After hearing Mo Yi's comments, Nishikino Maki couldn't help but feel excited. She took the tenth-level piano musician assessment two years ago, but unfortunately she failed.

It was also because of this incident that her parents persuaded her to reduce her piano experience and use it in her studies to become an excellent doctor in the future.

However, becoming a pianist has been Nishikino Maki's dream since she was a child. Even the failure two years ago made her a little discouraged and made her think that she had no so-called talent.

Now, after hearing Mo Yi's comments, the dream that she thought she had lost resurfaced again, making her so excited that she asked:

"Although I don't know how you came to this conclusion——"

"But thank you for your encouragement, Senior Mo Yi."

After a few seconds of excitement, Nishikino Maki's innate skill called "Tsundere" made her quickly calm down her emotions, and she suddenly realized that the other party might just say something to encourage her, but not take it seriously.

Seeing the way the other party's cold penis came down, Mo Yi could probably guess what Tashi Ji was thinking.

I have been with my younger sister Jiang, who has the most arrogant persona in the world, for so many years. How could I not figure out what the cashier would be with the same personality?

According to the "Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence with Sister-chan", the operation you should take in this situation is to present facts, reason, and convince the other party. What I say is true, Maki-senpai, you are really great.

"Senior Nishikino is a musician recognized by the Music Association——"

Mo Yi stared at the other party's purple eyes and said seriously:

"So, the evaluation I just made of you was not a polite statement, but a conclusion based on professionalism."

"The reason why you failed to pass the assessment in the past is probably because you paid too much attention to technique before and failed to estimate the spirit and emotion expressed when playing. Although the lack of practice in these years has made your technique worse, it is because you have no Without the mentality of being able to catch up, the music you play has more of your own emotions and insights."

"As long as I pick up my skills again and pass the music association's assessment, it won't be a big problem."


Nishikino Maki was confused when she heard Mo Yi claiming to be a musician. She started playing the piano at the age of six and practiced for no less than four hours a day. Over the past ten years, there have been constant ups and downs, and in the end she still knelt down for three years. , finally gave up on this dream two years ago.

Unexpectedly, the person in front of me didn't look like an artist. He looked like a slightly handsome ordinary boy, but he was already a musician.

Could it be that the gap between people is really that big?

In fact, the gap between people can really be huge!

Some people are already thinking about how to solve the problem of food and clothing at the age of Tichangji, but Miss Tichangji has already skipped the process of material pursuit and gone straight to spiritual pursuit, striving for the most luxurious thing in the world-dreams. Keep working hard.

Moreover, if the other party knew that Mo Yi had passed the first-level musician assessment ten years ago, it was not the lowest level tenth-level musician as she had imagined.

Otherwise, she will definitely be hit to the point of doubting her life, and sigh, what is the purpose of all her efforts over the years? Have she fed Yinglili and Cu Chulainn?

At that time, Mo Yi will probably have to feed him a few more words such as 'A tough life does not need to be explained', 'We are different', 'National conditions are different, everything should be based on reality', 'Start at a low level, and then you can enjoy killing monsters and upgrading. Only chicken soup like "Pleasure" can save Cashier from the lost Christmas (emotion).

Among the muse trio, Nan Xiaoniao, who has the highest emotional intelligence, quickly reacted and understood what Mo Yi was doing, so he followed suit:

"Mo Yijun also plays the piano very well. What he said is definitely right——"

"Senior Nishikino, you can definitely do it."


After Minami Kotori's testimony, Nishikino Maki finally reaffirmed her talent and rekindled her pursuit and confidence in the piano. Then she solemnly bowed to Mo Yi and said:

"Thank you for your affirmation, Senior Mo Yi."

"I will do my best to become a musician soon."

After seeing the other party rekindling their dream of music, Master Yakumo felt relieved, smiled happily and nodded, thinking: Now that the pitfall in the other party's heart has been overcome, Honoka's persuasion to become an idol will definitely become more serious. Simple.

It was not in vain that I spent a lot of time talking, my tongue was a little sore.

"Now that Nishikino-san's matter has been resolved, it's time to talk about Honoka's problem."

Mo Yi's tone suddenly became serious, and he stared at Honoka and the three of them, reminding them of the fear of being dominated by their class teacher when they were young, and said:

"It is true that your performance gave me spiritual enjoyment, but there were countless problems in the performance. Just by the standards of campus idols, it was seriously failed."

"For example, the performance has been going on for more than a minute, and the three of you are still breathing slightly. How can you cope with a stage performance that may last for several hours with such physical fitness?"

"Also, the three of you sang a lot out of tune throughout the performance. In addition, there are also problems with the dance. First, the original dance idea is good, but it is too mediocre and cannot bring others success. It’s pleasing to the eye, not to mention refreshing. Secondly, when dancing, the body movements are a bit stiff. The three people’s dances are not integrated, they just dance in their own way. This kind of performance is too amateurish.”

"If your goal is to become a third-rate campus idol, that's not a big problem. However, if you want to be able to attract other people's attention and thereby increase the popularity of Otonogizaka Campus, the possibility of success is almost zero!"

Chapter 218: Honoka’s confession

My flower-growing family has a cultural heritage of five thousand years, and I naturally have deep routines in conversation skills. Just like Mo Yi did before, I first praise the other person's merits that deserve recognition, and then point out the shortcomings.

This kind of conversation skills, when you are a student, is what Chinese teachers often say when you suppress your desire and then express it. In the working age, if your boss affirms your work at the beginning when he talks to you, you have to be careful, because it will be later. Start talking about the shortcomings.

The most important thing is that the other party emphasizes the shortcomings at the end, which means that the leader is already dissatisfied with you.

Faced with Mo Yi's sudden comments, the Muses trio suddenly fell silent, seemingly struck by Mo Yi's merciless words.

"The possibility of success is almost zero" has been echoing in their hearts, making them realize their shortcomings again.

In fact, Mo Yi can also choose to go with the light. No matter how bad their performance is, as long as they are good-looking and Mo Yi has the resources, no matter how bad they are, I can help you package them into gold and sell them. This is what is called of idols.

In modern sales, publicity plays an important role.

Because people have too many choices. Sometimes, having too many choices is not a good thing. Choosing difficulty is a very painful thing, so publicity is particularly important. If you have never heard of your name, how can anyone pay attention to you?

In this way, no matter how good your quality is, it will only be submerged in the torrent of the times.

Take the muses, for example. They are very good-looking and their level is barely adequate.

When promoting, if the timbre is not good, we can correct it. In all aspects of dance, we can choose different angles of cutting. If the reputation is not enough, we have a large army of fans, and we can only take it easy.

When it comes to necessary live performances, there is also the so-called lip-synching technique.

Therefore, there are always more solutions than difficulties, but in this case, it is not inspiring at all.

If he followed this secret operation method, Mo Yi could easily complete his mission after paying an unnecessary price of money.

However, Mo Yi didn't want to finish it in such a despicable way. It felt like playing a single player.

More importantly, I already like the muses and their performances, and I don't want those dark things to pollute their pure beauty.

Therefore, they choose this method that will hit the other party, let them realize their dissatisfaction and work hard to improve themselves.

In this process, the effort and time Mo Yi had to put in were not comparable to the previous single-player method.

However, how can he pollute the beautiful things in other people's hearts for his own purposes? Mo Yi is also willing to let this pure beauty be passed on to more people.

Probably, to offer blessings for a beautiful life in another world.

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