Mo Yi glanced at Sanzenin Nagi, who was covering his mouth and laughing, and maliciously guessed that in theory, Xuemiao's original setting did not have the tsundere attribute.

And the golden twin ponytails are Tsundere’s official match. Thinking about it this way, Xuemiao’s Tsundere attributes should come from Sanzenin Nagi?

Then, Mo Yi and Nan Xiaotiao left to meet Honoka and Sonoda Umi.

"Xueino, it seems that you have a very good relationship with the boy named Mo Yi——"

Sanzenin Nagi looked at the figure that was gradually going away, and then looked at Xue Miao who was standing there, exuding the mood of "I am very unhappy", and said with a smile:

"Would you like me to give you a good idea?"

"That girl named Nan Xiaotiao, even as a girl, I think she's cute."

"Nagi, I told you not to watch so much anime, and now you're almost paranoid."

Xuemiao said expressionlessly:

"You just say words that don't make sense."

After being complained by Xue Miao, Sanzenin Nagi smiled even more happily.

Yukino, since you didn't deny what I just said, it means that what I said before is correct.

I have been friends with you for so many years, do you think you can hide this little trick from me?

————The dividing line of Muse————

"Great, we finally finished distributing the flyers."

Honoka looked relieved and sighed with exhaustion:

"Today is the 100-school exchange day. I heard there will be many interesting activities. I'm really looking forward to it."

After saying that, Honoka will get everyone to take action.

"Honoka, our afternoon performance is not completely ready yet—"

Sonoda Umi, who has a strict personality, immediately pulled Honoka away.


Honoka, who was stopped, looked like she was beaten by frost, but she didn't dare to talk about running away to play. The angry Sonoda Umi was an evil spirit.

After stopping Honoka, Sonoda Umi turned to bow to Mo Yi who was watching the show, and thanked him seriously:

"Thank you for what happened today, Mo Yijun."

Mo Yi: "..."

The people around him are all unscrupulous, or in other words, normal people have gradually become strange under the influence of Mo Yi's aura. For example, Xue Miao, who was very serious at the beginning, has now become a person who says no, and his body But very honest and tsundere.

I'm really not used to meeting such a serious girl like Sonoda Umi suddenly.

"You're welcome--"

Mo Yi murmured in his mind whether he should transform Sonoda Umi, but if he did so, the other party would lose her characteristics.

"Let's find a place to have a rest first and then discuss the details of the afternoon performance."

"Let's decide--"

After hearing Mo Yi's suggestion, Honoka quickly raised her hands in agreement and distributed leaflets under the sun for more than an hour, but it was a very tiring job.

Now she just wants to find a place to rest quickly.

"How about we go to the auditorium."

Honoka suddenly thought of a good idea and said:

"Let's rehearse it once and let Mo Yijun take a look and see if he has any good ideas."


Minami Kotori, who had been smiling and watching Honoka's play, exclaimed, and said with a little wandering eyes:

"This is not good."

"Why is it bad?"

Honoka asked in confusion:

"Little Bird, didn't you say that Mo Yijun is a musician and an idol master?"

"This is a great opportunity to get guidance from professionals."

Sonoda Umi nodded and said:

"What Honoka said makes sense this time."

"this and that--"

Nan Xiaoniao glanced at Mo Yi first, then blushed and said:

"Mo Yijun, let's excuse ourselves for a moment——"

After that, he pulled Honoka and Sonoda Umi aside and started talking quietly.

Mo Yi: "..."

Kotori-chan, do you know that not only women are curious, but men are also very curious, especially what the women's restroom is like, what the girls' dormitory is like, and how the female classmates evaluate themselves. .

And your current behavior of whispering has successfully attracted my attention.

However, I am a gentleman with professional ethics. With my infinite perseverance, I finally resisted using my ability to overhear what they were whispering.

I’m not curious about what the pangolin said before it died!

Honoka asked without knowing why:

"Little Bird, you brought us here, what do you want to say?"

Nan Xiaoniao quietly turned around and took a peek at Mo Yi. She found that the other person was looking into the distance and not looking at them, so she whispered in a low voice:

"The costume for the performance is a short skirt——"

"Isn't that normal?"

Honoka still didn't understand what Minami Kotori said and asked:

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