At the end of the day, Mo Yi had reversed his offensive and defensive stance. From being pinned down by Xue Miao in a corner for inspection, to now forcing Xue Miao to another corner of the stone chair, even his own face was almost touching Xue Miao's pretty face.

"Don't yell!"

Mo Yi's thick skin once again exceeded Xue Miao's imagination, but facing Mo Yi who was threatening him like this, Xue Miao was really helpless.

In particular, the air flow from the other party's words gently hit her red ears, causing goosebumps to rise on her neck and shoulders.

How can people be so shameless?

It's too shameful to shout "Honey, I was wrong" or something like that. How can you shout such a title in public, even if you get married in the future?

Moreover, I am not the kind of woman who is so jealous that you, Mo Yi, are not allowed to even look at other girls.

You have a strange relationship with Illya and your sister Erina-chan right now that anyone with a discerning eye can see. Did I, Snow Cat, say anything?

Not to mention, yesterday's new female teacher and the cow Sei Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and today's Nan Xiaotiao, have I really blamed you?

What a ungrateful guy!

Despite her MMP in her heart, Xue Miao would eventually succumb to Mo Yi's lustful power.

Mo Yi, a man with no integrity, no reputation, no thoughtfulness, could really do something like calling his wife on the busy school street.

Today is the exchange day for hundreds of schools, and the students passing by are the elites of each school. After Mo Yi shouted, wouldn't he and the other party become famous in countless colleges and universities immediately.

Then, the Yukinoshita family will definitely know about such a thing, and the strict mother will definitely take some measures to deal with herself and Mo Yi.

It doesn't matter to me, I've almost gotten used to it over the years.

But Mo Yi, a guy who looks casual on the outside but is arrogant than anyone else on the inside, would be in trouble if he was really angry.

You don’t want to face the bloody choice between family and love. You don’t want to have to stab your loved one in the back in order to avenge your family. Or, in order to be with your lover, let your lover kick open the church door. Then he yelled that I don't want to be taken away by the other party. This is the result of elopement.

I, Yukinoshita Yukino, have always pursued perfection. Of course, I strive for perfection in my future. I want both family and lover.

"If you say you won't yell, you won't yell-"

Mo Yi blew hard on Xue Miao's red earlobe and said with a wicked smile:

"Aren't I, Mo, very shameless?"

"You know, people who come out to hang out are not just for a breath."


Xue Miao's whole body became extremely sensitive, and even her back was covered with goosebumps. When Mo Yi blew these words, she was frightened and her whole body shivered.

She was so flustered that she calmed down within a second. She snorted coldly to express her attitude, then turned away, not letting the other party attack the sensitive part of her ears, and said calmly:

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"You've already got an advantage. If you go too far, I'll kill you at most."

Snow Cat's erratic eyes have long betrayed your inner uneasiness and shyness. How could you possibly be able to bluff this master who has seen all the prosperity and trickle of water in the world?

The way you are now is basically saying, I will obey you, I will obey you, that's all.


As soon as Mo Yi disagreed, he touched Xue Miao's pretty face again, but this time it wasn't the touch of softness, but the other person's cheek.


I left traces in your mouth before, but this time I will put my exclusive brand on your face. How can Snow Cat run away?

When does this master want you to take maternity leave? It depends on my mood in the future. Will you dare to be so naughty in the future?

I don’t know that men are working outside. As a good housekeeper, I should tell you after I return from work——

Dear, you have worked hard. Do you want to take a bath first, eat first, or eat me first? Such a beloved wife three times in a row?

Or, shout 666 next to me.

Ahem——, but it is quite interesting to occasionally jump out and cause trouble. Let me explain first that I am not a lover of masochism. Once in a while, it is just for fun.

As for grasping that degree, that is what a bridal training course as a beloved wife should learn.

"I'll let you go this time. Who told you, Yukino-chan, to look so cute since you were a child?"

Mo Yi smiled evilly and used the words Xuemiao used to praise himself, teasing Xuemiao who was blushing because she was kissed here.

Can anyone recognize who is above?

Chapter 201: Nan Xiaotiao’s Big Crisis


Xuemiao, who was squeezed into fussing, was ridiculed by Mo Yi to the point where he couldn't say anything. He wanted to run away, but because the owner was the one who angered him, he looked like an angry cat who couldn't vent his anger.

"Okay, I won't joke with you anymore."

I feel like if I keep teasing him, the other person will really explode.

Mo Yi put away his previous frivolous expression and asked in a normal tone:

"Yukino-chan, let's talk about the reason why you are here, right? Are you also a contestant in the Hundred Schools Exchange Day?"


Forced to have no way to escape, Xuemiao was wandering between silence or explosion. When she saw Mo Yi change back to his previous appearance, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she didn't dislike the other person's appearance just now, it was really bad in front of so many people, or in other words, the impact was very bad.

If it's at your own home, it doesn't matter. You can go anal with the other person.

Yukinoshita Xue Miao was filled with a little disappointment in her heart. She didn't immediately push away when there were still many places to sit, but insisted on squeezing Mo Yi who was close to her. She said softly in a low voice:

"I am a contestant in the Go event, and the service department also received a request from a teacher named Yusa Emi to participate in the logistics support task of today's exchange group."

"That's probably what happened."

Although Mo Yi has returned to normal state, he is close to Xuemiao, and the body temperature that is constantly coming from the body reminds Xuemiao that the other party is still maintaining his previous behavior, or that he will enter that bad and threatening behavior at any time. He looks like a domineering president.

This is too shameful.

Therefore, Xue Miao cooperated with Mo Yi like never before and explained the things here clearly in a few words.

"Huh? It seems that Xuemiao is just like the domineering president."

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