However, Honoka's brain circuit was obviously different from theirs. After hearing Mo Yi's explosive and cold words, the image of a worldly master was instantly fixed in her mind.

After hearing that Mo Yi agreed to her request, she immediately jumped up with joy and shouted loudly:

"That's great, Mo Yijun——"

"Our goal is to become the world's number one school idol!"

After saying that, she was so excited that she wanted to give Mo Yi a warm hug, just like she usually hugged Minami Kotori and Sonoda Umi, to express the excitement and joy in her heart.

However, Minami Kotori was sleeping in her body, and the inherent skill "intuition" possessed by every girl was activated instantly, directly catching the excessive behavior that Honoka was about to do, and the sudden heavy feeling on her head, which made Minami Kotori He burst out with unprecedented agility and hugged Honoka, who walked over to give Mo Yi a tax-evading hug, and smiled kindly:

"Guoguo, what do you want to do?"

"Mo Yijun is a boy, so don't do any weird behavior to scare him."

As an idiot, Honoka naturally possesses a sixth sense that is far superior to ordinary people. Without this unscientific ability, idiots would have been eliminated or eliminated by the cruel world.

In her sixth sense, Nan Xiaotiao was very dangerous at this moment. The danger was unprecedented. The level of danger was comparable to that of playing with her favorite pillows in her room. Without it, the other pillow would not be able to sleep. .

If you don't obey the other party's words, you may die. No, you will definitely die at the hands of the little bird who is smiling sweetly at this moment.

It's so cute!

Did I do anything wrong? I just wanted to give my new friend and partner Mo Yijun a hug to witness friendship. Is this wrong? !

However, thinking about Nan Xiaotiao at this moment, he probably wouldn't listen to the various reasons he listed. For example, in the West, even men and women can hug each other casually, let alone kiss each other -

Little birdie, you are making a fuss out of a molehill. It is an act of authoritarianism that is bound to be criticized by a torrent of iron and steel from the people.

"I was wrong--"

So, Honoka really gave in and whispered in a low voice:

"I'll be more careful next time, little bird."

After seeing that Honoka fully realized her mistake and promised not to make a mistake again, Minami Kotori also lifted the cross blockade that Honoka had used, nodded cutely and said:

"It'll be fine if you admit your mistake, Guoguo."

"Otherwise, Haiwei will be angry again."

Sonoda Umi: "..."

I'm not, I didn't, little bird, don't talk nonsense!

What happened in that moment, I still haven’t reacted yet!

Why did the bird suddenly enter the super evolution into a zombie bird beast, and use cruel secrets to capture Honoka who jumped up with joy?

Does anyone have an explanation? Tell me what happened just now. Kou Ya!

What should I say at this time?

Little bird, let go of that Honoka, let her come into your arms, or let me live in her heart?

After she expressed her feelings, she would be pushed to the ground and beaten by the little bird and beast that had just evolved to another dimension, or she would pull out a very long, large, and black machete from behind, and face the Tao Xing Blast Abandonment. Heal and cut!

"You guys have such a good relationship!"

Well, at this time, Mo Yi only thought of this answer to answer Sonoda Umi's question, which was full of black question marks.

Then he went directly to the topic and said:

"Since you have asked me to help you become the world's number one school idol, let's start now!"

"Let's first discuss your current problems and possible solutions -"

Chapter 222: Withdrawal Girl’s Request

It was 9:30 in the morning when I first discussed their problems with the Muse trio and a non-staff member, Nishikino Maki.

After a heated and active discussion and a summary of the proposed feasible plans, the time is now 12 noon.

Honoka, who was the most positive at the beginning, has turned into a salty fish after being bombarded by Mo Yi's various professional terms, theories and practical plans. She is obviously very sleepy, but because Mo Yi and Sonoda Umi will emit red light at any time. She could only rely on perseverance to open her eyes that she thought were bloodshot.


Honoka covered her stomach in embarrassment, and facing the gaze of Umi Sonoda who was speaking excitedly with Mo Yi as if she had taken stimulants, she could only say:

"I couldn't control it, but I was hungry and there was nothing I could do. I was so shocked that I covered it with all my strength."

"It's almost twelve o'clock——"

Mo Yi took out the magical Lukia that could withstand the attack of the Noble Phantasm and found that it was already late. No wonder Honoka was already hungry.

"It's getting late. Let's discuss the rest in the message group."

"Eating on time is also very important for idols. After all, the body is the capital of revolution."

"That's right, what Mo Yijun said makes so much sense!"

Honoka, who was revived on the spot, jumped up from her stool excitedly, raised her hands, made a long live gesture, and shouted:

"The food in Otomono's cafeteria is very good. Once you try it, Mo Yijun, you will understand why I work so hard to save the school."

"It is a place that holds our most precious memories."

Mo Yi: "..."

Okay, so it turns out that you go to all this trouble just because the food in Otonogizaka is delicious?

Very good and strong reasons.

"It's not for this strange reason!"

Umi Sonoda complained:

"However, Otonogizaka's cafeteria food is indeed the best among nearby universities."

Honoka couldn't bear it anymore and stood up first, preparing to lead everyone to the cafeteria for a lunch battle.

Mo Yi wanted to set off with them, but found that Nishikino Maki was still standing there, hesitant to speak.

She had been like this for almost an hour, and it seemed she was still struggling with whether to talk to Mo Yi or not.

How do you know that the person she wants to talk to is Mo Yi?

In the past hour, Tashi Ji had quietly glanced at Mo Yi countless times, and then wanted to speak while everyone was finishing a topic, but because of the strange emotion of shyness, she did not say anything, and then was taken seriously. Sonoda Umi continued to talk about another topic at work.

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