Could it be that, Yinglili, you won’t break the Baumkuchen in half and give each person half?

You don’t know how to do this basic routine, no wonder Yinglili you are so unpopular.

"for you--"

Fortunately, I bought some at Sanae Bakery today and it came in handy again.

Mo Yi took out a few spare Baumkuchen cakes from behind and handed them to Shiina Mashiro.

In fact, Mo Yi doesn't like eating Baumkuchen very much. It's just because Teacher Zhen Shizi likes to eat it that he keeps dozens of Baumkuchen in his backpack every day.

You know, once Teacher Shizi becomes dirty, there is no way to stop her unless Mo Yi agrees to the unequal treaty she enjoys and makes her happy.

In particular, the other party always shows off his long legs and European style, which tempts an upright man like Mo Yi.

Although I can bear it, the more this happens, the more proud the other party becomes.

Naturally, Mo Yi couldn't bear it anymore. After a secret investigation, he finally discovered a weakness of the other party, that is, he liked eating Baumkuchen.

So, Mo Yi thought of a way to deal with Teacher Zhen Shizi, which was to take out a Baumkuchen from his pants when the teacher was venomous, then stuff it into her open mouth, and the whole world would be clean. .

Moreover, after stuffing the other party's baumkuchen, you can still see the other party's pretty face turn red for no apparent reason, and then she will eat the baumkuchen super fast like a hamster.

After eating, of course, the designated movements of fingers and lips are indispensable.


I can't think about it anymore, I'm not the kind of person who thinks dirty things.

Mo Yi came back to his senses and found that Shiina Mashiro was staring closely at the Baumkuchen in his hand, but did not reach out to take it.

That's right. Mom has taught us not to eat food from strangers. If it is drugged, wouldn't it be the same as Yinglili last time, who was drugged and fell somewhere.

Fortunately, I met my real husband, Mr. Mo. If it were anyone else, he would have been raped a hundred times a hundred times.

It’s not because the other party’s mother, Eri Sawamura, is secretly observing!

"I'm your cousin Ying Lili's friend Mo Yi, you're welcome."

Mo Yi said awkwardly:

"May I have your name?"

Shiina Mashiro stood there, looking straight at the cake in Mo Yi's hand, but her eyes were very clear, and her burgundy pupils reflected Mo Yi's appearance like a mirror. Even Mo Yi couldn't figure out what the other person was. What are you thinking.

The other party was an expressionless girl, and with his unique brain circuitry, it was normal for Mo Yi not to be able to see through the other party's thoughts.

"Oh——, Senior Mo Yi is a very good person, you're welcome, Zhenbai."

Eiri took advantage of Shiina Mashiro not staring at her anymore and quickly bit off the Baumkuchen on her hand. After eating the Baumkuchen in a few seconds, she reached out to Mo Yi's hand, ready to take another one.

When Yinglili's hand was about to touch the baumkuchen in Mo Yi's hand, Mashiro Shiina, who was motionless, suddenly burst into flames, with a shadow of his hands, and took all the baumkuchen from Mo Yi's hand.

This hand speed is worthy of a world-class talented painter, and it is certainly not comparable to that of an amateur book painter like Ying Lili.

Yinglili: "···"

Eiri's right hand could only freeze in mid-air, and she was ready to take another Baumaki cake from Mashiro Shiina's hand with emotion and reason.

"this is mine--"

Shiina Mashiro was like a big hen guarding her chicks. She looked at Eirili warily. Her tone was a little heavier than usual. Before Eirili spoke, she emphasized:

"You can't do the Baumkuchen. You've already eaten it."

Yinglili: "···"

I, Yinglili, have done something so outrageous that I won’t tell you if I have a mother who deceived her daughter. Now even my cousin has deceived her like this.

Could it be that I, as beautiful as a flower, am worth a Baumkuchen?

Did you know that as long as I am willing and say that I want to eat Baumkuchen in school, within half an hour, I can harvest all the Baumkuchen stocks in the school cake shop!

"Thank you--"

Shiina Mashiro ignored her cousin who wanted to steal her favorite Baumkuchen, turned to look at Mo Yi with clear eyes, and asked:

"Shiina Mashiro——"


It's a very concise way of introduction, and it's also very consistent with the three-person personality the other party gave me.

But what made Mo Yi even more strange was the other party's voice.

Although her tone of voice was almost emotionless and very flat, Mo Yi could still easily distinguish the other party's voice, which was almost exactly the same as Teacher Zhen Shizi's voice.

How could I not remember the voice of Teacher Zhen Shizi?

If it were Teacher Zhen Shizi, using the same tone, he should be able to make basically the same sound as the other party.

Mo Yi recalled the TV drama "How to Raise a Passerby Heroine" that he had watched from the system reward. He remembered that the voice of Teacher Shizi should be Mei Ye, so the other person might also be from a certain anime. The character is also voiced by Ai Meino.

It's better to go back and ask the system about this matter.

"A beautiful name."

"Nice to meet you, Shiina."


After Shiina Mashiro listened to Mo Yi's polite words, she did not happily thank Mo Yi for the compliment like an ordinary girl. She still kept looking directly into Mo Yi's eyes, and asked after a moment:

"Hey, what color do you want to be?"

Mo Yi: "..."

Mo Yi once again confirmed that the blond girl in front of him was different from the coquettish girls he had seen in the past. Usually, others were confused by him, but now someone could actually turn it around and make him confused.

Girl, you are very talented, come and learn how to draw a book with me!

Looking at the other party's pure eyes, it seems that he is not joking, but asking himself seriously.

Naturally, Mo Yi couldn't answer casually.

What color do you want to be?

My sister Erina-chan is gold, Illya and Demon Lord Alice Fitz are silver, Yukimyan and Shiko-sensei are black, Kotori-chan is flax, Yusa Emi is red, Sakura and Rem are blue color.

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