Hum hum——

If this master is also called a Heroic Spirit, a creation-level Saint Heroic Spirit, it is right. It is said that the last Saint in the world, Miss Sesshōin, is still being a pet and doing housework for me, so it is a good idea to talk about the quota.


Also confused was Nan Xiaotiao, because she had known for a long time that Mo Yi was the person in charge of the Yakumo House, but she didn't know yet that the other person was the master of Yakumo who created the prosperous age of Yakumo.

Therefore, when I heard Sonoda Umi complain about Yakumo House, I was extremely embarrassed, so I had to look at Mo Yi, apologize to the other party with my eyes, and be cute at the same time, so that the other party should not blame Sonoda Umi.

However, Nan Xiaoniao was obviously overthinking. How could a man with such a big heart like Xiang Moyi blame others for the misunderstanding of the world?

"I know I was wrong——"

After a lecture from Sonoda Umi, Honoka finally raised her hands in surrender and said:

"It's just that my mother said that this is necessary learning for a happy married life in the future, and it is part of the bride's training course."

"So, Haiwei, please don't leave and talk to me again. This is really not my fault, it's the world, no, it's my mother's fault."

Sonoda Umi: "..."

What mistake did I make in my previous life to meet a guy like Honoka in this life?

Moreover, Aunt Kosaka went too far. Is this the so-called, like daughter, like mother?

Thinking of this, Sonoda Umi remembered that in addition to Honoka and Minami Kotori, there were two people who were not very familiar with him, and he screamed in his heart, "Oh no, what he just said was heard by them all."

Embarrassed, Sonoda Umi quietly turned her gaze away and observed Mo Yi and Nishikino Maki beside her.

Mo Yi, who noticed the other party's behavior, quickly turned away in order not to embarrass everyone, acting like he was in a daze and wandering around, so that Umi Sonoda could feel relieved.


"Sonoda-senpai, what does C+ mean? And what is Yakumo House?"

Nishikino Maki, who was filled with doubts, asked shamelessly with a strong expression:

"I seem to have heard of these things, but just a little bit, but it's like seeing flowers in the fog, I just can't remember them."

Sonoda Umi: "..."

God, what have I done?

I didn’t expect that Nishikino Maki’s schoolmate, who looks like a queen, could be so innocent. She is a traitor among us, no, she is the purest among us.

No, I can't pollute such a simple woman, but how should I answer the other person's questions?

As a result, Sonoda Umi fell into the eternal dilemma of being a man and did not know what to do.

"Ha ha--"

At this time, Honoka reacted first and said quickly:

"This is not an important matter. I will tell you next time we have a chance."

"Is that so?"

Nishikino Maki murmured in confusion.

"Yes, that's it-"

Sonoda Umi looked at Honoka with gratitude. It seemed that the other party was not completely useless. He followed Honoka's words and said:

"This is not the time to talk about such things."

Chapter 220: The goal is: the world’s number one campus idol

"The little bird is right——"

Sonoda Umi directly ignored the curious baby Nishikino Maki's question and continued:

"Without me by your side, you lazy idiot would definitely spend three days fishing and two days drying nets."

"I'm worried about you. Maybe you will come up with weird ideas one day, and then run wild and cause all kinds of trouble."

"So, Honoka, the three of us must always work together to become outstanding idols——"

"Let me tell you first, I have to be serious this time and I can't be lazy!"


Feeling the evil ghost-like aura emanating from her friend Sonoda Umi, Honoka couldn't help but tremble. But when she felt the love and support in the other person's words, Honoka was extremely happy in her heart. She was glad that she had such a good friend.

"Hai Wei, then use all your strength and formulate the strictest plan. Even if you risk your life, I will definitely complete it perfectly and show it to you!"

"Honoka, you idiot-"

Sonoda Umi looked at Honoka clenching her fists and exuding the aura that the final exam is tomorrow and I haven't reviewed yet. She couldn't help but feel so moved that she was about to shed tears.

Umi Sonoda stretched her right hand from behind to her chest, revealing a mobile phone that was in recording mode, and said:

"Honoka, I have recorded it as your declaration of victory——"

"Of course, if you fail to do it in the end, I will give this recording to your father."

"You should understand the consequences -"


"Hai Wei, I wasted a few seconds to move you, you actually did such an inhumane thing!"

At this time, Honoka couldn't help but think of her passionate and stupid father.

If he knew that he didn't do what he said, and he always puts blood in his mouth, he would definitely let his mother use all kinds of exciting methods to motivate him, and he would not let go until he doubled the goal. Live yourself.

"If Honoka keeps her word, what difference does it make if she has this recording or not?"

Sonoda Umi put her phone away before Honoka suddenly got angry and snatched her phone away, and said calmly:

"Unless you have thought about it from the beginning and let it go."

"how come?"

Honoka pressed her temples with both hands and said with a look of reluctance:

"It's one thing to keep my word, but it's a matter of whether you believe me or not when you record it——"

"Hai Wei, you will lose my childhood sweetheart like this!"

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