One look at you and I know you have no talent for lying.

"Very suspicious-"

Honoka muttered, and Umi Sonoda also said:

"Little bird, it's very unhygienic for you to cover Mo Yijun's mouth like this, please let go quickly."

After that, Honoka and Sonoda Umi slowly came closer, preparing to rescue the hostage Mo Yi, and then learned from his mouth what Nan Xiaotiao wanted to hide.

Facing her friends' pressing step by step, Nan Xiaoniao trembled all over and her face turned red, but her small body still stood firm in front of Mo Yi. She must not let them succeed. If they knew that she was working part-time in Akihabara, Maid, they will definitely get to the bottom of it and let themselves wear maid uniforms at home for them to play with.

My southern little bird will never be a slave!

"Oh, Mo Yijun, your stomach feels uncomfortable?"

Nan Xiaoniao looked at Mo Yi's innocent eyes, nodded and said:

"You probably don't know the road, let me accompany you to the bathroom!"

After that, he ignored Mo Yi's other people present, took Mo Yi's hand and ran away.

"They ran away——"

Honoka looked at the two people being pulled away by Minami Kotori and muttered:

"Besides, the nearest restroom is nowhere in the direction."

Sonoda Umi: "..."

This is obviously an excuse. Honoka, you don't really believe it, do you?

Sonoda Umi covered his forehead speechlessly with his hands and muttered: How come I have such a wise best friend!

Complaints are complaints, Sonoda Umi is still very curious about what happened between Xiaoniao and Mo Yi, but since Xiaoniao doesn't want them to know so much, then he can just pretend not to know when they come back. ,

As a good friend of the other party, when the other party wants to tell her, she will naturally tell them.

————Nanako-chan’s dividing line————

"Nanako-chan, I have a question that I'm very curious about."

Nan Xiaotiao pulled Mo Yi and ran all the way. In a girls' school like Otonogizaka, such bold behavior has never been seen. In addition, Nan Xiaotiao is a minor celebrity, which will naturally trigger waves of surprises. It was just ignored by Nan Xiaotiao who was still shy and embarrassed.

"What's the problem?"

After hearing Mo Yi's voice, Nan Xiaoniao finally calmed down and stopped dragging Mo Yi all the way, which was simply called elopement.

"Xiaotiao-senpai, good morning."

Rin Hoshizora and Hanayo Koizumi, the first-year students of Otonogizaka, looked at Minami Kotori and Mo Yi with curiosity. Rin Hoshizora, who was bolder, took the initiative to say hello to Minami Kotori:

"Senior Xiaoniao, we are looking forward to your performance today."

"Hello you all--"

Nan Xiaoniao didn't expect to meet a student who knew her and supported their muse, so she quickly thanked:

"Thank you, we will work hard!"

"Senior Xiaotiao, is this senior your boyfriend?"

Xingkong Rin looked at the two people holding hands curiously and said with a smile:

"Could it be that this senior is also a member of Muse and will he participate in the performance today?"


Prompted by the gazes of Xingkong Rin and Koizumi Kayo, Nan Xiaotiao finally realized that she was still holding Mo Yi's hand because she had escaped from the scene, and quickly let go, waving her hands and explaining:

"No, Mo Yijun is my good friend——"

"He doesn't know the way to school. I just take him to the bathroom now."

Chapter 192: I already have a wife


Xingkong Rin looked meaningfully at Nan Xiaotiao, who was feeling guilty, and said seriously:

"Senpai Xiaotiao, we understand, we won't tell anyone, especially the chairman."

"It's just that I am looking forward to whether this senior will participate in today's performance, meow!"

"I, that's not what I meant -"

You don’t understand at all!

Nan Xiaoniao's heart is broken. Why are there no pure children now?

Is it true, as Honoka said, that since Master Yakumo debuted, there are only two types of high school students in this world, one is illiterate, and the other is Yakumo's friends?

Do I also participate in the show?

This seems to be a good choice. If the other party performs singing and dancing, it will definitely need someone to accompany it. Just like in Phoenix Legend, there is also a male singer who is responsible for singing "Wow", "Oye", "Ah ah" "Are these choruses from?

In addition, today is the so-called Hundred School Exchange Day. If the performance is successful, it will definitely gain huge attention and maybe become famous in one fell swoop.

Isn’t my mission as stable as an old dog?

"Mo Yijun and I really don't have the relationship you think. Yes, he is my friend. Don't misunderstand me."

Minami Kotori still tried to explain that her mother was the chairman of Otonogizaka. If she was misunderstood by the surrounding students, her mother would definitely know about it.

Thinking of this, Nan Xiaoniao felt even more ashamed, and the scene of his mother walking into his room at night and whispering to him could not help but appear in his mind.


Xingkong Rin looked at Nan Xiaotiao who was in a panic and shouted:

"Male friends?"

"Boyfriend, I really understand!"

"Senior Kotori, Hanayo and I will definitely protect this secret and not let the chairman know about it."

"Come on, I wish you happiness, meow!"

Mo Yi: "..."

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