Nan Xiaoniao's psychology at this moment is probably the ambivalence mentioned above.

So, she looked at Mo Yi with a pitiful, pitiful look that I really want, and said:

"Say it, Mo Yijun."

The other party was originally a very cute girl, with a unique waxy voice. Not to mention Mo Yi, even the students queuing nearby were attracted by Nan Xiaoniao's pitiful voice to see if it was that hateful guy who actually let him do this. The cute girl makes such pitiful, unsatisfied sounds.

Feeling all kinds of envy, jealousy, and hatred around him, and many of them aggressive looks from girls, Mo Yi couldn't help shouting the song's slogan, "The lily is infinitely red, but it still can't give birth" and quickly answered Nan Xiaoniao's question.

Otherwise, if he continues like this, he will soon become famous in a strange way.

In what way?

In the name of a scumbag - for letting such a lovely girlfriend make such a sound and not satisfying her request, he will naturally be despised as a scumbag!

"Your guess is correct. What you see in the Sound Realm is the story of the storyteller in the lyrics. Since it is the story of the storyteller, it is naturally not real and has a real story."

Mo Yi explained:

"The following story, which has several versions, already belongs to the story of another song "Like a Dream"."

"I'll sing to you again when I get the chance, okay?"

"do not do it--"

Nan Xiaoniao ignored Mo Yi's last efforts, took Mo Yi's hand and said:

"I want to hear the rest of the story now."

After her curiosity was aroused, Nan Xiaoniao pulled Mo Yi's sleeve and swayed it, like a cat asking for a hug.

"Okay, then I'll tell you one of the versions -"

The beautiful girl's act of coquettishness was too foul. Mo Yi, who didn't want to offend the public, gave up teasing and seduce the other person's curiosity and said:

"The male and female protagonists in The Storyteller have been equal for eighteen years, but this is just the storyteller's revised version of the story."

"In fact, the heroine did not wait any longer and got married a few years later, while the hero did not go to high school and had a new confidante in a foreign land."

Chapter 227: Will you wait for me for eighteen years?

When Mo Yi said this, he seemed to think of something and said in a low tone:

"After eighteen years of losing his reputation, how can the hero have the dignity to return to his hometown?"

"In his mind, she should have given up on her eighteen years ago and become a married woman. This is indeed the case, and he himself has also found a new life."

"And what the heroine feels in her heart is probably the same. There is no hatred between them, there is just helplessness, compromise with reality, and the occasional sadness that emerges in the middle of the night."

"The so-called eighteen years of waiting for each other is just a story that only exists among storytellers."

"how so?"

Nan Xiaotiao couldn't accept this ending.

Although this explanation was more real and reasonable than the original story and was in line with the choices of most people, she was not willing to accept this correct and logical story.

When Nan Xiaoniao was about to complain about Mo Yi for making up such a cruel story, he saw the loneliness hidden in Mo Yi's eyes. The other person seemed to be in a bad mood, and his words became:

"Mo Yijun, I don't like this ending. Please give me another version of the story quickly."

"Didn't you say that there are several different versions of the story?"

As he spoke, he shook Mo Yi's sleeves, ignoring the strange looks from the people around him, and tried his best to be coquettish and cute, which made Mo Yi laugh and his nose started to itch.

After seeing Mo Yi's happy smile again, Nan Xiaoniao's heart, which had just been entangled, became free again and beat happily.

"Then I'll tell you another version -"

Things in the past, why do you still think about them?

Mo Yi smiled and said:

"After the male protagonist went to Beijing to take the exam, he did not get any merit. Thinking that he had not fulfilled his original promise, how could he have the face to face the beautiful woman who took him with him in his hometown? He was also afraid that the other person would wait stupidly, so he Ask your friends to bring back the news, saying that you are already in high school and have been attracted by another official lady, and ask the other party to forget about her and find a good family to marry."

"Having said that, the male protagonist still hasn't given up on his original promise and is holding on to luck. What if the other party still doesn't give up and keeps waiting for him?"

"So. He has been boarding in a place called Mingyue Building, making a living while studying hard. After eighteen years of hard work, he finally won the top prize in high school."

"With the hope that the other party might still be waiting for him, he returned to his hometown and saw only a solitary grave at the willow at the mouth of the river."

"Finally, I learned that the woman did choose to continue waiting, but because the hope in her heart was shattered, she died within a few years on the hilltop where she waited every day. In the end, everyone followed her last wish and buried her on the hilltop. , let her continue to wait for someone who can never wait."


Nan Xiaoniao, who was still acting cute and trying to make Mo Yi happy, how could she still maintain the smile on her face after hearing the ending? She tried her best to control her tears from falling, and reluctantly rolled in her eyes. With.

Fortunately, Nan Xiaoniao didn't cry, otherwise the people around would definitely beat up this cute girl like Nan Xiaoniao who dared to cry.

Moreover, Nan Xiaotiao is also a minor celebrity in Otonogizaka. If he is recognized, things will only get worse. By then, it will be hard to tell whether Mo Yi really jumped into the Yellow River.

The sad Nan Xiaoniao gave a sharp look. After telling such a sad story, Mo Yi, who could still smile, muttered dissatisfiedly:

"What happened to the hero in the end?"

Mo Yi answered simply and clearly:


"In his fantasy, he went back to eighteen years ago, when the flowers were in full bloom and the other person was still smiling like a flower."

"Damnable Mo Yijun(〃>Pan<)——"

Nan Xiaoniao was hit hard in her heart again and thought:

"The male protagonist was already miserable, but the result turned out to be even more sad and cruel."

"It's great that the hero and heroine are finally reunited - it's so weird that they met each other after being crazy, and it came true in a delusion."

"Mo Yijun, are you a devil?"

Thinking of this, Nan Xiaoniao showed an expression of "I'm very dissatisfied" and said again:

"No, no!"

"I don't like this version either—"

"Mo Yijun, the next version."

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