Well, she has blond, small breasts and twin tails, but she doesn’t have the typical loser face. Her age is probably a junior high school student?

Seeing her standing calmly in front of Xue Miao, and her innocent smile that didn't understand the atmosphere, you knew she was a born winner.

Because only characters with low emotional intelligence and good looks can transcend the possibility of countless bloody endings and become a new generation of harem kings.

Among the crowd, Sanzenin Nagi accidentally met her friend Yukinoshita Yukino. She wanted to catch up with her few friends, but when Xuemiao saw Mo Yi pulling her sister-in-law away, she immediately chased after her.

Her curiosity was intense, so she naturally followed him. The reason was not important.

Not to mention that Yukinoshita Yukino was one of her few friends, but more importantly, Yukino actually had friends? And he is still the kind of male friend who needs to be chased by himself?

Why can it be judged that it is because of that kind of boy and not that kind of girl?

If Yukinoshita Yukinya's friend was that girl, she would have gone to the rescue long ago instead of the boy helping.

So, no matter how impossible the guess is, there is only one truth left.

Although I don't have many friends, I do it because of my status and being a homebody, while Yukinoshita Yukinomia does it because of my awkward personality. These are two different situations.

But, uh, no, it’s interesting, it’s so interesting.

Interesting, so interesting.

So, Sanzenin Nagi followed Xue Miao out of curiosity and chased after her.

Feeling the eyes looking at her, she would not take the initiative to say hello to strangers under normal circumstances, but now she was very curious about Mo Yi and took the initiative to introduce herself:

"Hello, I am Sanzenin Nagi from White Emperor Academy. I am a good friend of Yukino. Please give me your advice."


I am still worried about how to get rid of Snow Meow, who exudes extremely strong resentment and is a friend of Snow Meow that cannot exist. The point is, how can a character like Snow Meow have friends? If he comes to visit, wouldn’t it be best to change the subject? opportunity?

So, Mo Yi exclaimed in a slightly exaggerated tone:

"Yukino, you actually have friends?"

Snow Meow: "..."

It's like beating the man in front of you to death. What exactly do you want to express with such exaggerated acting skills——

Could it be that I, the second young lady of the Yukinoshita family, can’t have friends?

The second young lady of the Streka family can have friends, and I also have friends. Isn't it a matter of course?

You guy, can you please stop being inconspicuous in front of my friends!

If you are like this, how can I take you out to meet people and feed the dogs?


Sanzenin Nagi originally wanted to show off her upbringing as a eldest lady, but Mo Yi's acting skills at the level of the king of comedy revealed her prototype and made her laugh immediately.

This guy is so interesting!

Moreover, what he said makes sense. Yukinoshita Yukino actually has a friend. If that friend was not myself, I would probably have the same question.

Staring at (one_one)——

Xue Miao felt that her dark history was about to be leaked, so she quickly stared at Sanzenin Nagi with the same eyes she looked at Zha Zha, making her laugh twice, but she couldn't laugh anymore.

"She was a classmate in elementary school and junior high school. Because she is a genius, she has always skipped grades."

After Xuemiao successfully suppressed and severely attacked the friendly forces, he once again turned his attention to Mo Yi and explained in a meaningful way:

"So, she doesn't look very young, but she is really very young."

"Having a romantic relationship with a girl under the age of fourteen is punishable by death."

Mo Yi: "..."

Xue Miao, what makes you think that I am a shameful lolicon?

I can tell you that in the world of peace, I prefer to gather people's hearts. If the people's hearts are scattered, how can I lead the team?

It can be seen that the human heart is the most important.

I think the object of your comparison should be Ilia. Haven’t you discovered the cruel fact this morning?

Illya is a legal loli who knows multiple transformations, a multifunctional and all-purpose entertainment little angel who can fulfill multiple wishes. You are not something you can compare to with a human body.

Before Mo Yi had time to complain, Xue Miao turned to Sanzenin Nagi and introduced:

"He is a member of the club I founded, Mo Yi, you don't need to understand other information."

"Anyway, he is a guy with a lot of bad taste. When you see him, just keep a safe distance of three meters from him."

Chapter 207: Short skirts are required for performances

After listening to Xue Miao's introduction, Sanzenin Nagi became even more interested.

Yukino, since the opponent is a dangerous creature that no one can enter, why are you so skilled with the opponent?

Could it be that your introduction like this was intended to scare me so that I would no longer have contact with him?

Cunning, very cunning, how could I, Sanzenin Nagi, let go of such an interesting thing.

So Sanqianyin Nagi ignored Xuemiao's warning and started talking to Mo Yi.

However, he didn't say anything, just like a normal friend he just met, casually saying some indifferent polite words.

"I'm sorry, we're still in a hurry, let's go first-"

After chatting for a while, Mo Yi took the initiative to apologize to Sanqianin Nagi:

"Yukino, after finishing the work here, I'll go help you cheer up."


Yukino knew that Muse was going to hold its first performance today and must be busy with a lot of things, so it was understandable that Mo Yi would help.

However, feelings are difficult to accept and very unpleasant.

However, I felt more comfortable after hearing that the other party would come to cheer me up later.

"Who cares whether you come or not? It's the same with or without you anyway."

Mo Yi: "..."

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