"Mo Yi, do you know Gabriel?!"

Satania exclaimed in surprise:

"She is my classmate and my biggest goal at this stage."

"Let us work together to defeat this abominable angel Gabriel!"


Satania, why do you think I want to defeat the angel who has been crippled?

"I want to invite Gabriel to join one of my game planning clubs. It's not what you think, Satania."

"What? As my friend, how can you go along with the filthy angels?"

Satania puffed her face in dissatisfaction and shouted:

"And, what is a club?"

Mo Yi: "..."

Well, Satania, are you a high school girl from District 11? Even the club knows what you are.

According to normal people's thinking, it would take about half a day to make the other party understand, so Mo Yi decided to give another explanation.

"Probably let the other person become my employee and work for me."

"Satania, the way to defeat the enemy is not only to defeat the opponent physically and physically, but more importantly, to destroy the enemy mentally and enslave the enemy's body."

"So, I now ask Gabriel to join my game planning club. This is the most evil way to defeat the other party. Let the other party work for me day and night for a meager salary, and I will do whatever I want her to do. , is it evil?”

"As expected of my Pope!"

Satania was shocked by Mo Yi's explanation. It turned out that there was such an evil plan in this world, and he was still trying to break it.

She couldn't help but have such a scene appear in her mind——

Satania was sitting on the sofa at home, watching TV comfortably, while Gabriel was wearing a maid uniform and walking through her home with a mop.

After she finally cleaned it up, she deliberately poured the remaining coffee on the ground, so that Gabriel, who finally stopped and took a breather, picked up the mop again and started working hard.

Just imagining it, Satania felt her whole body trembling with excitement, feeling like a brand new door opened in front of her eyes.

At the same time, when I looked at Mo Yi, I couldn't help but reveal a hint of admiration. He is indeed the human male I like.

After feeling that he had been deceived, Mo Yi continued:

"So, Satania, don't mention this later, otherwise, she won't be fooled."

"Now, let's go to your classroom and find Gabriel."


Satania nodded to show her understanding, with an evil smile on her lips, acting as a guide.


When Rafael saw Mo Yi cheating on Satania, she held back her laughter and looked at Mo Yi with interest in her amber eyes.

The other person is more interesting than I thought. I didn't expect that the person that the strict sister Huimei likes would be so interesting. It seems that if I continue to pay attention to the other person, it will definitely bring more joy to my boring life.

A pleasant smile appeared on the corner of La Feier's mouth, and she followed Mo Yi step by step.

"Rafel, isn't Otomono a girls' school? Why do I already see male students on campus?"

Rafael's strange expressions and behaviors naturally cannot escape Mo Yi's eyes. Mo Yi still doesn't pay attention to a mere teenage angel.

What surprised him even more was when he entered the campus and saw students wearing different uniforms, especially male students.

After the previous conversation with Satania, Mo Yi felt that it would be more reliable to ask Raphael.

"Don't Mo Yijun know?"

At this moment, Rafael also felt strange and said:

"Today is the 100-school exchange day, and our school is the one hosting the 100-school exchange day in Tokyo."

"Isn't Mo Yi a student here to participate in the Hundred Schools Exchange Day?"

Under Satania's strange gaze, Rafael suddenly pulled Mo Yi to a stop and said with a smile:

"Since Mo Yijun, you are not a student participating in the exchange program with hundreds of schools, according to school regulations, you are not allowed to enter our campus without permission."

At this point, Rafael took a look and saw that no one was walking around, so he quickly took off his right shoe, then straightened it towards Mo Yi and continued:

"If Mo Yijun licks it obediently, I will pretend not to notice this."

Mo Yi: "..."

Are you the devil, Raphael?

If it were some special lovers in the Yakumo House, they might rush forward impatiently to hug and chew it, but this master is not such a superficial person!

Moreover, your threatening method is exactly the same as what Emi said last week. It must be you who taught the pure and innocent Emi-chan.

This master never likes to kneel down and lick others, he only likes to add mushrooms to others.

So, Raphael, I decided to give you some mushrooms today!

Chapter 183: Let’s play havoc with you, Kouya

"Satania, grab Raphael, don't let her move, and then drag her behind the big tree next to her."

Mo Yi's voice suddenly sounded from Satania's mind. Although Satania couldn't figure out how Mo Yi did it, she still obeyed Mo Yi's request.

Satania is a natural, but being natural also has advantages. As long as you become the other person's friend, she will help you without hesitation.

Of course, after Satania heard what Raphael said, although she didn't know why, she was extremely reluctant to have Mo Yi actually lick Raphael's feet.

At this time, Rafael didn't know that her bleak fate was about to come, so she stretched out her right foot towards Mo Yi and smiled happily.

Suddenly, Satania strode up behind Raphael and grabbed the opponent's shoulders with both hands.

"Satania, what are you doing?"

When Satania walked behind him abnormally, Rafael was ready to hide, but Mo Yi's eyes suddenly appeared with a dim light, and Rafael had been observing Mo Yi's expression, so naturally he couldn't avoid it. This hair mask method.

Her whole body was instantly paralyzed, and even the holy elements fell silent in her body. Otherwise, with her physical fitness and reactions, how could she be caught by this idiot Satania.

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