"Hey hey hey——"

In fact, Satania didn't know what Mo Yi was going to do, but at this time, just letting out an evil laugh was enough.

So, listening to Satania's evil laughter and Mo Yi's cheerful smile, Rafael pulled him behind the big tree next to him.

Mo Yi raised his hand and used a hidden magic to prevent others from discovering what was discovered here.

Commander Raphael thought Satania's usual evil smile was silly and cute, but at this moment, he felt extremely cute.

Especially when she saw the same happy smile on Mo Yi's lips, she didn't know that the other person was angry because of her previous joke and now wanted to take revenge on her.

"Mo Yijun, I was just joking before."

Rafael struggled feebly, with a forced kind smile on his face, and said:

"Can you please forgive me for Sister Huimei's sake?"

"After I'm done joking with you, I'll let you go."

Mo Yi smiled kindly, walked step by step in front of Raphael, then stretched out his left hand, picked up the other person's right foot that had taken off his shoe, and made a fist with his right hand and placed it on the other person's sole wearing black stockings.

Is this master's joke allowed to be made casually?

If I don’t teach you, a pleasure-loving guy, a lesson now, I don’t know what will happen to you in the future.

It is precisely because the other party is an acquaintance of Huimei that Mo Yi cannot let her go, because there will definitely be many opportunities to meet her in the future.

Xiao Guliang, don’t think that you can threaten me by lifting Huimei. No matter how scary Huimei is, she is still my disciple, niece and wife. The head of this family always says the same thing. If she dares to refute, I will let her understand what it means to be cute. !

Yakumo's name cannot be insulted, anyone who insults you will die. Since you are an acquaintance, I will give you a small punishment but a big warning.

"Yami Die——"

Raphael found that the other party was not moved by his words at all, so he had to resort to his last trick, shouting for help. Today was the Hundred Schools Exchange Day, and there were many more people in the school than usual. As long as he shouted, he would definitely get help. Someone discovered.

In this way, Mo Yi will definitely be so scared that he lets go, and then he threatens the other party with this matter, asking the other party to kneel down and sing "conquer", otherwise he will tell Sister Huimei about this and ask the other party if he is afraid.

Mo Yi glanced at the other party with a chuckle, dismissing Fei Er's naive thoughts.

Since this master wants to recycle your Raphael's CG, how can I possibly give you a loophole for Raphael to escape?

"Classmate Raphael, you are thinking too much. This place has been blocked by a barrier that blocks the outside space——"

Mo Yi put his right fist on the opponent's sole with a half-smile and said:

"In other words, even if you scream until your throat is broken, no one will save you!"

"Wa hahaha--"

Satania had never seen Raphael, who was always eating himself to death, showing such a scared look now. When he thought of the various teasing scenes from the other party in the past, joy surged out of his heart, and he gave out his usual feminine smile, said:

"It's useless to yell at your throat, Raphael."

"This is the punishment for offending this Duke!"

Mo Yi is his friend and future pope. If Mo Yi defeats Raphael, doesn't it mean that he has defeated Raphael? Thinking of this, Satania is naturally very happy.

Let’s see if you dare to bully me in the future, damn Raphael.

After teasing La Feier, Mo Yi naturally started to save La Feier. He made a fist with his right hand and drilled the acupuncture points on the soles of the opponent's feet vigorously. In addition, inputting the slightest magic power into the soles of the feet would cause an effect similar to being tapped on the laughter acupoint.

This is one of the secret secrets that I use to deal with my sister-chan. Even the goddess can't bear it, so how can the little angel Raphael be able to bear it?


During one of Mo Yi's foot massages, Rafael burst out laughing like a pig, leaning on Satania's body and twitching continuously.

"No, haha, I was wrong, ha, let me go, haha ​​-"

"Yameidi, hahaha——"

Rafael could still struggle a few times at first, but after half a minute, with the pig sounds constantly coming out, she no longer had the strength to struggle, and could only keep making begging sounds and laughter.

It's so cute, so evil!

Satania was relieved at first, but when she saw Raphael laughing so hard that she shed tears, she couldn't help but feel a little unbearable, wondering if they were too cruel.

Although Rafael always deceives himself, the other person is his good friend after all, so just teasing him a little will be fine.

"My foot massage, in addition to making the other person laugh, can also heal people who are sick and strengthen their health even if they are not sick."

Mo Yi noticed Satania's gaze and wanted to understand the other person's thoughts, so he took the initiative to explain so that this simple guy would not fall into guilt, and said:

"So, after this foot massage, your recent problems of insomnia, dreaminess and dysmenorrhea have been cured."

"I can't help it, I'm such a good person——"

"No need to thank me, I'm just an ordinary successor of redism."

"Ha ha--"

Rafael laughed miserably, but she could also hear Mo Yi's words clearly. First, she couldn't help but be surprised when she heard the other party accurately describe her minor problems, especially such a private matter as dysmenorrhea.

But after hearing Mo Yi say that there was no need to thank him, the resentment in his heart became even deeper.

Who will thank you, Hundan!

I, Raphael, have always been the only one who teases others, but I didn’t expect to be here today.

Mo Yi, just wait for me, I will definitely turn you into my favorite toy, and then I will play with you to my heart's content, Kouya!

Chapter 184: How much does the whole set cost at one time?

"Haha——, I was wrong."

Rafael never knew that laughing could be such a painful thing. After this minute of forced laughter, she had already developed a psychological shadow on the two things of foot massage and laughter.

Now, in addition to laughing and begging for mercy, she almost laughed too hard to even care about Mo Yi's thoughts of revenge.

"That's almost it. All the minor problems in your body have been cured."

Mo Yi glanced at La Feier, who was smiling so brightly that even the corners of his mouth were stained with unknown liquid. When he felt that the treatment was almost done, he stopped massaging the right hand and said:

"Satania, you can let go of each other.\

,"After Satania and Mo Yi let go, La Feier's body, which was both comfortable and weak, could no longer hold on. She sat directly against the big tree, panting continuously, but her eyes were lifeless. He also gradually regained his vitality.

"Why did you stop?"

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