Faced with Satania's invitation, Mo Yi naturally chose to refuse. Thinking back then, villagers Zhuge also had to visit the thatched cottage three times. In exchange for this master, he would have to sacrifice himself at least three times, which is not too much.

"Besides, Miss Satania, haven't you noticed that everyone around you is looking at you?"

After saying that, Mo Yi looked disgusted and kept moving away from the other party, as if he was ready to turn around and run away.

"Why, treatment is not an issue?"

When Satania heard Mo Yi's refusal, her queen-like laughter stopped abruptly. She quickly came up and tugged on Mo Yi's clothes, looked at him with pleading eyes, and said:

"As long as I become the Demon Grand Duke, you will be the Pope of my Satanian religion. This is an honorable position above one person and below ten thousand people. Billions of people seek this honor but cannot get it!"

The more Satania spoke, the more excited she became. She didn't want to let go of the first human who showed fear and respect to her. She held Mo Yi's sleeve with her left hand to prevent him from escaping, and swept her right hand around the melon-eating crowd watching them. Temptation said:

"Have you noticed that everyone around me is looking up at me with fear and respect?"

"As long as you stand next to me, you can enjoy the pleasure of being admired by thousands of people!"

Chapter 179: The hungry devil

My eldest lady!

The people around you are obviously watching your performance with the eyes of Aqua. How can you transform such malicious eyes into those of fear and respect?

At this moment, even Mo Yi felt embarrassed for the other party.

He had better run away quickly. Like the weak magic power in Satania's body, you can tell that he is a minor character without even looking. It is undoubtedly a fantasy to ask the other party for news about Alice Fitz.

"Classmate Satania, I still have something to do, so I need to take the first step."

After saying that, Mo Yi stretched out his hand, opened the other person's hands and grabbed his own hands, and stopped playing with the other person.

"No, don't leave, Mo Yi, I can't live without you."

After seeing that Mo Yi was not impressed by her sincerity at all, Satania wanted to follow the script and say, 'As expected of the person I like, you have successfully attracted my attention, human being', this line.

But Mo Yi was already opening her fingers and slipping away, so how could he have time to let her show off anymore?

So, Satania gave up her handsome posture and jumped on Mo Yi with a tiger stance, hugging Mo Yi's thigh tightly and not letting Mo Yi leave.

"No, what should I do next?!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Where's the promised Demon Grand Duke?

If you don't agree with me, you'll get into trouble, and you still want to become the devil's grand duke. It's useless even if I give you ten thousand years.

Moreover, the lines you said are very familiar. They seem to be lines from youth idol dramas about abortion, leukemia, and siblings!

"Alas——, the world is declining, young people today!"

It was the primary school student again, who continued to look up at the stars with a forty-five-degree gaze, lamenting his misfortune, and sighed angrily:

"You don't know how to take safety measures when you go out and mess around. Don't you know that it's easy to kill someone? Even if you don't kill anyone, if you cause those weird diseases, your life will be ruined. Don't you even understand this?"

"No wonder the population in District 11 is showing negative growth. It's all because this generation is not enterprising and there are too many people who don't understand health and safety knowledge."

"Where is the future of District 11?!"

"Xiao Ming, you know a lot -"

The little girl next to the primary school student looked at the primary school student with an unclear expression, then kissed him under his disgusted eyes and said:

"Xiao Ming, I like you so much."

Mo Yi originally didn't want to pay attention to the melon-eating people around him, but you two elementary school students went too far. You actually rushed to stuff dog food in front of me and mocked me.

With my vast wealth, I can afford to raise Satania even if she gives birth to a litter of little devils, and I can also send them all to study abroad in another world and receive the most advanced education.

Abortion does not exist!

Mo Yi couldn't bear the insult to his dignity, and secretly activated the eyes of the devil to get the personal information of the pair of primary school students clearly.

Hum hum——

Xiao Ming and Jia Zi, you two just wait for the "three-year college entrance examination, five-year simulation" luxury package that I send you every winter and summer vacation!

The honor of the demon god cannot be insulted, and those who are insulted must be repaid.

"Miss Satania, this is a public place, please be careful and don't pull my pants again!"

After thinking about how to teach that ignorant elementary school student, Mo Yi turned around again and looked at Satania who was holding his thigh with a headache and looking at him with pitiful eyes.

"Tell me, what do you like about me? I'll change it, so that's okay."

"The whole world is my territory. As my pope, you don't need to care about the eyes of those ants."

When Satania saw Mo Yi stop leaving, she stopped pulling Mo Yi's thighs and pants and said in a low tone:

"Furthermore, what I appreciate most about you is that you don't seem to care about me. You know, this is something that others only dream of, and you can resist the temptation. This is what I like about you."

Mo Yi: "..."

Satania, shouldn't your IQ be at Aqua's level?

Why can you say such witty words?

Is your statement as flawless as the logic of "What do you like about me, I will change it" and the correct answer is "I like what you don't like about me, you change it quickly"?

Could it be that you have always been acting cute and pretending to be stupid to cover up your wisdom, which is as deep as the bottomless abyss? Otherwise, how could you possibly fall in love with this master at a glance?

You know, this master is still very confident in his disguise. Unless he is stronger than himself, he will only regard himself as an ordinary person.

But bang, it’s so snappy!

Satania, after all, even this demon can't see through you, you really have two brushes.


When Mo Yi was about to test whether the other party had been acting cute to paralyze him, Satania, who was still holding his thigh, made a loud sound, making the atmosphere between the two of them awkward for a while.

Sure enough, I thought too much. How could such a fool be the kind of devil that is so cunning that even this master can deceive him?


After Satania's stomach growled, her face turned red and she suddenly let go of her hand holding Mo Yi's thigh, looking like she was about to faint.

Mo Yi: "..."

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