Xingzong Rin, one of the three idiots in the Muse, met today and found out that the other person was not an idiot but a natural black man. Didn’t you see that even the black-bellied bird was defeated by her few words?

Although Nan Xiaoniao's embarrassed look is cute, Mo Yi also understands that for young girls, such rumors can be big or small, and if they meet Hei Fenghei, it will cause huge physical and mental trauma.

It can be seen from this that follower black is very cute. If you encounter a follower, you can just knock him out with a stick and send him to Thailand.

"These two school girls, you have misunderstood."

Mo Yi took a step forward, stood slightly in front of Nan Xiaoniao, showed a gentle smile, and said:

"Xiaoniao and I are just ordinary friends, and I already have a wife."


Everyone immediately screamed in surprise, among which the birds were the loudest, covering up the voices of Xingzong Rin and Koizumi Hanayo, saying:

"Mo Yijun, you are obviously just a high school student and you don't have a ring on your finger. How can you be married?"

Nan Xiaotiao took a step back unbearably and muttered.

Mo Yi: "..."

Doesn’t the wife from my previous life count as my wife?

Moreover, as for the definition of wife, according to Mo Yi's standards, after being fucked by him, she is naturally his wife. There is no need for so-called legal recognition.

Law is always only for the weak. The strong naturally abide by the laws in their own hearts.

This master is the king who controls the late night time of all young men and women in the world. Of course, he will not abide by the so-called laws.

It's just that this kind of thing can only be done, not said.

"Oh, I see--"

Xingkong Rin found it difficult to accept it at first, but seeing Nan Xiaoniao's surprised and sad expression, and Mo Yi's awkward appearance without explanation, he boldly came up with a correct answer and said:

"Senior Mo Yi, you are so kind."

"In order to help Senior Sister Xiaoniao cover up, I don't hesitate to desecrate myself like this, nya!"

“So that’s it——”

After hearing Xingzong Rin's explanation, Nan Xiaotiao also broke away from the strange and uncomfortable mood.

"Two school girls, we still have something to do, so we need to take a step forward."

In order to avoid being entangled with them any longer, Nan Xiaoniao took Mo Yi's hand again and ran towards the usually deserted grove.

"Senpa Kotori——"

Xingkong Rin looked at the two people running away with envy, suddenly remembered something important, and shouted:

"Xiaotiao-senpai, you are going in the wrong direction. The bathroom is not in that direction, nya!"

Then, Nan Xiaoniao still had the time to listen clearly to Xingkong Rin's shouts from behind. Now she just wanted to run to a place with no one and Mo Yi, and then tell the other party clearly about her part-time job as a maid in Akihabara.

“Finally there’s no one left——”

Nan Xiaoniao let go of Mo Yi's hand, patted his heaving chest and said:

"Mo Yijun, I'm sorry for dragging you to this place suddenly."

"If you had any problems before, you can tell them now——"

"Kotori-chan, you'd better take a breather first."

Mo Yi looked at Nan Xiaoniao who was exhausted and panting in a funny way, and said:

"Being an idol is a high-intensity job, and your physical strength is not enough. You need to exercise hard in the future."


After being told by Mo Yi about her poor physical strength, Nan Xiaoniao's pretty face turned even redder, but she also glanced at Mo Yi quietly and found that the other person was looking at her with gentle and caring eyes, and the little emotions in her heart calmed down. Coming down, he muttered sheepishly:

"I will exercise more in the future."

The other person was so amazing. He had been running with me for so long, but he was not out of breath or sweating at all. Then he thought of something and quickly lowered his head to prevent the other person from noticing his shameful expression.

"Then come on, Kotori-chan."

Mo Yi took out a new handkerchief from his pocket, shook it a few times in front of the place, and said:

"Here you go, I haven't used it yet."

"Thank you."

Nan Xiaoniao took the handkerchief and found that it was extremely brand new. It looked like it had never been used. Of course, it didn't mean that she minded that Mo Yi had used it. Well, I couldn't say that she didn't mind at all. Anyway, it was a very subtle girl's mentality.

For example, why does the other party have a handkerchief that has never been used before? Did he bring it specially to see him today?


Nan Xiaoniao was no longer reserved and wiped the sweat on his body with Mo Yi's handkerchief. But when he smelled the smell on the handkerchief, he couldn't help but let out an exclamation, because the smell on the handkerchief was clearly different from Mo Yi's unique freshness. , the smell of grass and trees I only asked about on him was exactly the same.

The handkerchief was stained with each other's scent. Was it really unused?

Or the other party said this because he was afraid of being embarrassed and rejected.

Nan Xiaoniao couldn't help but think wildly, and even thought of the handkerchief in his hand, rubbing it on the other person's body, and then getting covered with the other person's breath.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Mo Yi looked at Nan Xiaoniao who was wiping his sweat strangely and asked:

"If you have anything to tell me, don't look at me like this. In fact, I am also a person who has received an elite education and is proficient in many skills. I am still very confident in my medical skills."

How did Mo Yi know that the handkerchief he made casually had its own smell, so Nan Xiaoniao mistook it for being one he had used?

Chapter 193: Is there a men’s restroom in the girls’ school?

Mo Yijun is so bad.

He deliberately handed the handkerchief he had used to himself, and now he showed this innocent look, a sinister guy.

Of course, this is the greatest possibility, but Nan Xiaotiao thinks this is the fact.

Although she wiped her sweat with a handkerchief that had been used by the other party and still had the scent of the other party, Nan Xiaotiao, who likes cleanliness, strangely did not feel dirty in her heart, but a very strange feeling. In short, her heart beat faster, and even she could hear it. Get touched by the sound of your heart beating.

"Don't worry, I'm not feeling uncomfortable."

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