"Shiyu, why did you come to Otonogizaka——"

Mo Yi turned around, and sure enough he saw Kasumigaoka Shiyu with a look that looked like a smile but not a smile. I was very unhappy and asked:

"Are you also here to participate in the Hundred Schools Exchange Day?"

"It breaks my heart so much-"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu kept leaning against Mo Yi's junior, with her pretty face close at hand and said:

"I thought Mo Yijun already knew about this -"

"Sure enough, Mo Yijun won't care about a woman like me who has been taken over."

Mo Yi: "..."

Teacher Zhen Shizi, can we talk to each other properly and stop slandering me like this? Although Kotori-chan turned around, she was still listening carefully to the sounds around her.

"Shiyu, can we change our style of speaking and painting?"

Mo Yi said helplessly:

"Besides, I don't remember when I got you."

"Then it's even worse—"

Kasumigaoka Shiu said in a voice that only two people could hear:

"Have you lost interest before you succeeded?"

"You are really a cruel front desk gentleman. In just over a year, you got tired of me getting older and older."

Mo Yi: "..."

There is no beginning at all, so what about the abandonment? This is a logical problem, Mr. Shizizi!

However, Mo Yi probably guessed the reason why the other party kept slandering him at this moment. It was probably because he heard what he said to tease Nan Xiaoniao just now, and then remembered that when he usually chatted with the other party, he didn't talk about writing seriously, but just talked about poetry. Dirty words and dirty words.

To put it simply, it was jealousy, which made Teacher Zushizi completely different at this moment. Well, I should say that she no longer acted like a quiet and melancholy literary girl, but revealed her true self as the poisonous-tongued Teacher Zushizi.

Shiyu-chan is my back table! It's not that I don't want to talk to you like a teasing bird, but I can't!

When I talk to Nan Xiaoniao like this, the other party's reaction is that of shyness. But if I talk to you like this, something uncontrollable may happen on the rooftop after school. You must know that before safety measures are taken, just because It is very irresponsible to act like this out of emotion.

If you get pregnant, wouldn't you have to take maternity leave? Now is the high school period, which is the most important period for ordinary people. How can you do this?

As a responsible man, this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed. Moreover, Kasumigaoka Shiyu is actually similar to Nan Xiaotiao. He only recognizes half of Mo Yi and does not realize the other side of Mo Yi. Therefore, Mo Yi still wants to After the other party fully realizes himself and thinks carefully, he makes a decision that he will never regret.

To sum up, because Teacher Dirty Shizi's ignition point is too low, just like natural gas, Mo Yicai doesn't dare to tease the other party like Nan Xiaoniao. Usually, the other party uses various methods to lead him. Use ambiguous dirty words to provoke.

Mo Yi, who cares about Daju, can only silently endure the dirty violence of dirty teacher Shizi.

In fact, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's feelings were exactly the same as Mo Yi guessed.

When I was queuing, I was in a daze thinking about my new work, but suddenly I heard Mo Yi's familiar voice. Kasumigaoka Shiyu naturally woke up instantly. I was in a happy mood. I didn't expect that I could meet the front desk gentleman even in a foreign land. , this must be the legendary fate!

However, before Kasumigaoka Shiyu had time to give Mo Yi a surprise like a Sun Knight's righteous backstab from behind, she heard Nan Xiaotiao's unique girl, and it was obvious that she was talking to Mo Yi.

At this moment, Teacher Zhen Shizi's heart collapsed. It turned out that this was not fate, but ape dung!

Teacher Zhen Shizi, who had a stiff smile, chose to lurk temporarily. A tree man once said that intelligence is half the prerequisite for victory in war, so let my detective Shi Yu find out the truth of everything.

At the beginning, the content of their chat was nothing, but as time passed, the girl named Xiaoniao began to drift off. There was nothing wrong with what she said, but her tone was clearly coquettish!

Master, this is definitely a master!

I was still trying to tease the man in front of me with the content of my words, but the other person had already reached the point where he was attracting others with his expression, tone of voice and eyes.

This is a perfect innocent vixen routine!

At about 4 o'clock last night, the Internet speed was not good, and the computer was turned off before the message could be sent successfully. Only now did I realize that my balls hurt.

Chapter 230: Face-blind, ignorant of beauty

After discovering the cuteness of the girl in front of her, it was very difficult for Teacher Zhen Shizi to hold back the roar. The vixen retreated, and you have the urge to take another side. Continue to lurk and listen to what they say next. Maybe you can Important information is collected so that our army can determine the outcome in one fell swoop!

But things did not develop as Kasumigaoka Shiu imagined. Their subsequent conversation did not reveal any important information. The content of the conversation was always the story told by Mr. Front Desk, and Minami Kotori's increasingly excessive coquettishness. Behavior.

With great perseverance, Teacher Zhen Shizi convinced herself to jump out from behind and let them know that I was not dead yet.

But thinking that I had endured it before, if I jumped out now, it would be a waste of my previous efforts. Maybe I could hear important news in the next second.

Visual inspection shows that Teacher Zhen Shizi has no research on economics. Otherwise, she would definitely understand what sunk costs are, and would give up her patience and take decisive action when she couldn't help it anymore.

You know, we always comfort ourselves that if we give up now, all our previous efforts will be in vain. But it is precisely because of this kind of thinking that our losses often lead to greater and greater losses, and eventually we lose everything.

And when Teacher Zhen Shizi, who was surrounded by the courageous person who had learned her lesson, heard Mo Yi say, "If it were you, I would be willing to wait for me for eighteen years," she knew that she could no longer hide in the bushes!

If you don't jump big, your toys will be taken away!

So, what happened was that when Mo Yi and Nan Xiaoniao were in a tense atmosphere, a dirty teacher named Shizi appeared to help Nan Xiaoniao answer questions.

"Shiyu, since you are participating in the Hundred Schools Exchange Day, why did you come over for dinner alone?"

Facing Back Desk-chan who was about to reach the level of resentment and transform into a Super Saiyan, Mo Yi decided to change the topic, use his humanitarian spirit as a close friend, and care about the other party's situation, saying:

"Let's have dinner together and introduce some of my new friends to you."

In fact, even if Mo Yi didn't say anything, Teacher Zhen Shizi would probably follow. After just one morning's absence, Mr. Front Desk would have talked about "wait for me for eighteen years" with others. If there is another During lunch, wouldn't the subsequent topic become 'What should we change our second daughter's name to?' ’

Mo Yi, who was familiar with Dirty Shizi's behavior when he came, could naturally guess what the other party was thinking. Since he couldn't escape, why not be a good boy and invite him to prove that he had no evil intentions.

"It's not like you don't know that I can't get along with strangers—"

When Teacher Zhen Shizi heard that Mo Yi took the initiative to invite her to eat together, she felt better, but not much better.

Her temperament is not very good at getting along with others. If it were normal, she would still be willing to pretend to be a good student and actively cooperate with the school's arrangements.

But in the team that came together today, there were a few people who were not easy to deal with.

The golden retriever loser who has been grudged for a long time, the snow girl who wants to steal his toy, seems to be with a new foreign language teacher who is acquainted with a certain receptionist...

Surrounded by powerful enemies like this, Kasumigaoka Shiu, who had a somewhat withdrawn temperament, naturally couldn't find anyone to talk to, so he acted alone, casually looking around at Otonogizaka's environment, the so-called girls' school and ordinary people. What a difference high school makes.

It can also help you find inspiration and materials for future writing.

"Since the gentleman at the front table invites you, I naturally refuse to be disrespectful!"

"However, I am very interested in the new friends you mentioned. If I remember correctly, Otonogizaka is a girls' school. The new friends you met here are probably all beautiful girls, right?"

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