After Kasumigaoka Shiyu also recognized where he had seen some familiar girls in front of him, he also took the initiative to introduce himself:

"I am Mo Yijun's classmate and one of his best female friends, Kasumigaoka Shiyu."

"Thank you for taking care of Mo Yijun these days."

Mo Yi: "..."

Back table-chan, what do you mean by your tone as a distressed housewife?

I'm not your pet, Kouya!

If you do this, Xiaotiao-chan will misunderstand. It would be better to say that you are doing it on purpose.

As expected of Teacher Dirty Poetry, people who write romantic novels and play tricks are extremely dirty inside.

"Kasumigaoka-san, nice to meet you——"

Minami Kotori didn't expect that Kasumigaoka Shiuwa would talk to her directly. If it were before today, Minami Kotori might have been shy and speechless, but when facing Xuemiao, a female friend who lives with her, Xiaoniaomon was there. Make a decision in your heart to fight to the end.

Well, now she will not show weakness when faced with the sudden appearance of a female friend at the back table.

"My name is Minami Kotori, Kasumigaoka-san just call me Kotori."

After Nan Xiaoniao introduced himself, he continued:

"Actually, Mo Yijun has not troubled me during this time. Instead, he has helped me solve a lot of troubles."

"Is that so?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt the hidden fighting spirit in Nan Xiaotiao's dull eyes, and knew that the other party was another guy who wanted to snatch his favorite toy.

I thought she was just a passerby, but after Saturday, I would never see Nanako-chan, who was known as the most beautiful maid in Akihabara, again.

She never expected that a few days later, in this strange school, she would find her favorite toy talking to him in some words that made her very envious.

She had obviously never said such intimate and ambiguous words to herself, but now she actually said this kind of dialogue to a maid whom she only met last Saturday, which made her envious.

It’s so abominable (〃> dishes<)!

During this period, a lot of things that I don't know about must have happened, Teacher Zhen Shizi thought.

"I didn't expect Mo Yijun to be so capable——"

"When you are with me, you are like a salted fish. You lie down and don't move. You only care about your own comfort and laziness. I didn't expect that I would become so active with my new female friends."

"Is this the so-called greed and boredom?"

"What a heartless, heartless, terrible man——"

Mo Yi: "..."

Teacher Shizi, you are slandering me!

And, what the hell are you talking about? What do you mean by just lying there and not moving, only caring about your own comfort and laziness? The relationship between us is as pure as a white lotus, and we have never even kissed!

I'm not convinced. I've obviously never done this before, so I can't take the blame!

The most important thing is that I am a man who believes in the spirit of the Chinese table tennis team - offense is the best defensive strategy, so I will not engage in what you call salty behavior.

Teacher Shizi, if you continue to slander my reputation like this, be careful of my revenge in the future. I won’t dare to let you go until you tear the sheets, scream out your throat, and shed all your tears——

Remember this for me!

Minami Kotori, who had been educated by Yakumo House, was naturally taken into the ditch by Teacher Zushizi. He looked at Mo Yi with a red face. He didn't know what to say for a moment, and he didn't know whether he should believe Teacher Zushizi. words.

"certainly not--"

Mo Yi quickly explained, otherwise he would really be misunderstood as a pervert. He said:

"Little bird, what Shiyu said is what it means on the surface. Don't think of what Honoka said to you."

Chapter 229: Vixen


After hearing Mo Yi's explanation, Nan Xiaoniao felt happy at first. It turned out that it was not what he imagined, but then he felt very embarrassed because Mo Yijun guessed his strange thoughts.

"I didn't think about what Honoka said."

"Mo Yijun, it's almost time for me to order. I'll order first -"

After saying that, he turned back, only revealing his ears under the hair, which were already red.

But that's okay, Kotori-chan was embarrassed first, and now only Teacher Shizizi is left to deal with it.


From the time Mo Yi and Nan Xiaoniao talked about the story of "Ruhua", there were many melon-eating groups who could listen to Mo Yi's story and be fed dog food very uncomfortably.

Unexpectedly, things would develop in such a twisty way, just like the mountain road in Qiu Mingshan suddenly took a sharp turn and headed towards Beihai Kindergarten.

Suddenly, a beautiful girl with the temperament of a royal sister suddenly joined KFC for a luxurious bitch lunch. She thought she could enjoy the legendary Shura Field, but she never expected that she would be easily dismissed by the boy.

Especially when Teacher Zhen Shizi said that Mo Yi would just lie down and enjoy himself, the male students from other schools were about to bleed from their teeth!

It's really such a beast. He's still a high school student, but he actually did such a shameless thing. If it were them, the young lady from the quiet department would definitely not be so tired. Men, of course they have to do it on their own, even for such a thing. Girls are simply the best fighters among scumbag men.

If you have the ability to give up that young lady, let us do it!

I'll do it, I'll do it.

However, this is not enough to make them envious. No, it is the most despised thing.

He's handsome, but he's definitely a scumbag, and he's definitely bad. Why can't the cute-looking gray-haired girl in front of that boy understand this?

Being turned back so easily and shyly, wouldn't it be like sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth, and Liu Bei borrowed Jingzhou.

Damn it!

Why can't we meet such an easy-to-coax beautiful girl?

The most important thing is, gray-haired classmate, if you give up treatment like this, we haven't heard the final ending of "Ruhua" yet. After the male protagonist returned to his hometown, did he see the female protagonist and did they end up together? , we don’t know yet!

What I despise most is that I only tell half of the story and then go to tease the girls!

Mo Yi naturally felt the looks of contempt and resentment coming from all around, but he had no time to pay attention to the thoughts of these unscrupulous guys.

Now that Nan Xiaoniao has turned back, he can naturally focus on the other party, the little goblin Teacher Shizizi.

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