Well, for Mo Yi, the above words have no problem at all, and they have nothing to do with goddess Aqua.

After Mo Yi's harsh comment, the trio of muses each had different feelings in their hearts. The same thing was that they lowered their heads and reflected on Mo Yi's words.

As for Nishikino Maki, after hearing Mo Yi's comments, she wanted to defend the Muses and the others from the beginning, but seeing the depth of love and the reproachful look in Mo Yi's eyes, she swallowed back what she wanted to say. .

She could feel the sadness in Mo Yi's eyes, and his feelings were probably no better than those of Honoka-senpai and the others.


Nan Xiaoniao lowered his head, rubbed the corners of his clothes, and thought to himself:

"I obviously wanted the other person to see my most beautiful figure on the stage, but I didn't expect that I would let him down in the end."

"I used to be too lazy. Becoming a school idol was just Honoka's idea at the beginning, and my subsequent efforts were just to follow Honoka habitually, not at all from my own heart and desire to become a true idol. Idol, how can I become an idol recognized by Mo Yijun?"

As for Sonoda Umi, she also felt extremely guilty in her heart. Regarding the campus idol thing, she still refused it at first, but she knows that such a feeling still exists now.

Because she doesn't think that becoming a school idol can really save the school, and she only does it to help Honoka.

It was precisely because of this mentality that she chose to ignore many aspects, muddle along, and fail to make a complete and feasible plan, which led to the problems that Mo Yijun mentioned in the future.

I can obviously do better——

Finally, as the spiritual leader and core of the group, Honoka, after hearing Mo Yi's initial affirmation of them, it would be a lie to say that she was unhappy, especially for a simple and pure person like Honoka, commonly known as an idiot.

As a result, her heart began to swell a little, and she praised herself in her heart. She was indeed a genius, and her decision to become an idol was simply the right decision in her life.

However, after Mo Yi cruelly told them about their problems, she was also hit the hardest, as if being struck by a thunderbolt, she woke up from her beautiful fantasy.

"Hai Wei, Xiaotiao, I'm sorry, it was my fault——"

After about a minute, the ugly look on Honoka's face gradually dissipated, and she regained her firm expression. She looked up at the two childhood sweethearts beside her who had grown up with her and played with her, and said in a low voice:

"I willfully said 'I want to become an idol', but I have no ability to realize it, and I pulled you into this matter."

"I should have known a long time ago that this matter was just my passion at the beginning, and you were just messing around with me."

"But, I really like Otonogisaka. I really like idols. I really want to try again to see if I can become an outstanding idol and save the school."

"If I give up, I will absolutely, absolutely regret it in the future!"

"So, I am here to ask willfully once again, are you willing to accompany me to fool around again? This time, I will definitely put in 100% effort and no longer be as careless as before."

Speaking of this, Honoka showed a bright smile and added:

"Of course, if you don't want to, it's okay. We are best friends, and nothing can change this."

Nan Kotori, who was indulging in self-blame, was woken up by Honoko's sudden 'affectionate confession'. He called out Honoko's name in a daze, and then his face became as firm as the other person's, and he smiled:

"What are you talking about, you idiot?"

"Of course I am willing, but there is one thing I want to correct you——"

"That is, I am not doing it because you want it, but I am doing it because I want to become an idol!"

Chapter 219: I am a girl with C+ level

After saying what he felt at the moment, Nan Xiaoniao unconsciously looked at Mo Yi, who had been staying silent with them, but found that the other person was also looking at him.

I seemed to have said something very shy, and when I was instinctively biting off my shyness, I remembered that I wanted to be an outstanding idol, and I wanted to change the little inferiority complex that I had in my past. The square self allows the other person to look at the dazzling self on the stage, attracting the other person's eyes.

Yes, this is the most important reason why she wants to become an idol now.

With such determination, how could I now think of my timid self and avoid the other person's eyes?

So, Nan Xiaoniao suppressed the strange feeling in her heart and showed a beautiful and subtle smile to Mo Yi.

The change in the other party's mood also fell into Mo Yi's eyes. Sensing the other party's thoughts and changed determination, Mo Yi also showed an appreciative and encouraging smile to Nan Xiaoniao.

"Thank you, little bird—"

After Honoka heard what Minami Kotori was saying, half of the fear and anxiety in her heart disappeared in an instant. She moved forward and hugged Minami Kotori, who was still communicating with Mo Yi's eyes, and rubbed Nan Kotori's little flesh vigorously. face, said happily:

"I knew, little birdie, you might not abandon me—"


"I like you the most, little bird."

"I see."

Minami Kotori, who was deep in the mysterious realm, was caught off guard by Honoka's bear hug and was forced to interrupt the flight. She could only bear the love from her childhood sweetheart helplessly and said helplessly:

"Guoguo, can you let me go? You're strangling me so hard that I can't breathe."


Honoka didn't feel sad because of Minami Kotori's dislike. Instead, she seemed to think of something very important and looked like she was being insulted, and clarified loudly:

"I have a C+ level. There is no possibility of strangulating you. Little bird, please don't slander me!"

Mo Yi: "..."

This is such an application of knowledge. Comrade Honoka, you can think of this Yakumo joke in a flash and explain it in an instant.

He is worthy of being the harem king among the Muses. Without the corresponding knowledge and abilities, how could he possibly sleep in and suppress the large harem of the Muses?

"Honoka, what are you talking about again?"

Except for the tsundere young lady Nishikino Maki, everyone else at the scene sooner or later realized what the so-called ‘C+’ for beating Honoka was.

As the disciplinary committee member of the Muse group, Sonoda Umi naturally couldn't bear it. How could he say such vulgar words in front of the public? He really wanted to forget that he didn't even know her.

Sonoda Umi took a step forward, pulled Honoka away who was still hugging Minami Kotori, and began the teaching and educating process, sternly teaching:

"How many times have I told you not to go to Yakumo House again, but what about you? Even if you don't listen, you still learn some weird things there all day long, polluting the little bird."

"Now, you are talking nonsense in front of others, and Mo Yijun is still here, please keep your reserved impression of a girl, Qou Ya!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Sonoda Umi-san, the chief helmsman of the Yakumo House is still staring at you in front of you. Is it really okay for you to criticize the Yakumo House like this?

The knowledge on Yakumo House is not useless and weird stuff, Kouga!

I, the Yakumo family, have shed blood and sweat and made huge contributions to the greatest cause of all mankind, the continuation of all mankind, how can it be such a mess!

However, thinking that the world is always ignorant, it is only when saints like this master are born. After scorching the world, Mo Yi chose to forgive the other party.

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