Is it because it’s not the first time, or maybe I’m used to it?

Such thoughts made Xue Miao a little uncomfortable to express. In addition to the shame of committing such an indecent act that she had most looked down upon in public, there was also a trace of sweetness and joy in her heart.

I had previously suspected that he was afraid of being seen interacting with the beautiful girl from Nan Xiaotiao, but now the other party told me in this tough way that he didn't care.

In other words, one's own importance is greater than the fear of being seen by Nan Xiaotiao.

Therefore, a sense of joy will emerge in my heart.

What's wrong with you? When did you start paying so much attention to what the other person thinks of you? Could it be that after more than a week of teasing and teasing by the other party, I have already suffered from Stockholm syndrome?

In just a few seconds, Xuemiao analyzed his own mental state with a calm and rational attitude, but he came to such a shocking conclusion.

"Didn't you say before that you wanted to know what nasty things I would do to you when I was angry?"

"Do you understand now?"

Mo Yi ignored Xue Miao's ferocious expression and said with a mean smile:

"I told you before, be careful if I let you become the mother of the child and take maternity leave."

"After you were kissed by me, be careful that you are pregnant with a child."


At this time, Yukinoshita Yukinia once again recalled the memory of yesterday morning when Mo Yi kissed her and said she wanted to be the mother of her child. Her face was on fire, hot and red, and she was gritting her teeth like a fried cat. He said in a low voice:

"Next time you do something like this in a place with so many people, I will yell 'indecent' and see if you will be beaten to death by passers-by."

"Besides, I'm not one of those underage girls who will be fooled by you. A kiss will prevent you from getting pregnant."

You guy, who will be the mother of your child?

Moreover, we are so young and have not yet reached the legal age for marriage. Even if we can really take maternity leave, what should we do after the child is born?

How should a child who is pregnant out of wedlock face the gossip around her in the future? If someone else's child asks him who his father is and what he does for a living, how do you want him to answer? Could it be that his father is a glorious college student, or the world-famous writer Yakumo Master?

If you call your child this way, how can you hold your head high and be a good person in the future, and how can you grow up healthily and happily?

Mo Yi, do you know that children’s education is a very rough thing, and the living environment is very important. Before these problems are solved and the child’s growth environment and the material and psychological foundation are taken into account, it is impossible to have children indiscriminately. , is extremely irresponsible behavior towards children.

No, even if you have considered these issues, you cannot do this. It is immoral to work without a certificate before getting married.

I, Yukinoshita Yukino, would not be prone to such wrong behavior.

More importantly, how can you do such an important thing casually when you haven't met your parents yet and made all preparations?

In a short period of time, Xue Miao thought of so many important things from Mo Yi's threatening words, almost considering how many children she would have in the future. She heard that giving birth was very painful.

If Mo Yi uses mind reading at this time, he will definitely be disappointed——

How did he think that Xue Miao, who was still confronting him with an angry look at this moment, had already thought of all the prerequisites that needed to be met in order to give birth to a child.

They will probably complain, Miss Xue Miao, you think too much. It’s great to have you as my wife. Not to mention being a rich second generation, even a poor loser can instantly enter the life of a rich person with cars and houses. To describe it in popular terms, it means struggling for at least twenty years.

Then, except for Xuemiao, who is a little sad in some aspects, in other aspects, she is at a first-rate level in terms of appearance, IQ and knowledge. Although she is a bit rigid, she is not a bad traditional girl. At least there is no need to consider whether to forgive her in the future. The problem.

Marriage is not only for obtaining a certificate to work, but also for raising offspring.

According to biology, a child's strength largely depends on the mother's genes, and Xuemiao, the academic master, has no problem with this.

Coupled with Xue Miao's strict attitude towards herself, the child can't do anything unless he wants to be versatile.

Thinking about it this way, Xue Miao is indeed a perfect wife. As long as you marry her, all the happy life a normal man wants will be within your reach.

"Isn't it possible to conceive a child through kissing?"

Mo Yi was shocked, showing a look of astonishment doubting his life, and asked:

"Yukino-chan, can you please satisfy my desire to learn, a bad student with poor knowledge, and explain to me how I can let you become the mother of my child and give birth to a lovely child?"

Chapter 200: Three Love Wifes

"You shameless person, shut up—"

How could Xue Miao imagine that Mo Yi's shamelessness was beyond her imagination.

You, the Huang Man teacher known as the best in the world, still dare to say that you don’t know the correct posture for giving birth?

Have you forgotten the love action drama you drew every night?

If a loli like Illya acts cute in front of me and pretends that she really thinks that kissing her will give birth to a child, I will admit it.

You're a big boy, why are you pretending to be cute? It's so disgusting and hateful.

The most outrageous thing is that he actually asked such an innocent high school girl like herself what is the correct posture for giving birth to a child.

Don’t you have any B numbers in your heart? If you really don’t understand, just go back and study at Yakumo House.

Being ugly or stupid is not a problem. The problem is that you know you are ugly and stupid, but you are still unwilling to learn advanced knowledge, and you still don't understand the fact that you can't do anything except study. That would be so embarrassing!

"If you dare to tease me again, I will really yell, 'That's indecent. What will you do then?'"

Xuemiao had no choice but to use her trump card again, trying to scare Mo Yi with this threat.

Hehe, Xuemiao, except for this kind of non-threatening intimidation, do you have no other way to deal with this master?

I used to do it, but now I can't even do it. It must be because I am reluctant and heartbroken.

However, since you can't afford to offend him, why not just run away? I didn't stop you from running, it's just that you refused to leave and kept chasing after me.

Even though I say no, I am still quite honest in my heart, Xuemiao.

As soon as I saw it, I knew that you had been attracted by the personal charm that I tried my best to suppress but leaked out every moment, and you couldn't control yourself at all.

Moreover, even if you shout "indecent", what can you do to me?

Is it wrong for my child’s mother and I to play some cute little games?

The melon-eating people passing by had the guts to beat me. Anyway, I could surround them all by myself, and then beat them in a group, letting them understand that bad guys and good guys will be kicked to death by horses.

"Shout, Yukino-chan, if you can, just shout out -"

Mo Yi, who was very playful, moved towards Xue Miao's position, increasing the psychological pressure on the opponent bit by bit, and said with a smile:

"If you don't shout, I will shout loudly for you, wife, I was wrong. I should not look sideways on the school road and not see any girls."

"Xue Miao, if you say this, do you want to roar or not?"

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