If it weren't for the encouragement and support of the optimistic Honoka, Minami Kotori felt that she wouldn't be able to hold on to her first performance.

Of course, Mo Yi can also be added now.

In the past few days, when she felt great pressure and didn't know how to get rid of the troubles in her heart, she tried to talk to Mo Yi about the pressure and troubles in her heart.

After sending such a message for the first time, I immediately felt regretful and embarrassed. I and the other party were just friends who had met once. Would it bother the other party to confide such things to the other party so quickly?

In other words, the other party has forgotten about him and ignores his message at all.

Fortunately, ten minutes after she sent the message, Mo Yi replied to the other party, with a touch of comfort and advice in his words, plus some suggestions, which immediately calmed down Nan Xiaoniao's uneasy mind.

It turns out that I am not being sentimental. If the other party really can't remember or doesn't care who I am and just ignores my information, that would be very embarrassing and sad.

Self-indulgence is one of the most embarrassing things in the world.

With the increase in the number of interactions, Nan Xiaoniao has come to regard Mo Yi as his good friend. Most of them feel like old friends at first sight and hate to meet each other so late.

"Classmate Mo Yi, hello-"

When Nan Xiaoniao wanted to thank Mo Yi a few words, a girl with an orange side ponytail took the initiative to come over. With a warm and energetic smile on her face, she looked at Mo Yi curiously and said:

"I am Minami Kotori's good friend, Kousaka Honoka. Nice to meet you!"

"Kosaka-san, nice to meet you too."

Mo Yi took a look at the spiritual leader of the muse, Honoka Kosaka. Well, she was indeed full of energy. Just looking at her smile could make the girl happy and positive, and said with a smile:

"I've long heard from Xiaotiao that her good friend Honoka has the prettiest smile. When I saw it today, it turned out to be true."


When Nan Xiaoniao heard Mo Yi say this, he immediately became shy. Although he had said this, Mo Yi, how could I face this guy Honoka if you said it like this?

You know, this guy is very red in color. After she knows that he has praised her like this, he will definitely show it off often.


After hearing Mo Yi's words, Honoka jumped up with joy. Regardless of the fact that Mo Yi, a strange boy, was still in front of her, she pounced directly on Nan Xiaoniao's slender back, rubbed her face hard against Nan Xiaoniao and asked:

"Little bird, do you really think so?"


If it was normal, Nan Xiaotiao would have been used to the off-line behavior of her childhood sweetheart Honoka, but in front of Mo Yi, she always felt very embarrassed. Their behavior seemed very rude.

"Honoka, don't do this in public."

Mo Yi: "..."

Xiaotori-chan, I always think your words are very meaningful.

Minami Kotori and Honoka are good friends, and there is nothing wrong with such behavior. But under the guidance of Minami Kotori's words, Mo Yi had to think of the legend about lilies.

Don't do this in public again. That means you can do it when you are alone, Kotori-chan.

Mo Yi looked at Honoka with a strange look on Nan Xiaotiao's back, rubbing it as much as he wanted. Coupled with Nan Xiaotiao's pretty red face, he went back tonight and described the scene based on his own memory, and used it directly for the next step. The title page of Lily's work feels completely out of place.

"Little bird, why is your face so red?"

Honoka ignored Minami Kotori's scolding voice with a glutinous tone, and seemed to find something wrong. She quickly pressed her forehead against Minami Kotori's forehead. After a few seconds, she said in a heavy tone:

"Your forehead is very hot!"

"Little Bird, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Is it because I have been too busy these past two days that something went wrong?"


Nan Xiaoniao naturally knew why her face was so red and hot. It was due to shyness and nervousness, not a symptom caused by a cold or fever.

But what should I say when faced with such caring greetings from Honoka?

It was impossible to say that I was so shy because I saw Mo Yi and remembered what happened with him the day before yesterday, which made my face blush and my whole body feel hot.

"It's okay, I should have distributed flyers under the sun and dried them like this."

The clever Nan Xiaoniao quickly thought of the perfect answer.

"Done in the sun?"

Mo Yi raised his head and looked at the sun. It was still early. How could such a sun make him look like this?

As long as you know it, it will be Aqua's turn to tell you.

Woo woo (┭┮﹏┭┮)——

Nan Xiaoniao, who was secretly observing Mo Yi, naturally saw Mo Yi's movements.

His excuse was only superficial. Honoka, a heartless guy, would definitely not be able to deceive someone as smart as Mo Yi.

After feeling Nan Xiaoniao secretly looking at him, Mo Yi quietly blinked his right eye and told him, I won't expose you.

"Little Bird, if you weren't feeling well, you should have told me earlier——"

At this time Sonoda Umi finally couldn't help it and reminded:

"Honoka, the little bird is so hot, why don't you let her go quickly and let her cool down."

Sonoda Umi has been with Mo Yi from the beginning, just because Nan Xiaotiao noticed Mo Yi at first and did not notice her behavior, which made her feel a little suspicious.

So I kept silent and watched the interaction between Nan Xiaoniao and Mo Yi.

Facts have proved that Nan Xiaoniao seems to really care about the other person's eyes, otherwise he wouldn't be so nervous.

As her good friend, Umi Sonoda naturally knew that at this time, all she had to do was play Jingjing and be the background wall.

However, this guy Honoka didn't know how to read the atmosphere and just came out to cause trouble, so she couldn't continue to observe them secretly to see what was going on.

"I'm sorry, little bird——"

Honoka reacted, quickly let go of Minami Kotori, and said:

"Since the little bird is not feeling well, let's go aside and rest for a while."

After that, he walked directly ahead, found under a big tree, waved to Mo Yi and others:

"It's cool here, everyone, come quickly."

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