Since the other party is not allowed to pick it up, forget it. Anyway, you already know where the purchase point is. You can buy it as long as you want. You can treat the person who offends you to eat Sanae bread anytime and anywhere.

Regarding Nan Xiaoniao's behavior of deliberately changing the topic, Mo Yi also cooperated with some understanding. After all, girls still need boys to take care of them, and said:

"Sorry, I haven't eaten it myself, so I don't know very well."


After Honoka saw the bread flying into the trash can, she regained her smile and said:

"Mo Yijun, please don't try that kind of bread alone, otherwise you'll get dizzy and no one will notice, and you'll be in trouble."

"I still remember when we were young, after being coerced and coerced by Aunt Sanae, we finally took a bite of that bread."

Honoka Honoka looked at the sky and sighed sadly:

"Just one bite made me, Kotori and Umi faint from the five senses of hell. From then on, I will never forget that indescribable taste for the rest of my life."

"If I had to describe it, it would be the smell of hell!"

Sonoda Umi continued what Honoka said and said:

"So, please don't try to die. Incineration of all Sanae bread is the most correct way to treat it."

Mo Yi: "..."

If I didn’t know better, I would have thought you were talking about biological and chemical weapons.

Seeing their frightened expressions, Mo Yi knew that Sanae Bread had left huge psychological trauma in their young hearts.

My previous behavior was a bit excessive.

Chapter 191: Sister Xiaoniao, is this your boyfriend?


Since it was his fault, Mo Yi apologized to them directly.

Honoka and others also said generously, of course they choose to forgive you.

If there is a next time, I will stuff that Sanae bread into Mo Yi's mouth as punishment.

Mo Yi: "..."

You are so generous, but why am I not moved at all?

Especially Xiaoniao who offered to put it in my mouth.

After the fight just now, the strangeness between Mo Yi and the Muse trio has dissipated a lot, mainly Honoka and Denzono Umi.

The ripe Honona fruit was eating bread while chatting with Mo Yi with his mouth puffed out. Even Sonoda Umi, who was not allowed to enter, could talk to Mo Yi with a natural expression.

"Very good--"

Nan Xiaoniao sat aside in silence, watching with a smile the scene of Mo Yi chatting with her friends. She was previously worried that Mo Yi would not get along with Honoka, Sonoda Umi and others. What should she do at that time?

"Mo Yi-kun, why did I call the bird Nanako-chan just now?"

Honoka suddenly remembered this and asked out of curiosity:

"What a cute name. Why didn't I know that little bird had such a name? Is it a nickname?"

Mo Yi: "..."

Is there anyone else with such a cute baby name in this world?

Shouldn't the baby names be all names like Goudan, Ergou, Wangcai, and Doudou?


Mo Yi was about to say, this is Nan Xiaoniao's debut name, don't you know? When he said this, Nan Xiaoniao suddenly made a bird's cry, rushed directly in front of Mo Yi, and stretched out his right hand to cover Mo Yi's mouth.

When I worked part-time as a maid in Akihabara, they didn't know it yet, but I couldn't let Honoka and Umi know about it. It would be too shameful.


Mo Yi didn't forcefully open Nan Xiaoniao's little hand, so he could only whimper.

Looking at Minami Kotori's panicked eyes, she knew that the other party didn't want to reveal that she was the most beautiful servant Nanako-chan in Akihabara.

Mo Yi patted the opponent's hand and signaled with his eyes, "I won't tell you the truth." The panic in Nan Xiaoniao's eyes calmed down.

"Very suspicious-"

Honoka held her chin with one hand and said:

"Little bird, you must be hiding something important from us, so hurry up and recruit him, otherwise don't blame me for serving the punishment."

After saying that, he stretched out his two hands towards Nan Xiaoniao, making the shape of claws, and his ten fingers kept grabbing, as if he was trying to catch something.

Honoka, who must have directly forced a confession, and Sonoda Umi looked at Minami Kotori, who was still covering Mo Yi's mouth, with strange eyes, and muttered:

"I didn't expect you to be such a little bird, and you promised to hold hands until the end of the world?"

"To betray the revolution so quickly."

"No, you are overthinking."

Facing the curious looks of Honoka and Sonoda Umi, Minami Kotori quickly explained:

"You are overthinking. Mo Yi-kun didn't call me Nanako-chan just now."

Mo Yi: "..."

Birdie-chan, you're acting cute again.

"If not, why did you cover Mo Yijun's mouth and prevent him from speaking."

Honoka wittily pointed at Minami Kotori's inappropriate behavior at the moment and said:

"If you have the ability, let Mo Yijun go now and let us have a good communication with Mo Yijun."

Sensing the ill-intentions in Honoka and Sonoda Umi's eyes, Minami Kotori's right hand that had already been released used another force, pretending to be relaxed and said:

"No, you will scare Mo Yijun."

Mo Yi: "..."

Xiaotori-chan, it’s actually your current behavior that scares me. Although the crumbs of bread are still stuck to your hands when you were eating the bread just now, and it smells really good, I’m not such a casual person, and besides, others can’t even suspect it. !

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