing. It seems that District 11 can only rely on the new generation like us to prosper."

After that, she looked up at the starry sky at a forty-five degree angle and sighed with emotion, making the little girl next to her reveal her starry eyes. Then, regardless of his disgusted look, she kissed him hard on the face.

Mo Yi: "..."

It's strange that District 11 is saved. When I'm in your grade, all I want is to study hard and make progress every day. I know how to show off at such a young age, but after I become a high school student, I still don't spend every day with Teddy and Boss Sakamoto. The throne can only be given to you.

"don't want--"

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