Raphael felt like she was coming through a hell of pleasure and pleasure.

In the past, when being massaged by the opponent's soles and causing laughter, it was a pleasant and uncomfortable feeling. But as the massage time lengthened, in addition to laughing uncomfortably, I gradually felt a warm current in my body from the other person's right hand and from my own. Injected into the soles of the feet, it starts as a small stream, then a continuous river, and finally the endless sea.

Wrapped and impacted by the warm current, every cell in the body seemed to be cheering and trembling.

Raphael will consume all his energy in just one minute, not just because of laughter, but more because of this sense of pleasure that exists in every cell in his body.

It turns out that this world still has such a comfortable feeling, such ultimate pleasure, which is no worse than the pleasure brought by playing tricks on others. It is really wonderful.

Of course, this is one of Master Mo Yi's hidden secrets to fight against Sister Jiang. It not only makes the other party laugh and heals the disease, but also puts the other party into a subtle state, which will be extremely uncomfortable physically and mentally. The most frightening thing about the comfortable pleasure is that it can become addictive.

Mo Yi's purpose was just to punish the other person with a small punishment and give him a massage for one minute. In theory, it would take three minutes to become addicted.

However, Rafael's understanding of pleasure is far beyond what most people can understand. In just one minute, he deeply felt the pleasure brought by the Moyi brand foot massage, and even became addicted to it, which is commonly known as addiction.

Raphael opened her eyes with a pair of autumn water, looked dissatisfied at Mo Yi, who was standing in front of her with a proud smile, and muttered:


"It's not even close, try it again if you have the ability!"

Just recalling the feeling of itching all over my body just now is already very exciting, but my brain cannot resist the hunger and thirst coming from my body, and my mouth unconsciously utters death-defying words in the hope of irritating the other person. Let her punish herself again.

Mo Yi: "..."

The other party looks so familiar!

After he used this trick on his opponent Erina for the first time, Erina lay weakly on the bed like this, and then said similar tough words to stimulate herself to satisfy the opponent again.


Mo Yi took a breath, it was absolutely true, La Feier had been conquered by his right hand!

Now Mo Yi has a headache. The other party is not Erina. He can torment him as much as he wants. What if the other party becomes more and more addicted and feels uncomfortable without being tormented by him for a day?

Just a little sister-chan takes up the time after I wake up to think about life, and Emi takes up the time before going to bed at night to look up at the stars. This master's schedule is almost full.

In addition, the other party is a junior that Huimei likes, so there must be many opportunities to meet.

Therefore, Miss Rafael, I hope this request is difficult for anyone to fulfill.

"I'm sorry, Miss Raphael."

Mo Yi said righteously:

"I am not just anyone, and not everyone can enjoy my foot massage."

"The first time is a gift, but the rest will be charged!"

After saying that, Mo Yi pulled off the isolation barrier and ordered Satania to help Raphael back to the classroom.

Damn it!

After Rafael said the provocative words while trying to die, she felt regretful, but after hearing Mo Yi's words that refused to punish her again, she felt even more lost. The emptiness in her body became stronger and stronger, and she urgently needed Mo Yi to be like before. , injecting waves of (magic) warmth into her body.

"No, Mo Yi, are you scared?"

Rafael, who was able to stand up after being supported by Satania, looked at Mo Yi anxiously and said in a voice that was still a bit weak and hoarse:

"If you lick my feet now, I will be merciful and let you go."

Mo Yi: "..."

Miss Raphael, you have turned into a useless meow like this, and you still want to anger me with such a superficial provocation?

Young people should be restrained and not be greedy for pleasure. They should know that small masturbation is pleasurable, big masturbation will harm the body, and strong masturbation will be wiped out. If you continue like this, you will become dehydrated and faint!

"Satania, let's send Raphael to their class first."

Mo Yi said as if La Feier wanted to die.


Mo Yi has now become Satania's idol. Even his biggest nemesis Raphael was defeated by him. Who else can stop Mo Yi?

If I could learn the opponent's method of dealing with Raphael, wouldn't it be easy to defeat Gabriel?

Then, this scene emerged in Satania's mind——

He sneaked into Gabriel's apartment quietly, grabbed her feet by surprise while she was still asleep, and then used Mo Yi's foot massage technique.

Gabriel naturally couldn't control herself and burst into laughter. After she realized that she was being controlled by herself, she quickly begged for mercy and shouted:

"Lord Satania, I was wrong, please let me go!"

However, the great Demon Grand Duke Satania will naturally not let him go easily. After tossing him to the point where he is rolling on the floor with tears streaming down his face, she will not let him go until he agrees to become his eternal slave. Weak Gabriel.


Thinking of this, Satania, who was holding Gabriel, couldn't help laughing and said:

"Gabriel, you have today too!"

Mo Yi, La Feier: "..."

Naturally, they could tell that this idiot Satania had started having sex again.

There is no way, it's too cruel now. If you don't even give YY, how can you let the fools live strong?

"Mo Yi——"

Rafael looked at Mo Yi with a complicated expression and shouted.


Mo Yi looked back at La Feier, who was like a defeated dog, wondering who else he wanted to say at this moment.

Raphael met Mo Yi's curious gaze, hesitated for a moment, and asked with difficulty:

"How much does a full foot massage cost?"

“Is there any discount for monthly subscription?”

Mo Yi: "..."

Chapter 185: Vinette

Before looking for Nan Xiaoniao, it is better to find Gabriel first and leave his contact information.

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