Having said that, he would pounce on Sonoda Umi and use coercive means to retrieve the evidence.

"Guoguo, Haiwei, please stop making trouble——"

Nan Xiaotiao habitually pulled Honoka and acted as a good old man to persuade her:

"Mo Yijun and Senior Sister Nishikino are still looking at you!"

After hearing Minami Kotori's words, Honoka finally remembered that there were more than just the three of them present. She planned to bring both Mo Yi and Nishikino Maki into the muse, but she couldn't give them a bad situation, otherwise how would she realize her ambition? Woolen cloth?

Mo Yi, who was watching the show in his arms, quietly took a look at the cashier who was also a melon-eater like him. He found that although the other party kept turning his head and looking at the scenery outside, in fact, his purple eyes kept turning. Coming over to take a peek, Mo Yi saw an emotion called 'desire' in her eyes.

It seems that the other party is also a girl who 'I have few friends', waiting for others to lend a helping hand to pull her out of the abyss of loneliness.

In this way, we can understand why in the original work, her studies were very important and her parents would not agree to it, but Nishikino Maki finally joined Muse.

In addition to satisfying her pursuit of music, more importantly, the friendship she longed for could be found in the group of muses.

It seems that it is not unreasonable for the other party to join Muse. My current behavior of promoting the other party to join Muse is a just move in line with the historical trend.

Honoka, who had calmed down again, held Minami Kotori in her right hand and Sonoda Umi in her left hand. She walked up to Mo Yi, bowed at ninety degrees, and said loudly:

"Mo Yijun, I know that I still have many shortcomings. I am not in good physical condition, and I am not smart. I can't make clothes like Xiaoniao, add lyrics like Haiwei, and compose music like Senior Sister Zhenji. I'm just a person who can only talk empty words, and when things come to a head, I will only rely on others——"

"However, the incomparable burning desire in my heart tells me all the time that I want to be an outstanding idol. No, I should say, I must become the best idol."

"Although, I know this is very presumptuous, but I still want to ask you -"

"Please help us, Muse, become the world's number one campus idol group!"

"This is my lifelong request, please, Lord Mo Yi!"

After Honoka finished speaking, Minami Kotori and Sonoda Umi also bowed at ninety degrees and said loudly:

"Please, Mo Yijun!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Comrade Honoka, the memory of hardship and sweetness in the front, plus the self-confession in the back, are indeed very passionate, and I can't help but help you.

However, that sentence, a lifetime request, instantly made Mo Yi act out.

In Mo Yi's mind, he couldn't help but picture the trio of muses bowing at ninety degrees in front of him, while automatically changing into white wedding dresses.

A very mysterious pressure rushed towards me——

Could it be that this is what is called, if you regain the heroine who opened Lily's harem, you can automatically exchange for the happy ending of the other party's harem?

Nine in one night, even I, Mo Yi, will feel like Alexander!

Zhen Ji looked at Mo Yi in a daze. Although she didn't understand why they wanted to get rid of Mo Yi's help, at this moment, she seemed to see Mo Yi seriously considering Muse's request.

Could it be that in addition to being a musician, this man also has abilities that he doesn't know about?

Nishikino Maki couldn't help but become curious. At the same time, she also hoped that Mo Yi would be able to make a request to Muse.

Perhaps, subconsciously, she has substituted herself as a member of the Muse. As a piano lover, being able to get guidance from a musician at any time is like a dream time!

"Being number one in the world is not something you can just say or work hard to achieve -"

Mo Yi finally woke up from his meditation, looking up at the ceiling at 45 degrees, as if recalling some sad years, and sighed:

"If you don't have the consciousness to sacrifice your life, you will definitely have no ambition to realize the world's number one campus idol!"


Hearing Mo Yi's deterioration, Honoka, who was bowing, couldn't help but beat her heart. What she originally wanted to say was to become a top-notch campus idol, but when she thought of the plot in the hot-blooded manga, the hero and heroine were talking about their dream world. If not, "The best in the world" is an adjective, which is simply impossible to show off to others, and it is even more impossible to convince those hermit masters to accept him as a disciple.

So, for the sake of momentum, Honoka directly said, I want to become a pirate, no, I want to become the idol king, that's not right, it should be, I want to become the world's number one school idol!

Chapter 221: Zombie Birds and Beasts

"I knew this would happen-"

As early as Honoka made her passionate request, Minami Kotori and Sonoda Umi felt something was wrong. They didn't know what it was before.

It wasn't until Mo Yi highlighted the key point of being 'number one in the world' and the realization that he had to sacrifice his life for it, that Minami Kotori and Sonoda Umi knew what the problem was.

Honoka, this idiot, directly used the lines from the hot-blooded manga. Normally there might not be any problem, but now, they are asking Mo Yi seriously.

Mo Yi will naturally regard the 'goal of becoming the world's number one campus idol' as their idea.

At this time, Umi Sonoda had an extremely difficult time getting the urge to raise her hand to grab Honoka, throw her over her shoulder, and then sit on top of her, giving up the healing punch.

And Nan Xiaoniao felt a sadness that cannot be told to others——

Mo Yijun, will you treat us as the kind of idiots who don't know the heights of heaven and earth?

It has to be said that since meeting Mo Yi, the weather in Nan Xiaoniao's inner world has become weird and unpredictable. It is often sunny, windy and rainy, or even half sunny and cloudy.

Although it feels great and comfortable, I feel so tired!

"It just so happens that I am a person who likes to challenge the peak. If the goal is to become the world's number one school idol, then it is barely acceptable——"

Mo Yi put his hands on his back and released a trace of the devil's aura. The trio of muses who kept bowing at ninety degrees were fine. Mo Yi in front felt domineering and convincing. He only had the urge to kneel down and worship. Nishikino Maki, who was looking directly at Mo Yi, felt that the handsome boy in front of her was like a Bengal tiger taking off its pig skin. He completed a perfect transformation in an instant, which made her feel like she was shrinking. The illusion of infinite growth, facing Mo Yi at this moment, she could only worship him with eyes like looking up to a god.

Fortunately, in order to prevent his lines from being too hot-blooded and being laughed at if he accidentally pretended to be pretentious, Mo Yi released a ten thousandth of a breath in an instant to enhance his momentum.

Therefore, Nishikino Maki instantly broke away from the state of looking up to each other, and said to herself strangely:

"Is it an illusion?"

At this time, Cashier Ji looked at the other person again. He was still the same ordinary and handsome boy, no different.


Mo Yi broke away from the standard action of putting his hands behind his back and pointing out the country, looked at the trio of muses in front of him, and said with a serious and cautious expression:

"I agree to your request——"

"Let me state in advance that my requirements are very strict. When the time comes, even if you cry and beg me, I will not let you go."

In order to cooperate with Honoka's pretending to be the best in the world, Mo Yi had to pretend to be a domineering CEO. This is really tiring. I have been a Buddhist for so many years, and it is also difficult for me to suddenly regain the soul of the second grade.


Because Mo Yi's acting skills are too real, or in other words, Mo Yi used to be this domineering president who always said the same thing. His statement at this moment made Minami Kotori and Sonoda Umi shudder, and suddenly there was a thought in their eyes that they needed to risk their lives. Special training scene——

This is all the fault of this idiot Honoka, Kouga!

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