Satania made a cry of participation, put her hands on the ground, and knelt on the ground in an ORZ pose.

The reason was naturally that the pineapple bread that was originally in her hand had already landed on the white dog's mouth.

The big white dog held the pineapple bread in its mouth, like a victorious general, without looking back, and walked slowly with a majestic appearance.

However, Mo Yi noticed that when Bai Gou passed by La Fei Er, he obviously nodded to La Fei Er, and La Fei Er also showed an encouraging smile to Bai Gou.

Isn't this too tragic?

As a demon, he can't even defeat a dog. It seems that Satania's road to becoming a demon grand duke is a bit long.

Of course, this is also because Satania did not use the power of the devil and only relied on his body that was no different from a human at this moment to fight the white dog.

Probably because this is the devil's rule and you are not allowed to use the devil's power while studying abroad.

"Why, why did you lose again? You are obviously ready to wake up!"

Satania ORZ fell to the ground unwillingly, tears dripped from her face unknowingly, and she muttered with self-blame:

"Damn(〃> dishes<)——"

Isn't this too exaggerated?

Mo Yi stepped forward and was about to comfort the other person when he noticed the other person's appearance. He couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

"Satania, my friend!"

Facing Satania like this, Mo Yi had no choice but to use the most suitable way to comfort the patients with Zhong Er radio waves, which was to use the same Zhong Er radio wave words to motivate the other party.

"Failure is not terrible, but what is terrible is giving up——"

"As long as you persist, you will definitely become a powerful demon grand duke, Satania!"

I wanted to show off in front of Mo Yi and show him my power, but I didn't expect that I still failed miserably. Moreover, the pineapple bread that the other party gave to me, which symbolized the bond of friendship between the two, was also taken away. That's why Satania was so depressed.

Normally, although Satania would be sad, she would not fall to the ground in defeat. Instead, after being sad for a few minutes, she would forget about what happened before and continue to make trouble heartlessly.


When Satania heard Mo Yi call her 'my friend', she immediately became happy. It turned out that the other party also regarded her as a friend.

Facing Satania's tearful gaze, Mo Yi took out a warm pineapple bread from his pocket again, placed it in front of the other person's eyes, and said solemnly:


"I will leave this pineapple bread to you temporarily. When you become the most powerful demon grand duke in the world - the demon king, you will return it to me."

"This is an eternal commitment between us!"

"I see."

Satania wiped her tears, reached out to take Mo Yi's pineapple bread, stood up again, as if holding the most precious gem in the world, and said seriously:

"I will always be the Demon King!"

Having said that, this time I carefully put the pineapple bread in my hand into my schoolbag, fearing that it would be damaged even a little bit.

Mo Yi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the other party had been fooled by him and regained his energy.

However, he didn't know that the pineapple bread he gave to the other party this time did not eat it when he was hungry as he thought, but kept it with magic.

It was not until a thousand years later, after Satania became the real Grand Duke of Demons, that on a beautiful moonlit night, she took out the pineapple bread that had always encouraged her, held it in front of Mo Yi, and handed it back to Mo Yi again.

Then, under the beautiful moonlight night, the two of them shared the pineapple bread that had not deteriorated after thousands of years and ate it together.

"Mo Yijun, you really know how to coax girls -"

After watching the play, Raphael walked out from behind the lighting pole with a bright red look on his face, and joked:

"No wonder Sister Huimei often says, be careful with you."

"It seems that I have to be more careful, otherwise I will -"

At this point, she did not continue talking, but looked happily at Satania, whose face was flushed.

You tax evader, I haven't complained about you yet, but you dare to attack me first?

The graves of the angels that this master killed back then are already weathered. You are asking for your own death!

Chapter 182: Raphael: Give me a lick and I’ll let you go

My Huimei will not blackmail me.

"It's you again, Raphael!"

Before Mo Yi had time to refute Raphael's slander, Satanir couldn't bear Raphael blaming his new friend and said:

"Why are you here?"

After saying that, he walked to Mo Yi and blocked him.

In her heart, Rafael was a more lovable devil than she was, and she couldn't let him take away her new friend, the future pope.

"Of course it's because I admire the Great Demon Satania."

After saying that, Rafael hugged Satania with his broad mind without mercy, ravaged him vigorously, and said:

"Satania, you are my favorite."

"Go away, you angel who reeks of holy light!"

Satania was squeezed by the soft parts of the opponent's body, and her self-esteem was seriously damaged. She couldn't bear it, so she pushed away Raphael who was holding her.

'"Satania is really cute——"'

Raphael ignored Satania's resistance and continued to ravage him as if he were his own bear.

After a rough fight and Mo Yi's reminder that he would be late if he didn't leave, Rafael reluctantly put down his favorite toy.

————The dividing line of smoothly moving into Otonogizaka————

"Satania, do you know Gabriel? She should be an angel studying abroad in the same grade as you."

Mo Yi remembered that he seemed to still have Gabriel's rescue mission, and he hadn't had time to leave his contact information before. This was also one of Mo Yi's goals in coming to Nogizaka.

This task may seem huge, but if you give it a try, it doesn’t take much effort.

The reason why the question was about Satania instead of Raphael is naturally because Mo Yi likes Satania more, the kind of ordinary friend who likes someone like Raphael who is always cheerful, and , Mo Yi's attributes overlap, so naturally they are of the same sex and repel each other.

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