The second young lady also did not dissatisfy the expectations of the public and easily passed the other party's audition and reached the point of meeting the other party.

After a dinner, Xue Miao, who was unconvinced and unwilling to cooperate, was eliminated by Mr. Fujiwara. As for the reason, there is no need for others. Others do not need to explain to the inconspicuous scum like the Yukinoshita family. .

Xue Miao also breathed a sigh of relief.

But the Yukinoshita family, which has experienced ups and downs, is different. It feels uncomfortable to have high hopes and then to be disappointed. The Fujiwara family cannot afford to offend them, and the outlet for their anger falls on the silent Yukinya, who is not a good person to begin with.

And it was only through this incident that Xue Miao gained the possibility to go out and live alone.

The biggest disappointment is neglect, that's what it means.

Let the other party experience the life of a commoner, maybe this Xuemiao can change. This is how Yukinoshita's parents considered it.

Xuemiao quickly explained the matter in a short clip, and finally added:

"I know that you are not afraid of the other party, and it is impossible to be afraid of the other party. I just hope that you can figure out how to deal with it, which is the most appropriate way."

Xuemiao heard Mo Yi's question, 'Is the other party very powerful? ’ After that, I subconsciously wanted to say that he was very powerful, but after thinking about the hidden identity of the man in front of me who always made me angry, I felt that the other person was very powerful.

In addition to the other party's good reincarnation skills, the so-called genius name is just for people in the upper class circle. Putting this factor aside, are there still few so-called geniuses in the world?

In the end, the vast majority of geniuses are not just like ordinary people, working for others, getting married and having children, and surviving like an assembly line.

For people like Mo Yi, who is from another world, the other person seems to be no different from ordinary people, and he is treated like a monster with one punch.

Mo Yi understood Xue Miao's words instantly.

Although I am not afraid of the other party, after defeating the other party, I will definitely be in trouble.

After all, most people need to abide by the rules of modern society. It would be really troublesome if the other party uses those rules and means of modern society to retaliate against themselves.

At that time, what should I do?

I don't have time to play the 'Game of Thrones' with these guys who are busy fighting for power day and night. When the time comes, do I have to come directly to the door and punch every monster in the face?

If someone continues to take revenge, just continue to punch one revenge monster, and just treat it as a walk after dinner.

It was decided happily.

I don't have time to play Monopoly with you. The only ones who can be my opponent are Qiu Qiu and myself, and maybe my sister-chan.

"Little bird, it turns out you are here. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

While Minami Kotori and Fujiwara were looking at each other, and Fujiwara Erzhu was looking at the prey with interest, a male classmate who looked ordinary at first glance crossed the maid group's front line blockade at some point and walked to Minami Kotori. His left hand was still holding her right hand, blocking him in front of him, and asked in the tone of talking to an old friend:

"Miss maid, can you give way?"

"My friends and I still have things to do."


Fujiwara Sasuke, who was in a good mood, naturally felt bad when he saw that he suddenly appeared in front of him, holding the hand of his inevitable prey.

"I'm sorry, this male classmate."

"Xiaoniao-san wants to accompany me around campus. If you need anything, I can send my maid to help you."

Young Master Fujiwara is naturally dissatisfied with these guys who don't know their own abilities, and always come out to disturb his game, claiming to be messengers of justice.

Chapter 204: Magical Girl vs. Millennium Tree Demon

"Mo Yijun——"

Feeling Mo Yi holding her right hand and the warmth coming from his palm, it would be a lie to say that she wasn't touched.

Nan Xiaoniao had been expecting someone to help and save him from the beginning, and the one who had high hopes was naturally Mo Yi, who was not far away.

Because he was busy conquering Xuemiao just now, Mo Yi didn't notice what happened in Nan Xiaoniao, and that's why things happened to this point in just a minute.

But Nan Xiaotiao doesn’t know this reason!

She originally thought that Mo Yi didn't dare to help her because he was afraid of trouble. Although she understood, she was disappointed in her heart.

It was only now that the other party was standing in front of him, and Nan Xiaoniao realized that he had not misjudged the person. Although he was very happy, he was also very worried. The other party had a maid group, and he was not someone to be trifled with at first glance.

Mo Yijun would get into trouble if he stood up for himself now, so he couldn't help but softly shouted Mo Yi's name, but he didn't know what to say next.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

As if feeling Du Yuang's worried gaze, Mo Yi turned around and said in a voice that only she could hear:

"I don't know how many times I've cried while playing with this kind of guy."


Hearing Mo Yi's wise words to comfort himself, Nan Xiaoniao couldn't help laughing and whispered:

"Mo Yijun, thank you."

In the face of a human-looking person, he dared to go on a blind date with Xue Miao, but still looked down upon Xue Miao. Doesn't it mean that this master's eyesight is very poor? Mo Yi's first impression of him was naturally very bad.

Of course, Mo Yi is unhappy with the other party, and the other party is also very unhappy with himself. If Mo Yi knows better and understands how stupid his behavior is at this moment, he, Young Master Fujiwara, may forgive the other party. If he still does not understand current affairs, then others will be his battle maid. Drag him to an uninhabited corner, and at least three of his legs will be broken, and at worst, he will disappear from the world, and his family will be destroyed.

"My little bird didn't agree to your unkind invitation——"

Mo Yipi said with a smile:

"Since you know that your request is unkind, don't raise it randomly, Mr. Fujiwara Sasuke."


After hearing the other party say his full name, Erzhuzi's playful eyes began to look at Mo Yi seriously.

Since the other party knows his real name, he also knows his true identity, so he still dares to step out and stop his game. What gives him such courage?

Could it be that the other party is a friend in a circle that I don't know? Or even a big shot?

Thinking of this, Young Master Fujiwara began to look carefully at Mo Yi, who was confident and sarcastic about him, but he couldn't remember that he had ever seen him before.

As the largest person in District 11, I have never met the other person. This can only mean that the other person is not from my gaming circle, either a dragon across the river, or some self-righteous little person.

I, Young Master Fujiwara, will naturally not give face to these people, otherwise how can I go out and hang out in the future?

As the boss, Fujiwara Erzhu naturally would not end up criticizing the little person in his eyes so quickly. He only saw him giving a look to the maids around him.

Then, all the maids looked at Mo Yi. Their dark pupils emitted a burst of blue light, and waves of invisible, spiritual energy waves, and something like spiritual power surged towards Mo Yi.

Dare you use such a simple onmyoji to make a fool of yourself?

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