Well, I, Master Yakumo, know everything, but I won’t tell you.

Miss Cashier, please continue to be arrogant. Anyway, you can't escape the invitation of the King Honoka to become a member of the other party's harem. It's just a matter of today or tomorrow.

"If you don't mind, you can let me accompany you -"

Although Mo Yi didn't want to persuade the other party to join Muse, it would be good to tease the cashier and exchange feelings with the other party. It would also be necessary to facilitate his future work as an idol master.

Moreover, making fun of tsundere is the funniest thing.

I just like to see a tired girl, obviously very comfortable, holding on to her to prevent her from leaving, but she keeps saying she doesn't want it.

"I still have some experience with playing the piano."

Nishikino Maki: "..."

Known as the strongest sophistry, "If you can do it, go ahead, if not, leave it alone", but was defeated by Mo Yi's words, "I can do it too".

I just randomly found a reason to explain that I can't perform and become a campus idol. Would you like to be so considerate and help me solve the problem of no accompaniment?

So, the two of them just stared at each other in embarrassment, speechless.

Fortunately, at this time, the Muse trio had also prepared the stage. As a beam of light tilted down from the top of the stage, the curtain gradually opened.

The three of them, Nan Xiaoniao, appeared dazzlingly in front of the stage.

Nishinoki Maki also quickly adjusted from the awkward atmosphere. Her ten slender fingers began to dance on the keys like an elf, and happy musical notes kept beating out of the strings.

As Nishikino Maki played, Honoka and the other three began to rehearse as usual, spinning, jumping, and singing on the stage:

"I say

Hey hey hey start dash

Hey hey hey start dash

innocent little birds

One day I will spread my wings to the sky

Fly with powerful wings

Don’t give up…”

After they started performing, Mo Yi stood there silently, watching the dance of the three people on the stage, and listened carefully to the singing of the three people and the accompaniment of Miss Tifashi Ji.

Although their performances are still not as good as those of the professional school idol group, and there are many problems, big and small, Mo Yi gradually becomes obsessed with them and enjoys the passionate performance of the four of them.

Because during their performance, Mo Yi could feel each other's thoughts at the moment from their every movement and singing, which was filled with a mixture of tension, expectation, and optimism.

The original purpose of music is to make people feel the emotions of the performers and to make people feel happy, and their performance at this moment unintentionally achieved this, allowing Mo Yi to taste their hard work these days.

As Maki Nishikino pressed the last key of the piano, the three people on the stage took their final freeze-frame poses, and the first performance, with only Mo Yi in the audience, finally came to an end.

"Pah, pah, pah -"

After their performance, Mo Yi immediately gave them thunderous applause for the performance that brought him spiritual enjoyment.

When the curtain opened, Nan Xiaoniao felt more nervous than ever before, because Mo Yijun was looking at her from the audience, expecting her to bring him a beautiful heart.

Therefore, in the first line of the lyrics, she was so nervous that one of her notes was out of tune.

Fortunately, my mistake did not affect Honoka and Sonoda Umi. Under their leadership, Minami Kotori kept up with the rhythm very well and danced and sang with abandon. In the end, even Mo Yi off the stage also Forget it for the moment, just remember to perform to the fullest and show your best side.

It wasn't until the performance was over and she took her final pose that she looked at Mo Yi off the stage with a feeling of apprehension.

At this moment, she found that her eyes on the stage and Mo Yi's eyes on the audience met. From each other's eyes, Nan Xiaoniao read pleasure and appreciation.

It seemed that the other party was quite satisfied with his performance.

Very good!

At this moment, Nan Xiaoniao had such a feeling in his heart. After working hard for so long, he finally got the affirmation of others, and it was the affirmation of the people he cared about.

Feelings of emotion and joy filled her chest. Facing Mo Yi's gaze, Nan Xiaoniao glanced at the crowd who hadn't noticed him. He quickly and quietly blinked at Mo Yi, who was looking at him. And stuck out his tongue.

"Mo Yijun, what do you think of our performance?"

After hearing Mo Yi's applause, Honoka excitedly led her teammates off the stage, regardless of her panting body, and asked Mo Yi for his opinion.

"very good--"

Mo Yi nodded affirmatively to Honoka who was begging for praise and said:

"I like your performance very much."

"From your performances, I can feel the emotions you want to express."

Having said this, Mo Yi turned to look at Nishikino Maki who was still sitting in front of the piano, and continued:

"Of course, Nishikino Maki's accompaniment is also great——"

Chapter 217: The probability of success is zero


Before Honoka and the other three could express their feelings after being praised by Mo Yi, Nishikino Maki reacted within a second after being praised by Mo Yi for her good piano playing and said quickly:

"I'm just an amateur, how can I be considered good?"

"Senior Mo Yi, stop saying such unintelligible words."

Mo Yi: "..."

Cashier, your response is so quick!

It seems that being tired is no longer your external equipment, but the passive skills you integrate into your body, which can give you the ability to activate at any time with the stimulation of the external environment.

Minami Kotori, Honoka and Sonoda Umi, who had wanted to say some kind words and express their feelings, were strangled to death in the womb by the tsundere of the cashier, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while.

"Senior sister Nishikino Maki, at an amateur level, you are already very good."

Mo Yi took the initiative to take over the topic and said:

"It can be seen that you have studied and connected the process carefully, and your level is close to that of a pianist."

"If we keep in enough contact in the future, we can pass the tenth-level piano musician examination within a few years."


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