A pair of Jingchai cloth skirts

Watch him study hard for ten years in a cold window and vow to get into the Golden Palace

Sending a loved one to the ferry

She said she would wait for you all her life

He said he was waiting for me to be named on the gold list

I will definitely live up to your gentleness..."

Perhaps because he remembered his own past, Mo Yi's voice this time was a bit heavy and depressing, leaving the listeners present with a poignant tone in their hearts even if they didn't understand the story in the song.

In fact, the following story of "Like a Flower" is indeed a poignant tragedy, at least on the surface.

"Eighteen years of waiting for her standing at the small ferry

Eighteen years of tenderness, he slept in Mingyue Tower

Then Gufan goes to Youyou

Take away all her joy and sorrow

Willows on the embankment with thousands of threads

I can't stop the river from flowing

Watch the spring flowers bloom and fall

The autumn wind blows the summer moon away

Another year of winter snows

She waited until someone was thinner than a yellow flower——"

With Mo Yi's dancing fingers and the magnetic and somewhat heavy singing voice, the Muse friends were quickly brought into the story of "Like a Flower" by Mo Yi.

"This is where?"

Honoka found that she had fallen asleep for some reason while she was immersed in the poignant story, and then came to a strange place.

"This is the realm of sound——"

Sonoda Umi who was next to Honoka whispered:

“The musician’s performance can put people into the story of the song.”

"All top-notch campus idols can do this."

"Honoka, you don't even know these basic music knowledge, how dare you claim to be the world's number one school idol?"


Honoka put her hands together and said:

"I've been too busy practicing recently, so I suddenly forgot about it."

"Although I have already listened to Mo Yijun's performance, it is still shocking to experience entering the world of songs for the second time——"

Nan Xiaoniao looked at the dilapidated small building in front of him and the catkins fluttering in the wind in the distance, and said to himself:

"Can we do something like this in the future?"


After hearing Minami Kotori's words, Honoka said excitedly:

"As long as we work hard, we can do this one day."


Nishikino Maki raised a finger to her mouth seriously, while listening to the long piano and singing coming from the distance, and said:

"The story is about to begin."

In fact, Tashi Ji's heart was almost numb with shock.

The Realm of Sound, as the standard for judging musicians, was not surprising that Mo Yi was able to use it. Maki Nishikino was not surprised. But what shocked her was that this Realm of Sound was so real that junior musicians were at most It gives others a phantom-like feeling, but Mo Yi directly puts them into the world of singing.

Nishikino Maki pinched her fingers and found that she could feel the pain, but she did not exit the sound realm. In addition, the four of them could enter the same sound realm at the same time. This was simply legendary top-notch music. What only a master can do,

Senior Mo Yi is obviously about the same age as them, how could he have reached the master level!

The exclamations and questions in her heart were about to burst into her heart. As a sweet girl who loves music, the most important thing at the moment was to enjoy the story that Mo Yi brought to them, hoping to learn every bit of the other person's performance, which made her extremely satisfied.

Then, the story began to unfold in front of them——

The woman has been studying hard for ten years with her lover Han Chuang, and when they meet to be named for the gold medal, it is the wedding day. But since ancient times, women have been infatuated with women. The woman waited for eighteen years at the ferry where her lover left, but her husband was still nowhere to be seen.

On the other hand, my beloved went to Beijing to take the exam, and an article made a name for himself in the capital, and the emperor selected him as the number one scholar. The beloved man was overjoyed that he was finally qualified to marry his sweetheart. But the talent of the number one scholar has always been exclusive to the royal family. What's more, this time the number one scholar is handsome and charming, and he is the perfect choice for the prince's consort. A single imperial edict is about to break up a pair of mandarin ducks. The number one scholar is also arrogant. Besides, there is a beautiful woman waiting for him at home. How can he be willing to submit?

The royal face cannot be trampled upon. The young master's disobedience made Emperor Long Yan furious, and he ordered the Mingyue Tower to be built, saying that if you can't figure it out, you will live in it for the rest of your life.

The number one scholar had no choice but to be moved into Mingyue Tower.

"Then Gufan goes to Youyou

Take away all her years

Willows on the embankment with thousands of threads

I can't stop the river from flowing

Watch the spring flowers bloom and fall

The autumn wind blows the summer moon away

Another year of winter snows

She waited until the snow covered her brows

Listen to the sound of Xingmu and close it

In the story, she is still waiting

The storyteller folds his fan and starts from the beginning. "

As a result, the two missed their lives.

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