As a considerate man, when his girlfriend is angry, the correct thing to do is to admit her mistake immediately, saying that she will never put it in the wrong place again, and also buy the skirt that she liked last night online.

Trying to reason, present the facts, and convince your girlfriend that you did something you didn't do is the stupidest way to solve it. It's better to just step up to her, hold her in your arms and give her a wet French kiss, then press her down on the dining table and kiss her with true love. Seriously sleep with each other.

Of course, the above two methods are both very practical ways to deal with it. Which one is more useful depends on everyone's individual abilities. After all, everyone's situation is different. If your girlfriend is a legendary fighting girl, The second method naturally doesn't work.

If you can't satisfy the other party, not only will you not be able to solve the previous problem, but the biggest possibility in the end is that you will end up with both people and money.

When Xue Miao and others saw Mo Yi being so self-conscious, the murderous look in his eyes naturally dissipated. Of course, they didn't notice that the other party was explaining to the three girls at the same time with his eyes.

At this time, Xue Miao, Teacher Zhen Shizi and Yu Sao Emi actually wanted to come over and talk to Mo Yi.

As the mother of a future child, isn’t it a basic operation to take the initiative to lecture the child’s father when she sees him?

However, besides them, there were more than a dozen students present, so they did not step forward.

Yukimya is talking to Yui Hama Yui, and the daily educator Hikigaya Hachiman.

Teacher Zhen Shizi maintains a consistent cold style. Although she can be very dirty and open when she is alone with Mo Yi, but in front of the evil person, as a lady and excellent in both morals and academics, she has no choice but to continue to stand on her side. There she admired the distant scenery and wondered whether she was looking at the people on the bridge, or whether the people on the bridge decorated other people's dreams.

Yusa Emi, who has a serious personality, needs to play the role of a teacher and cannot come forward to talk to Mo Yi.

If it were on other occasions, or in front of other people, she would never care so much. She would go directly to save the hand holding Mo Yi, showing the happy smile of a loving newlywed wife.

However, she is a teacher now, and Mo Yi is her student. If it is revealed that she is the other person's wife, it will be a big trouble.

This would directly disrupt Mo Yi's ordinary life. Considering this, she restrained herself and looked like she was not familiar with Mo Yi.

Such a complicated situation happened in a small team.

And it is precisely because of this strange situation that the current strange balance has been formed, and the so-called Shura Field has not occurred.

How could the clever Mo Yi consider this?

Their reactions had been simulated in their minds for a long time. How could they dare to go up Liangshan without a few axes?

There is no Shura field or anything like that!

"Senior Mo Yi, why are you here?"

A school girl whom Mo Yi knew took her best friend and took the initiative to greet Mo Yi:

"Senior, are you also participating in the Hundred Schools Exchange Competition?"

"What project are you participating in?"

"It turns out it's Yaozi and Meiyi——"

Mo Yi recognized these two school girls he saw often and said with a smile:

"I'm not here to participate in the 100-school exchange competition—"

"I just had something to do at Otonogizaka today. Knowing that you have been competing here for several years, I naturally wanted to come over and cheer you up."


Leiden Meiyi said somewhat unexpectedly:

"Senior, aren't you very good at tennis?"

"Why don't you join the tennis match?"

Busujima Saeko nodded in agreement and said:

"For the 100-school exchange competition, you can register before the competition and then you can compete."

"If it were you, senior, you would definitely get a good ranking."

"Is it?"

At this time, another leading teacher Hiratsuka Shizuka came over, pressed Mo Yi's shoulder and asked:

"Why didn't I know that Mo Yi had skills like tennis?"

"I asked the class before to ask what everyone is good at, why didn't you sign up?"


Mo Yi watched silently as Jing Keai looked at her and thought, how could he not know?

But she couldn't say the answer like "Why didn't I know such a thing existed?" Otherwise, Jing Keai would definitely give her an iron fist of love.

Jing Keai, this guy, will never hold back just because there are other students present and he is already in a situation in another school. When it is time to take action, he will definitely take action to teach himself a lesson.

In her words, it is because she values ​​and loves herself the most as a student, and therefore she demands herself with a much stricter attitude than others.

"Teacher Hiratsuka Shizu, what you asked at that time was what everyone is good at, but I don't have anything good at it, so I didn't sign up."

Mo Yi looked at Jing Keai sincerely and explained:

"In fact, I only know a little bit about tennis."

Jing Keai: "···"

Hiratsuka Shizuka wouldn't even believe Mo Yi's words.

It seems that only the iron fist of love can influence him, Jing Keai thought.

"There is no such thing as being good at anything. In other words, you are good at everything."

"And knowing a little bit means being proficient in the Chinese language."

As Mo Yi's little fan girl, Lei Dian Meiyi acted as the narrator and explained:

"As expected of Senior Mo Yi, who comes from the mysterious East. He is a master of every word and extremely humble."

Mo Yi: "..."

Chapter 239: Your sister is great

We have a traitor in our midst—

Well, to be more precise, it should be, why didn't I know that there was a school girl beside me who understood me so well.

There is a kind of excellence called: Don't worry about having no friends in the future, and no one in the world knows you.

As long as they are human beings, they all like others to praise themselves. Those who say, I am not a fool who just listens to other good people, probably because the level of praise from those people is not enough.

Of course, no matter how much they hate those flattering guys, as long as others are willing to flatter them, they are still very happy in their hearts.

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