As long as there are strong colleges and universities, they will participate with all their strength. If they can get a good ranking in this competition, it will be a good thing to skyrocket. The country's education funds will be as much as they want. This is for the school management. , is a good opportunity to get promoted and make a fortune, and they will naturally not let it go.

But this kind of world-class competition is not something you can participate in if you want to. You first compete in the regional competition, and then compete in the national competition after promotion. Only after you get the ranking can you officially participate in the World Campus Sports Competition.

The Hundred-School Exchange Day is similar to an exhibition match before a regional competition. On the one hand, it allows students to show their abilities and win the favor of their own schools. On the other hand, it will also affect the number of participation places given by the education department to the university.

In a sense, it is indeed a national event. For students and parents, its attention is even higher than that of the Olympic Games.

Of course, Mo Yi has long passed the competitive stage, or in other words, these things are too unchallenging.

In terms of sports, even if one is a mage, the pure physical explosion of a body nourished by magic power and laws cannot be compared to normal humans.

In terms of literature and art, it can be said that it is a competition of knowledge accumulation and wisdom. The clairvoyance EX is enough to predict the future and can handle most projects.

In addition, I, Master Yakumo, have long been a well-known decent person in the world. There is no need for such an opportunity to gain both fame and fortune. Such opportunities should be reserved for young people with strong experience.

Therefore, Mo Yicai did not take the so-called Hundred Schools Exchange Day to heart, and naturally he would not sign up to participate in such an event.

However, it is a pity to miss such a grand event like this.

I will go back these few nights and work overtime to create a series of works on related themes, which will definitely be a big hit.

At this moment, Mo Yi suddenly remembered that even the game competition seemed to be one of the projects. The elementary school student league released by Yakumo House last year seemed to be one of the projects. I approved this matter last week, but a lot of things happened recently, so I didn't think of it.

Perhaps, I can draw a book called "The Female President's Personal King", which tells the story of a high school student who once defeated the world's game masters. Because of the fusion in his family, he returned home to take care of his adopted sister and retired. Years later, he finally became a high school student.

Then he met the fiancée of CEO Bingshan, who was engaged for a long time. She had already liked youth romantic comedies such as her innocent school beauty, hot policewoman, and kind-hearted nurse.

As for games and so on, it is natural to come back to the world and beat the younger generations to make them understand that high school students are the most powerful fighting force in the world.

Ahem, in fact, the game is not the focus. The focus is still on the plot with all kinds of beauties, and the guide to the iceberg female CEO who looked down on her at the beginning, so that she understands that it is not only the retired soldier who can be matched with the female CEO, but also the female CEO. There are retired kings.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that this routine is really interesting, and maybe it will become popular.

While Mo Yi was listening to Xue Miao talking about the Hundred Schools Exchange Day, his mind was filled with thoughts as to how tonight's book should be storyboarded.

"You guy, did you listen to me?"

The familiar pain came from his waist. Mo Yi looked at Xue Miao's ice face that was so close with his big innocent eyes, and knew that Xue Miao was attacking the thin flesh of his waist with her claws again.

This is simply unreasonable. It has been said that a gentleman should talk but never use his hands. Snow meow, if you have a book, you will bite me with your mouth and always attack me with your hands. What kind of skills do you have?

Don't you know that boys generally prefer girls who use their mouths rather than those who use their hands?

What's the difference?

Of course, it's because she has long been used to hating things like using hands. How can there be such a novelty in using words? What's more important is that she has a sense of conquest and likes cleanliness. She is willing to do this. It doesn't mean how much the other party loves you. What?

So, if your boyfriend says no, I don’t care at all. As a smart new-age woman, I definitely can’t believe it.

Everyone has a comparison mentality. Why is someone else's girlfriend willing to do this, but you are not willing? Yes, it must be because others love her boyfriend more.

The human heart is the most complex and fragile thing in the world. As long as there is a grudge at the beginning, as long as other unsatisfactory things happen later, those grudges will be remembered, and then even the most intimate relationship will fade over time. The trivial life collapsed, and in the end all that was left was to make do with familiar strangers, or maybe it was better to forget each other in the world.

I have said that you don’t understand people’s hearts, Xue Miao. Fortunately, you met me in this life. Otherwise, I would not have found a good man who is as considerate as me and can use the membrane method to make you understand people’s people better.

"Yukino-chan, I have been listening to you very carefully."

Mo Yi ignored Xue Miao's An Lushan claw that was still causing trouble around his waist and said seriously:

"Maybe it's because I was thinking and analyzing your words too seriously that it seemed like I was distracted. This is a big misunderstanding."

"Also, can you withdraw that hand that is still attacking me?"

"It's so embarrassing if someone sees you in public. You represent Fuyuki High School now."

"I believe you are stupid. You smile so obscenely. You must be thinking about the content of tonight's book again, and there must be a character similar to mine in it."

After learning more about Mo Yi's living habits from Ilia these days, Xue Miao could easily see through Mo Yi's fantasies when he was in a daze. An Lushan's claws were retracted, but the pretty face with a scrutinizing gaze was far away from Mo Yi. Yi was getting closer and closer, and Mo Yi could almost feel the carbon dioxide released by the other party.

"Besides, what you're afraid of is just being seen by Nan Xiaotiao."

Mo Yi: "..."

Xuemiao, you are really getting smarter and smarter.

How did you know that I was going to make the iceberg female CEO into a cat-loving madman with a vicious tongue, iceberg, long black hair, and a cuteness at home?

But you are wrong about one thing. As the heroine of this book, she must not be in an airport.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the character of the eldest lady of the Yukinoshita family is more in line with the appearance of the iceberg female president I want.

Chapter 199: What is the correct posture for giving birth?

Facing the snow cat under the snow that was pressing closer and closer, Mo Yi felt that he couldn't bear it any longer, otherwise the snow cat would hardly be able to figure out who its owner was. There would be a price to pay for the following mistakes.

Xue Miao's pretty face was getting closer and closer, but Mo Yi didn't shyly back away like Xue Miao thought, saying what a joke, do you think I, Mo, am the male protagonist of a light novel?

I am Master Yakumo, the apostle of the first male machine, and I have never understood what it means to retreat.

So, Mo Yi didn't retreat but moved forward, naturally touching the other person's red lips very close to him with his lips.

At this moment, Xue Miao was confused. How could she have imagined that Mo Yi would dare to behave like this on the busy school road.

What if you agree not to behave in an indecent manner in public?

Are you afraid of being seen by Nan Xiaoniao?

You are not playing by the rules!

"It's soft and a little sweet. It should taste like lip balm."

Mo Yi's proud eyes looked at Xue Miao right in front of him, slightly at a loss, letting him do whatever he wanted, and thought to himself:

"Xue Miao, you are still too naive."

"You shouldn't provoke this master. You must know that you are my latest target. If I don't deal with you, how can I have time to open up a new world?"

"Besides, what if Nan Xiaoniao sees it? I don't have any bad intentions towards others. I don't want anyone to act upright, stand upright, and go for whatever I want. There's no need to be sneaky and shady."


When Mo Yi let go of her and smiled proudly, Xue Miao came back to her senses and wanted to threaten Mo Yi with her fists according to her past habit.

But noticing that countless people around were secretly observing this place, Xue Miao had no choice but to shrink back and sit on the farthest side of the stone chair, her face flushed but with a ferocious look on her face, and she whispered:

"You Hun Dan, what are you doing again?"

When Mo Yi suddenly took this bite, Xue Miao was surprised that she was not as angry as she imagined, or in other words, she didn't feel angry at all.

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