The docile appearance of the snow cat made Mo Yi couldn't help but think:

"I'll use this trick on my opponent Xue Miao from now on."


Mo Yi would soon warm to such an idea, because everything has adaptability, just like the bacteria, viruses and vitamins in the human body.

And this move can only be used against the fledgling snow cat. When the snow cat gradually turns into an old sister like sister-chan and Yusa Emi, such a move command can inspire a certain character in the opponent, and in the end it will only be oneself who suffers.

————The dividing line between disconnected and reconnected Minami Kotori————

"Hello classmate, this is our muse's first performance..."

Although Nan Xiaoniao was occasionally distracted and took a look at where Mo Yi and Xue Miao were from a distance, his main focus was always on the work of distributing leaflets.

At this time, another handsome-looking boy passed by. Just like what he had done before, Nan Xiaotiao took the flyer and used his sweet smile and voice to promote Muse's performance this afternoon. .

"This beautiful lady, will you participate in this afternoon's performance?"

The boy who looked full of arrogance showed an evil smile that made Mo Yi ashamed and asked:

"I like you very much. I wonder what I should call this beautiful lady?"

Nan Xiaotiao: "..."

Although she is a bit natural, she is not a sweet girl in a certain novel or a certain river novel. I have already learned about this kind of tone and lines through Honoka, and this routine is difficult for writers in Yakumo House to write.

Nan Xiaotiao, a female school student, didn't know how to respond to the other party's question.

You can tell at a glance that the other person is the kind of person with a sense of superiority. If you reject him, according to Honoka's description, the other person will definitely become angry and feel that he has been seriously insulted. He will feel MMP in his heart and will definitely destroy himself. Once you get it, you will be called Brother Qing. On the surface, he maintained the elegant smile of an upper-class person, or continued to use the evil smile of the domineering president who could not survive more than twenty chapters except in a certain Jiang novel, and said:

"Woman, you successfully caught my attention."

You can choose to strike up a friendly conversation with your partner. Guys with a sense of superiority will definitely follow the bamboo pole method. First, talk to yourself in a gentlemanly manner. You will find that we are very compatible and you will feel like old friends at first sight. Then you will invite yourself to a nearby coffee shop or something like that. Learn more about the place.

I saw this a lot when I was working part-time in Akihabara.

When we got to know each other in depth in the coffee shop, he first accidentally revealed his million-dollar watch and the car keys of the Rolls-Royce Phantom. Then the other party accidentally revealed his family background or recent worries, such as the fact that he will continue to make hundreds of billions in the future. Topics such as having a family fortune worth $1.00 puts a lot of pressure on oneself.

As a result, those little girls became more maternal. In order to comfort him, they went to the big hotel owned by the other person's family to talk about life and ideals and comfort him.

I, Nan Xiaoniao, can recite this routine.

Why is this still happening now? Put it in Yakumo House, it looks like a third-rate story at first glance, and the author's royalties are probably enough to satisfy his needs.

"This classmate, I'm sorry. I'm still working now, so it's not convenient for me to talk to you."

Nan Xiaoniao maintained a gentle smile and declined:

"It's almost time for me to take over, one more step to take, classmate."

If I can't afford to offend this kind of guy, can't I, Nan Xiaoniao, still not be able to run away?

The clever little bird quickly used slip and escape to dismiss the other party's chat.

However, she was still too naive. The other party was from a certain generation who was superior to others. How could she let go of what she liked?

If Minami Kotori had flattered him like his female classmates in school, maybe Fujiwara Sasuke would have found it boring, but he was just another coquettish person and would forget about it when he looked back.

But Nan Xiaoniao's polite refusal really aroused his sexual interest.

Simply put, that is - woman, you have successfully attracted my attention.

Ever since he got tired of playing with all those glamorous girls he could hook up with, Erzhuzi had developed a new interest, which was to target girls who were not affected by his handsome appearance and external material conditions for the first time.

Then he artistically processes the process of his strategy into short stories, and then posts them to Yakumo's House for the envy, jealousy and hatred of those scumbags who can only look up to and worship themselves all their lives, in order to satisfy his reason for standing too high. High, winning at the starting line, an empty, lonely and cold life.

And that novel is the short story "Love Notes" written by the richest scumbag in the Yakumo House, Kami, whose pen name is New World. The main content and plot are written about the other person's personal experience. Today you will read the guide I can't afford it. Tomorrow I want you to tell the story of a girl you can't afford.

It contains a lot of pornographic, violent, hot weapons, and various capitalist corruption content, so it has been criticized and criticized by many people.

Naturally, many people also attacked and washed the land. What do you know? Master Kami only satirizes this corrupt world by describing a world that is prosperous on the surface and corrupt on the inside.

In fact, Erzhuzi has no such idea at all. The idea of ​​writing this thing is just to let others understand that the happiness of rich people is beyond your imagination.

Chapter 202: The uncompromising Nan Xiaoniao

"This female classmate, please stay. I have a heartfelt request. I hope this classmate can help."

Fujiwara Sasuke saw Minami Kotori about to run away, how could he let him go?

The more fiercely you resist, the sweeter the fruit will be in the end.

Moreover, just after a brief inspection, he knew that the other party was one of the highest-level prey he had ever encountered.

Her plain makeup is comparable to the class beauty of Dongda High School, her sweet and gentle smile, Xiaojiabiyu's temperament, coupled with her vigilance and rebellious spirit, she will run away when she meets him.

I, the Kami of the new world, can assert that the other person will be the most difficult peak for me to conquer since I was born.

However, isn’t the meaning of peaking just to be conquered by elites like yourself?

The more you resist and the harder it is to catch you, the more interesting it is, especially when you are put to bed by yourself, looking forward to your favor day and night, looking through the mountains and rivers with your soulless eyes, Mr. Fujiwara is just imagining it now Suddenly, the chicken couldn't help but move.

This will definitely be the most exciting new chapter in "Love Notes"!

"I am Sasuke Fujiwara, who is participating in the 100-school exchange day on behalf of Tokyo Affiliated High School. I came out of your school and got separated from my teammates. I hope this classmate can help me find the reception point of Tokyo Affiliated High School."

Minami Kotori felt that what the other party said was reasonable and convincing. If he didn't help the other party, wouldn't it mean that the quality of Otonogisaka students was too low and they were not even willing to help fellow alumni find their way?

But what are the maids on the left and right standing behind me?

I don’t have time to play the game of Gray Princess with a noble man like you. You know, if it can become a story that spreads around the world, it means that this is a daydream that has been impossible to realize for countless years.

Otherwise, how could it become a fairy tale that will last forever?

This is the same as if a person is bitten by a dog, it is not news, but if a dog is bitten by everyone, it is news that everyone knows.

However, being surrounded by three maids in short-dressed clothes, Nan Xiaoniao, who could only move forward but could not turn, was unable to use Han Paopao and Lin Laomo's secret of Gou - Escape.

At this time, seeing the elegant and gentle smile on the other person's face that symbolized a gentleman and an elite, Nan Xiaoniao couldn't help but panic, and now he couldn't even run away.

So, at this time, I could only ask for help from the students passing by.

However, the surroundings were already surrounded by maids in colorful and short clothes. Some students who knew Nan Xiaotiao or had a sense of justice were shocked by the strange light in the eyes of those maids, and they were unable to start the heroic rescue of the beauty. Every story has its own plot points.

"My good friend is still waiting for me, Fujiwara-san, please find someone else to help."

"I believe that the classmates of Otonomisaka will definitely be willing to help you."

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