Mo Yi: "..."

Xiaotori-chan, you see, I want to embarrass my beloved warrior Mo.

How good was the version just now!

The story has many twists and turns, showing the greatness of human nature and the cruelty of reality. In this strong contrast, the relationship between the male and female protagonists becomes even more touching. It is an excellent story script that can be made into a literary film.

Happy ending or something, what is that? Can I feed Wangjiang?

Thinking this way, people always have to accept reality and make necessary compromises in life. Facing the dissatisfied Nan Xiaoniao, Mo Yi could only compromise and say the next version:

"The male protagonist still hasn't obtained any honors. He feels that he will return to his hometown without face. In order to make a living, he can only become a storyteller in a foreign land."

"Eighteen years later, after telling this story composed of his experiences and fantasies, I heard one of the women sigh, Ruhua in the story is still waiting, but in real life? Will people still wait?"

"After hearing this, the storyteller was shocked and looked at the woman with a sad face. He saw her former melancholy in her body, and couldn't help but think freely - yes, what if the other party is still waiting?"

"What should I do?"

"Once such thoughts arose, the storyteller could no longer extinguish the expectations and fantasies that had been hidden in his heart for eighteen years. Finally, with this thought, he finally returned home, to the place where she had been waiting for him day and night. , the one with each other’s home.”

At this point, Mo Yi stopped talking, because this is the most appropriate point for the story. The Chinese teacher called this ending an open ending, which is a very important writing technique.

"No la?"

Nan Xiaoniao listened carefully, but after more than ten seconds, she thought Mo Yi, who had stopped to organize his words, did not continue speaking, and couldn't help but asked anxiously:

"Where's the back?"

"Has the hero met the heroine?"

"Did they end up together?"

It can't be said, it can't be said!

You can feel the resentment from the people around you who quietly listened to Mo Yi's stories and ate melons. Mo Yi did not say the favorite line of Buddhist authors, "Buddha said: It cannot be said" as an answer to Nan Xiaoniao.

"The story is over here."

"Whether the ending is good or bad is the reader's choice."

Speaking of this, Mo Yi found that Nan Xiao's beak was pouting and she was about to use her coquettish stunt again, so she quickly said:

"Little bird, if it were you, would you wait for me for eighteen years?"


When Nan Xiaoniao heard this sudden question, he was caught off guard and said:

"How do I know——"

"Besides, Mo Yijun, your question is, it's not about waiting for you for eighteen years, but about waiting for the male protagonist in the story for eighteen years."

Chapter 228: Just lie down and enjoy

"I do, Mr. Front Desk——"

"Don't say eighteen years, even if it's the next life, I'm willing to do it."

When Nan Xiaoniao tried her best to resist Mo Yi's verbal teasing, and was about to express her willingness with tactful words without losing the reserve of a girl, a soft and charming voice came from behind Mo Yi, or to be more precise, close to his neck. Came everywhere.

The two of them ignored the anger of the melon-eating crowd and interrupted the eager behavior of the dog food that we want to hear the ending of the story.

The shy but joyful smile on Nan Xiaoniao's face froze instantly.

Mo Yi: "..."

This voice, and this unique title, I really wish there was only one, and that was my dirty Shizi teacher!

Why does this weird situation of being interrupted and ganked always happen every time at this moment? Isn’t the luck value on my panel EX?

I flirted with an innocent beautiful girl, but was discovered by a beautiful girl who liked me. What should I do at this time?

Waiting online, it’s very urgent!

However, at this time, Mo Yi did not have the opportunity to take out his mobile phone to summon Du Niang, otherwise the netizens would definitely give Mo Yi a perfect solution with their talented and pleasant speaking skills.

Fortunately, Mo Yi has long been accustomed to various emergencies through his constant struggle with his sister Jiang. At this time, pretending that the other party is not talking to him should be a good plan.

“Little bird, do you have any delicious dishes to recommend——”

Mo Yi ignored the fragrant wind blowing on his earlobes and Nan Xiaoniao's stiff smile, and asked naturally:

"I prefer lighter flavors."

Nan Xiaotiao: "..."

Mo Yijun, there is a beautiful girl with long hair leaning against you behind you. Can't you feel the weight and warmth of her leaning on you?

However, most of the other person's appearance and figure were blocked by Mo Yi, but Nan Xiaoniao could still easily see the other person's beauty and still had a teacher-level figure.

This is not the burden that high school students should carry!

Moreover, the other party looks familiar——

The memories in his mind were rolling rapidly, and Nan Xiaoniao quickly remembered when he had seen the other person.

Last Saturday, the other person was the person Mo Yijun was waiting for in the coffee shop——

So the question is, what is their relationship?

Although it is still unclear what the relationship between the other party and Mo Yijun is, maybe biological siblings, but why does she feel awkward about being caught as a mistress?

However, the way Mo Yi ignored the other party's answer and spoke to him seriously still shocked Nan Xiaoniao.

As for Mo Yijun, you are so thick-skinned. If this happened to me, I would probably cry.

However, the long-haired girl with a white hairband behind Mo Yijun did not show a sad expression because of Mo Yi's ignorance. Instead, she smiled sweetly and happily, dispelling the coldness on her face just now. , exuding a charm that attracts even Minami Kotori.

"Mo Yijun——"

Nan Xiaoniao also recovered from the shock and embarrassment, looked at Mo Yi and Mo Yi's back with a natural expression, and said:

"The girl behind you is talking to you——"

"Probably your friend."

"Hello, Miss Nanako-chan, I didn't expect to see you at this time——"

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