"That would be very dangerous."


At this time, Nan Xiaoniao was also scared of her previous behavior, but she did not regret it. Even if it happened again, she would deal with it this way.

Mo Yijun's hands are very warm——

"Well, Mo Yijun, you must remember to turn on your phone 24 hours a day, and even if you are busy and hang up my phone, you must reply to me in a timely manner."

After that, he winked playfully and said jokingly.

"No problem, I will be on standby 24 hours a day -"

"Then I'll take it as true."

Nan Xiaoniao nodded happily, and only at this moment did he truly erase the shadow caused by what happened just now.

Seeing the pure smile on the other person's face, Mo Yi finally felt relieved. The other person wanted to become an idol. If he suffered from some strange inner shadow such as male phobia because of what happened just now, how could he stand on the stage and become an idol? What about outstanding idols?

However, at the moment when Mo Yi felt relieved, he felt as if he had forgotten something important.

What is it? what is it then? ——

"Mo Yi, how long are you going to hold Nan's hand?"

Suddenly, a sound of gnashing teeth, like the Siberian cold current, sounded from behind Mo Yi, freezing Mo Yi's right foot that was about to be sold.


I finally remembered that I had forgotten something!

It turned out that he had left his pet snow cat among the people eating melons and forgot to take it away.

Xuemiao was obviously very angry, but because he met his old friend and the stranger Nan Xiaoniao was still there, he could only speak in a suppressed tone. Ordinary people might not be able to tell that Xuemiao was already very angry, but Mo Yi How could you not hear it?

I can clear the dungeon about Xue Miao several times a day, and I am very good at attracting the opponent's hatred.

It's just that this time I really didn't mean to make her angry.

Why did he grab Minami Kotori and run away calmly after he defeated Mr. Fujiwara?

Because he is so handsome!

In TV dramas, this is how it is played. Defeat the opponent, and before the opponent falls to the ground, turn around and run confidently. After taking a few steps, the enemy will make a wailing sound, or a sound like last words, remember to kill. , and then fell to the ground.

After this series of basic operations, the strength of the male pig's feet immediately increased twice. I think back then, this was how Kirito embarked on his journey to the sky.

A real man never looks back to see the explosion.

It was also because of this wave of basic operations that Mo Yi forgot that Xue Miao was still in the crowd, watching his hero save the beauty.

To be handsome, you have to pay a price. This is the so-called truth of alchemy - wait for a price increase.

Xue Miao wanted to follow Mo Yi out to help at first, but Mo Yi dissuaded her.

Because it can be seen from Xue Miao's description that the other party is someone the Yukinoshita family cannot afford to mess with, and he also knows Xue Miao. If Xue Miao gets ahead, the other party will definitely bear a grudge against Xue Miao.

With Xuemiao by her side, there would naturally be no problem, but it was hard to say for the Yukinoshita family.

When others are stronger than you, they can do whatever they want to you, but you have no way to do it.

Xue Miao was quite touched when she saw Mo Yi thinking about herself like this.

Hum o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)——

This time, let the hero save the beauty.

Xue Miao, who was in a happy mood, snorted dissatisfiedly when she saw Mo Yi standing up in the crowd.

However, after being a hero and saving lives, Mo Yi, who successfully taught the other party how to be an adult, did not come back with Nan Xiaoniao.

Instead, he pulled Nan Xiaoniao away without saying a word, leaving a handsome figure on his back for melon-eaters like him, turned around and ran away.

Xuemiao, who waited for Mo Yi to come back, scolded him a little and then forgave him, was stunned.

Then, the volcano in my heart erupted.

If you don't hold the bricks on the roadside, you will get a critical hit if you catch up, which is already considered a good temper.

Chapter 206: Sanzenin Nagi

"Yukino, where did you go just now? Do you know that I am worried about you-"

Mo Yi turned around mechanically. After turning around gracefully, the awkward and stiff look on his face turned into a worried and helpless smile, and said:

"I told you to stand there and wait for me to come back. After I finish helping the bird and buy some oranges, I will go back to find you."

"Why are you so disobedient and walking around casually? What if you run away?"

The three girls present were instantly stunned by this sentence that contained boundless love.

Needless to say, Xue Miao naturally imagined that Mo Yi's response would be to either ignore it and run away, or turn around and apologize to herself. She never expected that the other party would suddenly say some strange words. Moreover, when did Mo Yi say that? Were you going to buy oranges?

Although she couldn't understand what was specifically said, Xuemiao still understood that the other party was beating him down, and it was herself who was at fault.

Looking at Mo Yi's changes before and after, Nan Xiaoniao couldn't help but laugh. It turned out that Mo Yijun had the ability to change his face like this.

But at this time, she could also feel that Mo Yi and Xue Miao should have a good impression of each other. That's why the two had such conversations and reactions, which were a bit like being happy enemies.

However, Nan Xiaoniao didn't want to give in. If it had been before what happened just now, Nan Xiaoniao might have let go of his held right hand in panic when he encountered the current scene.

Although she was a little panicked now, she still didn't take the initiative to let go of the hand she was holding. Well, she pretended not to notice this.

Feeling the scrutinizing gaze cast by Xue Miao, Nan Xiaoniao did not give in. He nodded politely, and then took the initiative to let go of his hand when Mo Yi was talking nonsense.

Yes, this bland attitude is already a challenge.

As a girl, Xue Miao, she could easily understand the other person's meaning from her polite nod.

Seeing this, Xue Miao couldn't help but feel sour. It was obviously me first, why can you be held by his hand so naturally and stand beside him now.

However, it is uncomfortable to be uncomfortable. Xue Miao is a self-improving woman in the new era. How can she be influenced by her emotions? She cannot tell that the most correct strategy now is to maintain a normal expression.

That's right, you can't lose your momentum. If you lose your temper at this time, doesn't it mean that you are not as good as the opponent?

Only with a guilty conscience can one dare not use one's own charm to defeat the other party.

After using the universal orange to break the deadlock in the conversation, Mo Yi discovered that there was a girl he didn't recognize standing next to Xue Miao.

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