After rejecting Raphael's PY deal, Mo Yi separated from them after arriving in their classroom. He first asked Satania to send Raphael back to the classroom, while he went to Gabriel's classroom to look for Gabriel.

"Class 2, Grade 2, should be here."

Mo Yi looked at the class sign at the door of the classroom and was about to find a classmate to ask if Gabriel was there.

"Uh (⊙o⊙)..."

When Mo Yi was looking at the scene in the classroom, a female classmate happened to be walking out of the classroom. Because she was walking in a hurry, she didn't notice Mo Yi who suddenly appeared in front of her, and almost knocked down Mo Yi in front of her.

However, Mo Yi's reflexes are far beyond comparison with others. The moment the other person is about to hit him, he takes a step back, making this collision that should be a Qiong Yao-style youth love story disappear.

According to the development of Wang Dao, Mo Yi should have been bumped by the girl, and then the textbook in the girl's heart would definitely fall to the ground.

Then, Mo Yi and the other party apologized to each other awkwardly and anxiously at the same time. At the same time, they lowered their heads to pick up the textbooks on the ground. Because they lowered their heads at the same time, there was a small collision between their foreheads.

Of course, at this time, if it were an ordinary love story, the two of them would probably be more embarrassed and anxious, picking up the textbook on the ground.

If it were a light novel, the girl would definitely fall backwards due to this small collision, assuming a duck-sitting posture, and because Mo Yi was concerned about the other person's situation, he unexpectedly saw the other person's skirt exposed due to the fall. Lower scenery.

The girl quickly pulled up her skirt with her hands to block the pure white color, and the two of them met for the first time in such an ambiguous and dramatic situation.

This is how the youth love comedy between a boy and a girl about two turbulent hearts begins.

However, I, Mo Yi, am really a superficial person. This kind of romantic comedy-style development is no longer popular now. Overbearing CEOs are the mainstream. According to the routine, Mo Yi should stand there and let the other party bump into him, and then Using the mysterious power of Newtonian mechanics, force is the law of each other, knock the opponent down, and then quickly catch the opponent by the waist and hug him. Finally, they look at each other with expressions, and use the deep eyes of a domineering president to conquer the girl who is like a frightened little rabbit. Classmates, the spiritual world in the eyes.


If it were in the past, Mo Yi might have been interested in doing this, but he already had his younger sister Jiang, Huimei and others, so how could he have the mood and energy to pick wild flowers on the roadside?

Don't think that having a harem is very exciting. Normally, a man may not be able to satisfy a woman. Even if he can when he is young, it will be difficult to say when he is older.

Not to mention, having to satisfy several concubines at the same time, once or twice is called enjoying life. If you are asked to live such a life every day, you will probably die young before you reach the age of thirty, even if you exercise moderation and supplements. If you keep up with things like this, at the age of thirty, you cannot avoid the cruel fact that your hairline is moving.

This is one of the important reasons why emperors who dominate the world always do not live long.


Vinette was jumped first, and when she looked up, she saw that the person she almost hit was actually a boy.

Because Otonogizaka is a girls' school, it is rare to meet boys on campus. Being frightened by Mo Yi, he couldn't help but scream out.


Mo Yi was also confused by the other party's first sentence. In theory, the female classmate's line should be 'I'm sorry'. Why did she question her gender?

However, Mo Yi has also created works about girls' school lilies, or about a boy being kidnapped and used as a specimen in an aristocratic girls' school. There are such female characters in the works who have no understanding of men at all and have a strong desire to Curiosity, or vigilance.

I just didn't expect that such people existed in reality.

In order not to scare the girl in front of me, or inadvertently offend her, and then be captured and turned into a specimen by a van full of armed maids.

Mo Yi kept a proper distance and smiled kindly:

"Yes, I'm a boy."

Vinette: "..."

There was nothing wrong with the other party's answer, and she answered her question honestly. It just felt weird, and the way the other party looked at her made her look a little fluffy, as if she was being treated as a rare animal.


Although the other party was a little strange, Vinette, the moral pacesetter among demons, politely apologized and then asked:

"You should be a student from another school participating in the Hundred Schools Exchange Day, right?"

"I am Vinette, a volunteer for this event. How can I help you?"

This kid is so polite and his smile is contagious and warm.

But, the other party should also be a devil!

He didn't notice it at first, but after Mo Yi looked at the other party carefully, he saw that the other party's identity was the same as Satania, a demon from Moyi Continent.

When did the devil become so polite?

And the sense of sincerity is absolutely genuine.

If the other party can deceive Mo Yi, who can be his ancestor, Mo Yi can only say that he has lost.

At this time, Mo Yi couldn't help but sigh——

The devils were still devils back then, and the angels were still angels, but now the two angels I met, Gabriel was a game-addicted otaku angel, Raphael was a sinister and joyful tax-evading angel, and the two devils were Sata. Nia is a middle-class, innocent, stupid devil, and the Vinette in front of her doesn't need to get along with her, and is just a real wife-type devil who treats others sincerely and gently.

Could it be that during his reincarnation, someone used world-level magic to swap the essences of angels and demons?

Sure enough, the wind is going down, and the wind is pure and simple.

Weinet looked at Mo Yi strangely, who seemed to have not heard her words and was in a daze, and asked again in a sincere tone:

"This classmate, how can I help you?"

"Um, I'm sorry, I suddenly remembered something important——"

Mo Yi woke up from thinking about race and peace and said apologetically:

"I'm here to see a girl named Gabriel. I wonder if she is at school?"


Wynette was also confused by Mo Yi's unexpected answer.

Gabriel is her best friend. She is well aware of Gabriel's character of being a deadbeat and never making friends. How could a human male suddenly appear and look for her?

Very suspicious!

"I'm Gabriel's good friend. I wonder what you have to do with Gabriel?"

Fearing that Gabriel, who was always short of money, would be scammed into a pyramid scheme or even tricked into having sex with others, Vinette still took the liberty to ask the questions in her heart.

Chapter 186: Sonoda Umi

"I am Mo Yi, a sophomore at Fuyuki High School. I came to see Gabrielle this time to invite her to join my game planning club."

After hearing the other party's tone, Mo Yi realized that the other party was worried that he was a bad person.

"We have already talked about it before, but because some unexpected things happened, we didn't have time to leave our contact information."

"So you are the Lord Mo Yi that Gabriel mentioned?"

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