With Mo Yi's final call, the story also came to an end, leaving two figures separated by the sky, waiting alone in the eyes of everyone.

After leaving the realm of sound, the four Muses fell into oppressive silence for a while. It can be seen that they were completely healed by Mo Yi this time.

For girls of their age, this kind of fatalistic love tragedy is as lethal as a tactical nuclear bomb. Honoka's stomach stopped making drumming noises, and the effect was obvious.

After Mo Yi finished playing, he took a deep breath and collected the dust-laden emotions into his heart again. He looked at the four beautiful girls with red eyes and said with a smile:

"It seems that as a warrior of love, my skills have grown a lot over the years -"


Honoka was the first to break the heavy atmosphere, but her method this time was that she was healed too deeply and cried.

"It's all the Dog Emperor's fault!"

"Mo Yijun, can you change it? The two finally went through many dangers and difficulties, and finally met again."

"This is my lifelong request, Mo Yijun!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Honoka, your "This is my lifelong request" today was already used when you asked me to join Muse.

Moreover, it’s just a story, so what if the ending is changed?

Until the end, it was still an interesting story told by the storyteller. After everyone listened and lamented, didn't they just continue to live their own lives?

However, after Honoka heard such a request, everyone, including the serious Sonoda Umi, cast hopeful glances at Mo Yi. If you don't agree, you are a bad person. We ignore you and keep yelling. mean.

(PS: Attached is another version of the story: A woman has been studying hard for ten years with her lover in the cold window, and when they meet to be named on the gold medal list, it is the wedding day. But since ancient times, women have been infatuated, and the woman waited eighteen years for her lover to leave. There was no sign of his beloved; on the other hand, the man had indeed displayed his talents and ambitions, and was named on the gold medal list, but he had already married another prominent family and moved into Mingyue Tower. Eighteen years later, the man and his family walked across the street to ask for a drink. She met her former lover, but the woman no longer looked the same as before. The man did not recognize her, but instead teased this woman who still had charm. However, the woman recognized that this stranger was her former lover, and saw her His family knew that he had betrayed his heart and did not reveal their identity. They just watched their family go away in the boat, as if their own years had been taken away in vain by his boat. The number of words in this chapter is more than 2,300, and The charge of 2,000 is the same, which makes up for the number of words occupied by the lyrics.)

Chapter 226: The true story

Facing the heroic offensive of the Muses Four, Mo Yi originally wanted to say a few words of emotion, pointing out that only tragedy, only destroying beautiful things bit by bit, can one be remembered by people. A masterpiece to live in.

Why is a work that causes depression also called a masterpiece of healing?

Of course, the reader needs to be tortured to death and bruised all over before he needs to be cured!

As the saying goes, if you don't lose, you won't know how to cherish.

In order to educate the young seedlings in District 11 about the precious things of friendship, family, and love, this master will often give them electric shocks to heal them on a daily basis. This is the historical heavy responsibility that the warrior of love bears!

However, these things can only be done behind other people's backs and when being created by the family, but they cannot be said in front of readers, because they can easily be beaten to death.

Although they can't beat me to death, I have been cultivating my mind and character for a long time. It's not good to hit people.

There is no way, this master is such a kind and good person, so this is not a coward!

"All right--"

Mo Yi raised his hands in a gesture of surrender to the heroes and said:

"We assume that after eighteen years of wasted time, the male and female protagonists finally meet again and live a happy life."

"It's not a hypothetical——"

Nan Xiaoniao glanced at Mo Yi helplessly and said firmly:

"It is a must!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Little bird, isn’t your setting naturally dull?

Why, you are always able to grasp the key points in the first place. You are so smart, which makes me, a trainer, feel a lot of pressure!

Facing the heroes led by the shrewd Nan Xiaoniao, Mo Yi firmly affirmed that they would finally meet and then have a happy life.

Girls, sometimes they are such strange creatures. They clearly know the lies you tell, but they still want to listen.

In the final analysis, what they want is your affirmative attitude, so as to achieve the purpose of spiritual satisfaction and safety needs.

And the muses, after hearing Mo Yi's revised happy ending, finally let Mo Yi go and smiled again.

During this period, Nishikino Maki first thanked Mo Yi in her unique arrogant tone, and then looked like she was hesitant to speak.

Until Honoka happily decided to go to dinner together, she didn't say what she was hiding in her heart.

————The dividing line of Otonogizaka Cafeteria————

Today is the Hundred School Exchange Day, and the scene in the Otonogizaka cafeteria can be described as a sea of ​​people.

Because everyone has different tastes, the better. After gathering at a location, Mo Yi, who had just arrived, followed the tour guide Nan Xiaoniao to get food.

"Mo Yijun, is the story of "Like a Dream" really what we saw in the Realm of Sound?"

Nan Xiaoniao, who was waiting in line, turned back and asked curiously:

"I always feel that it is not that simple, especially after hearing these two sentences: 'She is still waiting in the story, and the storyteller folds his fan and tells the story from the beginning.' I feel inexplicably sad."

You can remember such difficult-to-pronounce lyrics so clearly, Xiaotiao-chan. It seems that you don’t need to worry about your level 6 in Tianchao dialect.

However, Mo Yi was really surprised that the other party could hear the truth hidden in the lyrics from the story created by Mo Yi.

You know, when Mo Yi wanted to listen to this song for the first time, he thought it was just a very poignant love story. It wasn’t until he saw the comments left by the big influencers on NetEase Cloud Music Player that he realized The story in this song is not that simple and has different interpretations. In other words, it tells a story within a story.

A story told by a storyteller.

"Little bird, don't you like the happy ending I said at the end?"

Mo Yi smiled and said:

"Just think of it as their happy ending."

Nan Xiaotiao is an extremely innocent girl, let her continue to maintain this innocence that will fade away at some point.

Whether it's the love tragedy that Mo Yi tells at the beginning or the happy ending that's meant to make them happy, they are all stories as pure as fairy tales.

The reality is too cruel. Even if you can't be happy by listening to a story, you still have to cry loudly, so as not to criticize the distortion of human nature and the darkness of society and other depressing feelings.

That would be too tiring!

"But I want to know-"

Nan Xiaotiao, who was attracted by "Like a Flower", would naturally not be able to deal with it so easily.

From Mo Yi's tone, she knew that the story might be different from what she thought, but she still wanted to know the true fate of the hero and heroine, just like many people were afraid of watching horror movies like "The Grudge" , but they wanted to see it. When they saw the terrifying place, they would cover their eyes with their hands in fear, and then loosen their fingers a little, so that they could see for themselves how Gayazi killed and how extraordinary he was. Killing.

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