Sticking cute coins on the test paper, drawing little turtles, and writing poems, all these methods are ineffective!

Honoka's distressed look as if tomorrow was the final exam, immediately angered Sonoda Umi, and she reminded her with a straight face:

"I tell you to be more serious in class. Chinese language is a compulsory course. If you can't even learn it, how can you enter a big company in China, how can you enter higher education, and how can you be a useful person to society?"

"No matter how busy you are with idol training, don't neglect your studies. Otherwise, I will tell Uncle Kosaka."

Honoka: "..."

My own father, he is obviously a scumbag, but he always demands that he become a top student.

Faced with the threat from Sonoda Umi, Honoka naturally chose a dog leash.

In District 11 of this world, China has formed a strong relationship with the capitalist world. Therefore, English and Chinese have become the contents of the foreign language classes in District 11.

Since they have been in elementary school, and because Japanese originally evolved from the ancient Chinese language, most people in District 11 can roughly understand the daily Chinese language. The situation is just like the world in Mo Yi's previous life, where everyone They can all say hello, say goodbye, and ask for directions in English.

"Honoka-senpai, you can't understand the Chinese language?"

At this time, even the school girl Nishikino Maki was shocked. High school students in District 11 can understand Tianchao dialect. Isn’t it basic operation?

How did the other party get into Otonogizaka with his grades? He said in disbelief:

"People all over the world speak Chinese. If you still can't understand Chinese, what will you do in the future entrance exams?"

"Ha ha--"

At this moment, even the careless Honoka felt embarrassed. She was actually despised by a mere school girl. Didn't the scumbag have human rights?

One day, I will get the "student master system" dropped from the sky, and I will be able to master the Cantonese-accented Tianchao dialect and let you know that you know nothing about the real Tianchao dialect.

Even if you are a salted fish, you will have a chance to turn around. Dou Di, a strong man, once said that in thirty years to the east of Hedong, thirty years to the west of Hexi, I, Honano, will have a chance to turn around.

"Maki-chan, you have to know that no one is perfect. Everyone has their own areas that they are not good at, and the area that I am not good at happens to be foreign languages."


Nan Xiaoniao said weakly:

"Honoka, your science is also on the passing line and you are trying your best to survive."

Honoka: "..."

Little bird, you have shown your true nature. If you continue like this, you will really lose me as your childhood sweetheart.

Nishikino Maki was really deceived by Honoka's chicken-soup-flavored explanation just now. However, Minami Kotori exposed the white lie with a single word, making the cashier realize the dangers of the world again. .

"Ha ha--"

Honoka laughed awkwardly, changed the subject and said:

"Everyone, stop talking, Mo Yijun is about to start playing."

Although she knew that the other party was changing the topic, Honoka was right. Keeping quiet was the basic respect for the performer.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom--"

After everyone was quiet, Mo Yi sat in front of the piano, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, emptied his current emotions, and awakened the song "Like a Flower" by Hetu from the depths of his mind.

Three seconds later, he pressed the keys hard, making a strange sound like a cymbal.

This kind of pronunciation has never been played like this in Western piano music.

Although everyone was a little strange, their attention was instantly attracted by such an accent. However, the style of the music merged, from imitating the percussion accent just now to a long and ethereal style, like a storyteller telling a story, first slapping the paperweight hard, Attract the listener's attention, and then slowly tell the story he wants to share.

"Is this really the music played on the piano?"

Honoko was really curious, so she asked her friends next to her in a very low voice:

"Why, I haven't heard piano music like this before?"


Sonoda Umi glared at Honoka with dissatisfaction and told her to keep quiet.

However, both she and Nan Xiaoniao also had the same doubts. This kind of tune did not look like piano music, but rather like a tune played by traditional Chinese instruments.

In the end, Honoka could only turn to look at Nishikino Maki, hoping that this piano player could answer her questions.

"This is the technique of 'imitation'——"

Nishikino Maki had a surprised and unacceptable look on her face. She spoke very quietly, fearing to disturb Mo Yi's performance, and explained hastily:

"Mo Yijun used the piano to imitate several traditional Chinese instruments at the same time. I only heard the guqin, cymbals, Xiao and flute."

After that, he continued to listen to Mo Yi's performance carefully, fearing to miss any note or detail.

It’s really awesome!

If we use the piano to imitate the performance of other musical instruments, Nishikino Maki herself can easily do it. However, if she wants to imitate the performance of other instruments almost exactly the same as using other instruments, she asks herself that she cannot do it. According to her understanding, she can do this. Yes, only those musicians who specialize in piano.

At this moment, the senior sitting in front of him with a smile on his face not only did this thing that existed in rumors, he even imitated several different instruments at the same time and harmoniously integrated them into a small performance. Concert of traditional Chinese instruments.

You know, he only has one pair of hands, and there are only so many keys on the piano. It requires such fast hand speed and miraculous skills to make such a miracle that she has never imagined.

The other party is definitely not the junior musician I imagined. He is at least level 6, which is an intermediate musician or above.

After only playing the prelude for more than ten seconds, Tashiji was so shocked by Mo Yi's performance that she completely forgot about her previous objection to the other party's desire to play and sing.

Cashier Ji: I'm very busy now. I have to continue smoking. I don't have time to reflect on my previous mistakes.

In short, I will be conquered by you and drink the poison you prepared.

Chapter 225: Like a flower

Everyone has a story of youth, with sadness, pain, and joy, and Mo Yi also has such a story.

The song "Like a Flower" not only reminds Mo Yi of a cross-dressing boss from many years ago, but more importantly, it reminds Mo Yi of his youth, frivolity, joy and sorrow, and his stubbornness. , the wind and clouds behind have been looked away now.

After the prelude, Mo Yi also sang the song "Ruhua" which seemed to tell his own story:

"He lights the lamp at night

Read the Four Books and Five Classics several times

It was her childhood sweetheart and sweetheart who was standing by.

She studied the ink under the lamp

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