"Then I'll trouble Sonoda-san."

Chapter 188: Goodbye Nan Xiaoniao

Because of what happened before, and the traditional education Sonoda Umi has always received, the two did not have the kind of youthful campus love comedy plot written by Teacher Shiko when they were walking around the campus.

For example, the more two people talk, the more they feel good about each other. Gradually, they find that they have common interests and feel like old friends at first sight. In short, they just talk about their ideals and the plot of life.

The two of them remained silent, and Mo Yiyi walked half a body length behind and side by side with the other person.

The distance of half a body is actually a very particular distance. She can not only make the other person feel at ease, but also make the other person feel that the other person is beside her. It is the most comfortable distance.

If you want to know who of a male and female couple likes each other more, just look at who walks half a body behind the other when they are walking side by side.

In fact, the atmosphere between the two did not become embarrassing because of the silence all the way.

Mo Yi has experienced many things and will not feel embarrassed easily.

Sonoda Umi enjoys this sense of distance that is neither far nor close. She has received a strict traditional family education since she was a child. It would be too much for her to think of those lively girls and have a pleasant conversation with a boy she just met. It's embarrassing for her.

However, just because you are not good at communicating with strange boys does not mean that they are difficult to get along with and do not want to make new friends.

But now this atmosphere made her feel very at ease and comfortable. The uneasiness and embarrassment of Mo Yi in her heart gradually disappeared and turned into good feelings. Unknowingly, the label of stranger in her heart was torn away. Promoted to the status of ordinary friends.

While walking around the campus, Sonoda Umi finally remembered who the familiar name Mo Yi was.

Isn't he the new friend Xiaoniao mentioned in the past two days that he unexpectedly met on Saturday?

In Xiaoniao's description, the other party has an extraordinary understanding of the idol job. Many of Xiaoniao's previous ideas that they thought made sense were the opinions of the other party.

Sonoda Umi was naturally curious about the boy who kept praising his friend Minami Kotori. In his imagination, Mo Yi should be a musician with an impressive artistic temperament. He didn't expect that the boy would be so kind. It's not that he is not handsome, it's just that He looks no different from an ordinary high school boy.

Unlike those male protagonists in light novels who reach full level as soon as they appear, he has a domineering president-like persona that can't be suppressed no matter how he stands there, with his arrogant, cool and awesome temperament.

Sonoda Umi was still worried that Mo Yi, whom Nan Xiaotiao invited, would be difficult to get along with, but seeing that he was so kind and always had an approachable smile on his face, he thought that this was not bad. He had thought too much before.

After thinking of Mo Yi's identity, Sonoda Umi remembered some questions and worries about the campus idol, and wanted to ask him about it, but he didn't know how to speak.

"I still can't take the initiative to talk to a new boy I met!"

Sonoda Umi roared in his heart.

After walking for about three minutes, Mo Yi saw a gray-haired girl distributing flyers to passing students from the school road. Although the girl was not wearing a maid outfit today, Mo Yi naturally remembered such a cute girl in his mind. In the sea of ​​people, the other person's warm smile is like a tower on the ocean, and nothing can hide it.

Ahem, to put it simply, the other party is already on Master Yakumo's list. As long as the other party is still hanging around on the earth, Mo Yi can easily find the other party's location as long as he thinks about it.

Nan Xiaoniao, you are already a caged bird. Before you become the most outstanding idol, you cannot escape from the Five Fingers Mountain of my master.

"It's a little bird——"

Sonoda Umi also saw Nan Xiaotiao who was handing out leaflets, happily said to Mo Yi beside him, and walked over quickly.


Mo Yi responded and quickened his pace to follow.

"Hello, classmate!"

When Mo Yi first walked to Nan Xiaoniao, Nan Xiaoniao, who had just finished handing out a leaflet, subconsciously said to Mo Yi who walked next to him:

“This is the first performance for our school’s campus group Muse, please see our flyer for details.”


After subconsciously saying the slogan with a warm and sweet smile, Nan Xiaoniao handed a leaflet to Mo Yi.

What surprised her was that this classmate did not take the flyer and ask a few questions like those who were interested, or was not interested and simply ignored the passersby and just stood there.

After two seconds, Nan Xiaoniao finally reacted, looked at Mo Yi, with a polite smile on his face, first in shock, then in joy, and said:

"Mo Yijun, why are you here so early? Why didn't you call me to pick you up before you came?"

In the past two days, Nan Xiaoniao and Mo Yi had also talked on the phone and texted several times, so the two of them were naturally very familiar with each other.

Of course, most of the chat was about campus idols. Even the name Muse was proposed by Mo Yi. Later, they thought it was good and directly adopted the name that belonged to their group.

Today is the second time I met Mo Yi. After seeing Mo Yi again, what happened with him in the coffee shop that day could not help but emerge from my mind.

First, they misunderstood that the other party was a boy looking for a deal with Gabriel PY, and then threatened the other party, and then resolved the misunderstanding.

I found that the other person was an idol master and gave me a lot of useful advice.

Later, the other party played "Twirl, Snow Moon Flower!" 》, take a photo with yourself.

Then there was the misunderstanding that the other party and a junior high school student wearing a black Gothic skirt were doing some shameful things in the toilet of the cafe.

Feeling extremely uncomfortable, I blocked the other person for no reason and tried to educate him. Then I realized that I had misunderstood the other person, and it turned out that the other person was just helpful.

Regardless of his past grudges, he patiently explained to himself and then forgave himself.

Tell the other person your real name, give your contact information to a boy for the first time in your life, and an interesting photo of yourself and the other person taken by Raphael.

In fact, there is another secret that cannot be told, that is, after giving the other party the group photo, he secretly stole the negative of the photo, then re-developed a group photo and stored it in his locked box. In the drawer.

Every time I saw the picture, I used a look of disgust to make the other person throw away the cigarette in his mouth, and the helpless and shocked look on the other person's face made Nan Xiaoniao couldn't help but laugh in bed.

You've obviously only met each other once, so why do you think their story is enough to be written into a light novel?

Because when I saw Mo Yi again, strange thoughts that I couldn't control these days kept popping up in my mind, and I was afraid that the other party would see what I was thinking. When Nan Xiaoniao met Mo Yi's eyes, her delicate and snow-white face showed up. His face gradually turned bright red and turned into a fresh big apple in just a few seconds.

Chapter 189: Honoka Takasaka

"I think it's your first time to do a show and you'll definitely get carried away, so I won't bother you."

Mo Yi couldn't help but laugh when he saw Nan Xiaoniao transforming into Steam Princess after a disagreement.

Xiaotiaochan is still so cute after not seeing her for a few days.

"Besides, if you come here early, I can help you."


It turns out that the other party came so far in advance to help them!

Seeing Mo Yi's warm smile, Nan Xiaoniao was deeply moved.

As the other party said, it was their first time to perform and they did encounter a lot of trouble.

Not to mention applying for venues from schools, all kinds of post-production work such as publicity, the pressure that performers have to face and daily practice training are almost overwhelming, not to mention the pressure they have to face as female high school students. Right about heavy schoolwork and other things.

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