Mo Yi pulled Nan Xiaoniao and moved a few steps subtly, keeping Nan Xiaoniao in a completely safe position and letting those spiritual energy fluctuations hit him.

To be honest, it's quite comfortable, a bit like an electric massage. It seems that Mr. Fujiwara is really good at it.

If it were in the lonely mountains and wild forests, Mo Yi wouldn't mind a mental attack and directly help the other person's intelligence to reach the average level of kindergarten. But here, as long as something happens to the other person, he will definitely get into trouble.

Although I am not afraid, it is hard to say about Minami Kotori, or the students of Otonogi Sakauchi.

This is what it means to bring disaster to Chiyu.

You can't turn this person into a disciple of Aqua, and wait until his friends, such as brothers, sisters, parents, and master's bastards take revenge, turn them all into mentally retarded children again.

Buddhist players no longer want to think about it, and there will be no one to pay tribute to Senior Aotian of the whole family.

Thinking about it this way, it is better to bring the opponent's hatred value to yourself. If he comes to cause trouble again, play happily with him, let him make up for it, and invite him to play "Silent Hill" and "Song of Saya" for free. ” and games like Backstreet Girls.

"Why doesn't it work?"

While Mo Yi was thinking about how to ravage the other party, the maids who had some knowledge of Onmyoji were sweating coldly. Their spiritual oppression had defeated countless young men who wanted to be heroes and save beauties.

Let those young men watch a ghost movie live and then run away so scared that they pissed themselves off.

Why hasn't it taken effect today?

The spiritual power fluctuations of eight people hit each other, like being absorbed by a sponge, sinking into the sea, with no effect at all.


The next routine should be for Mo Yi to exchange harsh words with the other party, and then take action while looking at each other.

Success or failure naturally depends on who is the protagonist in this story.

However, is Mo Yi the kind of person who follows this routine?

The opponent's maid's moves have been analyzed. Mo Yi used reverse analysis to add a spell reflection BUFF to his body, and then the spiritual energy fluctuations returned to their respective homes and were reflected on the maids.

"What's going on?"

A maid next to Mo Yi's eyes suddenly darkened, and she found that the environment around her had turned into darkness. Her friends and other maids were standing around her, and her maid outfit also turned into a shame. The clothes of Mahou Soju without Holy Light.

While she was still wondering, the dark cement floor suddenly broke open, and then countless whips like tree roots wrapped around her.

In reality, those maids were naturally affected by the onmyoji they fired. However, Mo Yi helped them set the content template as Yakumo's version of the magical girl fighting the thousand-year-old tree demon grandma.

Mo Yi directly ignored Mr. Fujiwara's invitation to show off and make harsh remarks to each other, and pulled him and his maid into the illusion, asking him to play the role of a thousand-year-old tree demon.

I hope that after they wake up, they can stay awake and face their boss instead of treating him as a pervert.

Then he took Nan Xiaoniao and turned around to leave, directly passing by the maids who were standing there motionless with bright red faces.

After Mo Yi appeared, Nan Xiaoniao turned back into a natural girl like Xiaoniao, standing there and letting Mo Yi handle the matter.



After they passed through the crowd, the maids standing there let out a tragic cry for help, and of course Mr. Fujiwara also made a strange laugh of "hehehehe".

When the matter is over, whisk it away, hiding your merits and fame——

Chapter 205: Then I’ll take it seriously

As he was being pulled out of the crowd, Nan Xiaoniao felt more at ease than ever before, until he was awakened by the strange figures behind him.

Just as he was about to look back curiously, Mo Yi blocked him with force and chuckled:

"Little girl, don't look at those weird things."

When Nan Xiaoniao heard this, he was immediately unhappy.

'Little girl' is one of the words that teenage girls don't like to hear the most. In other words, they don't like that no one thinks they are still children. And after they are in their twenties, they don't like people saying that they are mature. Instead, she likes to pretend to be a little girl.

Although he did not look back obediently, Nan Xiaoniao couldn't help but ask:

"Mo Yijun, why do they make such strange noises? Or, what did you do to them?"

"Have you ever heard of hypnosis?"

Facing ordinary people, Mo Yi chose an explanation that was easy for ordinary people to accept and explained:

"I hypnotize them and show them something interesting, and that's about it."

"Something interesting?"

Nan Xiaotiao was also a normal female high school student, so she could naturally hear the maid's cries and what occasion they should have made.

Unable to help himself, he glanced at Mo Yi secretly, but Mo Yi saw it and immediately took it back in embarrassment, muttering:

"I still remember that Mo Yijun is one of the leaders of Yakumo House."

Mo Yi: "..."

Little Bird, your words are very meaningful. It tells me tactfully that you are no longer a little girl.

However, that is just my profession. I am a very serious person, so I will not admit your guess, Kotori-chan!

So, Mo Yi pretended not to understand what Nan Xiaoniao said and asked:

"Little Bird, are you still sending flyers? Or should we go to Honoka or Sonoda-san for a round?"

Seeing Mo Yi's pretentious look, Nan Xiaoniao laughed happily, but at this time, she was still thinking about a question, whether to continue to let the other party lead her away, or to send him away quietly, pretending to be casual, Or, use joking language to tell the truth and see how the other party reacts. This is a very tangled choice.

However, after hearing Mo Yi's question, Nan Xiaoniao reluctantly chose to ignore the problem and continue holding hands because the other party's question was more urgent.

Well, yes, that's it.

"How else can I send it?"

Nan Xiaoniao patted his heart, feeling still frightened, and stuck out his tongue and said cutely:

"When the other party wakes up, they might come to trouble us."

"Let's go find Honoka and the others for a round first."

That's right. After all, Minami Kotori is just an ordinary girl's school student. She rarely meets boys. She is even said to be an arrogant and weird person like Mr. Fujiwara. At this time, she should still be scared.

"Little bird, if the other party comes to trouble you, or has trouble like this, remember to call me."

"Don't do what you did before—"

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