Is this guy about to faint from hunger?

There is nothing wrong with thinking about it this way. The other party is just a demon with weak magic power, and is no different from an ordinary human girl in the human world.

Even if he drank a bottle of water that Mo Yi used to make, it was just to replenish his magic power and offset the physical and mental trauma caused by the Sanae bread.

But it still couldn't change the fact that the other party didn't have breakfast, so the current scene happened.

"It's really a helpless... devil."

Mo Yi helped the other person up silently, and helped him to the bench again, then took out a pineapple bread from his pocket, handed it to the other person and said:

"for you."

"Since it is the sacrifice of the Pope, I will not be polite."

Satania, whose eyes were half-opened, was stunned for a few seconds, then took Mo Yi's pineapple bread and whispered:

"Thank you, Mo Yi."

"Eat quickly."

Mo Yi helplessly looked at Satania, who was about to faint but still kept her strong words, and said with disgust:

"Remember to have breakfast next time, especially girls. If you don't maintain good eating habits when you are young, your body will be prone to various problems later on."


Although Satania is a natural idiot, she still felt warmth and concern from Mo Yi's seemingly disgusted words.

In fact, when Satania came to the human world to study abroad, she was still extremely scared and lonely. Fortunately, she made friends with angels and demons, which allowed her to adapt to the life of studying abroad.

However, her circle of contact was still too small, and Mo Yi was the first human male she had ever had in-depth contact with.

"I'll pay attention next time."

After hearing Mo Yi's instructions, Satania abnormally lowered her head to eat the pineapple bread and agreed.

Can anyone tell me that pineapple and bun are also sensitive words? What should I do if I am writing a food blog?

Chapter 180: Following Raphael

After seeing the other party obediently eating the pineapple bread and no longer acting like a middle-class boy, Mo Yi didn't run away immediately.

I remember that the other party said that she was a student of Otonogisaka. By following her, she could save the effort of asking for directions and using the membrane method to look up the map.

Well, that's the happy decision.

"Satania, you just said that you are a student of Otonogizaka. I just have something to go to Otonogizaka today. Can we go together?"

Mo Yi took out another pineapple bread and handed it to Satania and asked.

Don't get me wrong, Tania accepted the pineapple bread moved.

She was moved not by the pineapple bread, but because he once again became her first time, the first man to feed him, and it was her favorite food, pineapple bread.

Could it be that this is the so-called first intimate throbbing?

After hearing that the other party wanted to go with her, she naturally nodded in agreement.

She clearly wanted to talk to the other party, but Satania found that she didn't know what to say. Even if she was stupid, she knew that those middle-school-style speeches were definitely not suitable for the current occasion.

"Aren't you hungry?"

Mo Yi saw Satania taking the pineapple bread from him but lowering his head as if he didn't know what to do, so he thought that the other party was already full.

"Then wait until you're hungry before eating."

"It's getting late. If you don't go, you'll be late."

————The dividing line on the road————


Why doesn't this cute little devil stop talking?

Mo Yi curiously looked at Satania, who had her head lowered and didn't know what she was thinking. According to his observation of her, she should be the kind of character who is overflowing with energy and acts cute every day. At this time, she should be talking loudly.

Of course, Satania actually wanted to say something and have further communication with the other person, but the other person was her first human friend of the opposite sex in the human world. According to her experience, she didn't know what to say at all.

Therefore, there is such a strange atmosphere of silence.


Suddenly, a big white dog stood in front of the two of them and roared loudly at Satania who lowered her head. In Mo Yi's translation, it probably meant hello.

"It's you, the fish-lipped white dog!"

Satania suddenly woke up from her confusion when she heard the barking of the hateful white dog that snatched her pineapple bread every day.

Especially, after discovering that the other party's eyes were staring at the pineapple bread in his hand, he quickly hid it behind his back and said in a feigned tone:

"Go away!"

"Luckily for you, I am not in the mood to pay attention to you today."

After saying that, Satania looked at the other party nervously. The pineapple bread in his hand was a certificate of friendship given to him by his first human friend.

That's why she didn't continue eating even though she was still hungry.

She plans to use magic to preserve this pineapple bread and treasure it to commemorate the first human friend she met, Mo Yi.

"Woof woof——"

But the big white dog didn't understand Satania's mood at the moment, but when the other party said something serious, he would naturally not let go of the pineapple bread in the other party's hand.

This is its important daily food

Mo Yi: "..."

Mo Yi watched the big white dog staring at the bread in Satania's hand, and he probably understood. It seemed that this stray dog ​​was interested in the bread in Satania's hand.

"Satania, why don't you give it the pineapple bread? I'll give you another one later."

If you can be happy, who would want to be homeless?

Stray dogs come out for nothing more than a mouthful of food.


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