In theory, the correct answer should be blue, because, if true love has a color, it should be blue.

However, when Mo Yi wanted to tell the standard answer blue, a certain wisdom who also had blue hair appeared in his mind, but hugged his thigh and cried loudly, dying, or always making a pig's laugh. goddess.

But bang, it’s so snappy!

If wisdom had a color, it would be blue!

Mo Yi felt that he couldn't afford such a noble color.

Moreover, choice is a matter for children, and the choice for adults is naturally ‘I want them all’!

"Rainbow colors——"

After some thinking, Mo Yi said his answer. Isn't the color of the rainbow the most important color?


Mashiro Shiina opened a Baumkuchen, took a bite, showed a happy smile, and then asked:

“Why do you want to be rainbow colored?”

Rainbow colors are colorful. As a painter, Shiina Mashiro naturally couldn't understand Mo Yi's choice.

There are all colors. Doesn’t it mean that if you don’t like any color, then the other person doesn’t have a favorite color?

Mashiro Shiina, who is like a child, certainly cannot understand the troubles of adults and the difficulty of choosing.

This question is difficult to answer. Should I tell the other party my previous thinking process?

This is definitely not the case. There are some things you can think and do, but you cannot say, otherwise you will really get slapped to death.

Mo Yi first took out a pineapple bread from the space and handed it to Eirili, who kept attacking Shiina Mashiro's hand with the Baumkuchen, but was deftly dodged by the other party. He explained with a serious expression, as if he was carrying a heavy mission:

"If love had a color, it would be the color of the rainbow!"

At this moment, even Shiina Mashiro was confused. Her simple little mind couldn't understand the relationship between love and rainbow colors.


"Shiina, you have to understand that choosing one side means giving up one side."

Mo Yi had a profound meaning, like an honest elder, expounding the truth of the world to Shiina Mashiro:

"In this case, why do you still have to choose? Isn't the most correct choice just to do it all?"

"Only by turning into rainbow colors can everyone achieve the happiness they want."

"Mo Yi, you are so amazing, you know so much."

Shiina Mashiro was conquered by Mo Yi's unclear and harsh words. Although she still couldn't understand what the other party was saying in the end, the look and tone on the other party's face told her how desperate and determined the other party was to bear everything. , becomes a rainbow of colors that allows everyone to achieve happiness.

Yinglili, who was eating pineapple bread, was watching the show to see how Mo Yi communicated with her cousin whose brain circuit she couldn't understand.

At first, their conversation was as philosophical as I thought, but it changed later on.

Senior Mo Yi's answer: Why do I feel so full of déjà vu?

Isn't this something similar to what the male pig's feet said when I was drawing a notebook last night?

I want everyone to be happy, you are all my wings!

Thinking of this, Yinglili looked at Mo Yi quietly with disgust and anger. I didn't expect you to be such a Yakumo master.

Yinglili couldn't help but think of the final ending of the male protagonist in her book. Because he had too many wings, after half a year of sexual bliss, he finally used up all his life's seeds.

In the end, because they could not meet the needs of the wings, they were sent to Thailand for a minor surgery. After returning to China, they debuted with the wings. After a lot of hard work, they finally became the world's number one long-legged girl group.

Thinking of this, Yinglili bit off the remaining half of the pineapple bread and swallowed it, thinking——

How about using the excuse of requesting later to let Senior Mo Yi see the notebook he drew last night?

Chapter 238: If forgiveness has color

Under Mo Yi's righteousness, the naturally stupid Shiina Mashiro was finally convinced by Mo Yi's rainbow theorem.

However, it always feels weird when the other person stares at you with eyes as pure as glass and then praises you with an unwavering tone.

Moreover, I am a master who is accustomed to being a teacher. I always feel uncomfortable being led by others to chat.

Then he turned his head away and asked:

"What about you, Shiina?"

"What color do you want to be?"


Shiina Mashiro ate the Baumkuchen in one bite, looked up into Mo Yi's eyes, and said without thinking:

"White as snow."

"What's the reason?"

Mo Yi ignored the strange look that Erili next to him directed at him, and took out a Baumkuchen from his pocket, then opened the wrapping paper, handed it to Mashiro Shiina, and asked.

There are tsunderes all the time, but it's hard to find Tsundere and Sanwu. How can Eiri be as cute and interesting as her cousin Mashiro Shiina? !

"Huh? Do you need a reason?"

Mashiro Shiina found the opened Baumkuchen in Mo Yi's hand. Although her face still had the standard Sanwu expression, Mo Yi could still feel the joy overflowing from her slightly narrowed eyes.

This is too cute!

Like a kitten basking in the warm sunshine, it was very difficult for Mo Yi to resist putting his hands on the other person's soft golden hair, giving him a loving head pat.

"I think it's probably necessary."

The other party just asked him why he forgot so quickly. The speed of forgetting is not much different from that of a goldfish.

However, from the other party's clear eyes and exquisite face, Mo Yi felt that the other party's words had always been sincere, basically speaking what he thought and felt in his heart.

She's nothing like the eldest daughter of the Yukinoshita family. She's very smart and flexible, and she speaks nicely, but when she's chatting and laughing with you, she might be constantly cursing MMP in her heart.

"White, very beautiful, I like it very much-"

At this time, a gust of wind happened to blow by, rolling up the other party's waist-length golden hair, dancing an unknown dance like a snow elf.

Indeed, it is very beautiful and I like it very much.

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